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unlocking y580 bios


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hello all,

Just got the y580 and noticed that the insydelh20 bios was very limited in what you can do. I was wondering if anyhere could unlock the advanced menu. I checked lenovos website for the download of the bios to link it but there was none listed yet. I'm not sure if you need a copy of the bios, but if so let me know how to copy it and I will send it to you. Thank you in advance

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Yea its really an InsydelH20 bios. Its actually the 1st time I've even heard of this type of bios, so I'm not sure how to dump it. There is a hidden partition on the hard drive, so I'm going to try to unhide it and hopefully it will have a copy of the bios on it. If not, do you happen to know how to dump it?

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Ok, should be possible I guess. But there's always a slight risk involved... I'm not going to do this if in the end no one will flash it... It's quite a bit of work after all.

Also, is there a serial number / service tag or similar in the BIOS? (Go to the BIOS menu and check). Because if there is, then chances are that it can be found in the dumped BIOS... which is a bit problematic.

Edit: Do you know how this bios was dumped? Some tools don't necessarily dump the whole bios...

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Yea its really an InsydelH20 bios. Its actually the 1st time I've even heard of this type of bios, so I'm not sure how to dump it. There is a hidden partition on the hard drive, so I'm going to try to unhide it and hopefully it will have a copy of the bios on it. If not, do you happen to know how to dump it?

Well, you want to mess with advanced bios settings, and you dont even know where the bios is(definitly not on the hard disk :D), I think you should watch out, coz some unlocked options could damage your machine :P, but if you want me to help you dump it, pm me

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Naldor, I know the bios is not on the hard disk, but lenovo hides its partition for the one key recovery and one of the hidden partions has a copy of the bios on it. I guess in case you need to reinstal it. Should've clarified that, my bad.

Right now just waiting for my kid to quit playing GW2 on it so I can try to unhide the partition and get the copy of the bios on it.

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I see, well if I knew where exactly these numbers get stored I could remove them and modify a bios for all to use. Of course this doesn't really mean that the bios dump is complete...

Could you dump your bios for me and let me know your uuid / sn (per PM)? So I can locate them. Best would be to use a current InsydeFlash version to dump it.

If InsydeFlash won't let you dump it, maybe @naldor knows a different method...

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count me in.

I just got my Y580 this week too.

I am running the old 2.03 bios

I can dump the bios if you post here how to do it properly.

I also checked hwinfo64 and it shows my uuid and serial number.

I think I need the 2.05 bios because my external monitor won't turn on automatically when I close the laptop lid.

they must have disabled it in 2.03.

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I checked those bios dumps on biosmods forum, and they all have their ID's and serial numbers embedded in them in plain text.

each bios dump is going to be different.

i dumped mine using that tool, and I have different values than everyone else

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Guys for now SVL7 has left to his military training so he'll be back to assist you guys as soon as he returns from there. I believe he already left. Feel free to post info as needed but just so you know why he hasn't responded. Should just be two weeks or a few.

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Naldor, I know the bios is not on the hard disk, but lenovo hides its partition for the one key recovery and one of the hidden partions has a copy of the bios on it. I guess in case you need to reinstal it. Should've clarified that, my bad.

Right now just waiting for my kid to quit playing GW2 on it so I can try to unhide the partition and get the copy of the bios on it.

Can you tell me what is the file name you found inside the hidden recovery partition? because I couldn't find a bios file in it???


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, trying to catch up on all the stuff here... Got a first test version ready, based on a dump of v2.05. I think I removed all the IDs, and I'm not sure if they even get flashed with the standard settings... but I still recommend anyone who's going to try it to have a backup of your original bios around.

Also after flashing go to the setup and load & save the default settings.

Hope you guys will be able to flash it somehow. Let me know. Feedback is crucial.

In addition to this... quick question about the stock bios, do you have the ability to disable secure boot?

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  • Founder
You have enough posts and therefore the full download permissions... should work fine... Works fine for me. @Brian or @Michael, any ideas?

From what I see he has full permissions and should have no problem downloading.

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From what I see he has full permissions and should have no problem downloading.

Thank you..

Yes I can..

I have an old InsydeFlash v 3.53 that don't let me flash. there is a v5.13 that I rip from a (Y480 bios)

but the platform.ini does not correspond to my Y580 bios..

any other idea how to flash?


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After editing the platform.ini, I tried flashing, I got this log:

--- Log started: 2012/10/02 11:10:24


Log file : D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\InsydeFlash.Log

Settings file : D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\platform.ini (found)

Executable : D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\InsydeFlash.exe

Version : Build : InsydeFlash

Date : Tue Oct 02 10:10:49 2012

Resource file : D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\iscflash.dll (loaded)

App name : InsydesFlash

Preparation stage

IHISI Version: 198

Processing parameters...

Image file : D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\Y580.rom

BackaupName: backup

Change BackaupName: backup

BackaupName: backup

Change BackaupName: backup

Backup file : d:\backup

OEM ID : 0x17AA

Loading new BIOS image file...

Opening file D:\Temp 100\5DCN36WW\Y580.rom

Error code : 4(0x00000004)

Cleanup Stage

Stage Completed

--- Log Stopped: 2012/10/02 11:10:33

radio box says : "new rom size doesn't match this platform"

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