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That was quick... A09 is available on the Dell site. Or not. At least I grabbed it... if you can't access it, grab the attachement.

Dell link: Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States]

Let us know how it goes. As with A08, I think you won't be able to easily downgrade to anything older than A08.

M14x R2 - BIOS A09 -stock-.zip

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Here is a link to where you can download A09 without Dell. I've been running it for a few days now no errors.


Strange its not often a bios resolves bsod issues. Usually they are software related or often ram and overclock related all depends. Glad its been running without a problem so far.

Paranoid Galaxy S3 on Tapatalk 2

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Is it possible to install this update while in safe mode? I am currently having problems with my machine loading to a normal state and I think this update will fix the problem. I am trying to run the EXE but getting an error "Insydeflash cannot load driver" even if I run it as an administrator.

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you can make mirrors for my host Index of /~vlad.ichimescu/MOD , it's not reliable because I'm no more a student so my account will be blocked, so my host and files deleted. As for the 09 bios, I'm having trouble with sleep of the M14x R2, it locks up or bsod after waking (SOLVED by roling back to Microsoft driver AHCI Sata Controller). M14x R2, Intel Core i7 3610QM, 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz, Lite-on SSD Sata 3 (I will replace with Crucial M4 256GB Sata3 and Crucial M4 256GB mSata3 with raid 0 performance :D)

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  • 2 weeks later...

In order to benefit from the new Bios, you need to reinstall windows but full erase your hdd/ssd: backup to external drive, erase hdd/ssd, set the bios to UEFI, disable legacy rom, enable windows 8 fast boot, the save and boot from windows 8 dvd, create partitions (it will format GPT with recovery partition, efi partition, MSR partition and Windows system partition, this is automatically), after everything is set (do not use Intel chipset utility or F6 driver, just leave the one from Windows update), you will enjoy a new windows 8 style Alienware logo and a WoW, outstanding speed (running SSD 6GB/s and 16gb ddr 1600mhz)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I found this forum through the dell alienware owners lounge. There seem to be a lot of people (myself included) who have had problems with the a09 bios and the gt650 cards. The major problem is when the Nvidia card is unrecognised, but I had probems when playing games the laptop would power off, and refuse to switch back on unless it was plugged in.

I've managed to obtain a copy of the a10 bios which seems to resolve these problems which i'm temporarily hosting on my dropbox account


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