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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, harrisson_at said:



one question: is it necessary to unlock every Bios unique? As i understood e.g. all M17x R4 Biosversion A15 are the same, or am i wron?


For unlock every bios I use personal bios dump from each laptop, this file contain some personal data, like UUID, Service Tag, Serial numbers for some hardware, MAC addresses, Windows keys, etc.

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@ Klem:


sorry to bother, but then i urgently need a unlocked Bios.  I have put in my old M17x R3 an R4 Mainboard and mounted a GTX 1060 with an 120Hz display. After switching everything to UEFI i got a picture and could install Windows 10. I managed to mod the drivers and now it works, but only the drivers, NVIDIA still doesn´t accept it yet. I fear, this is a part of a Biosproblem.

So could you pleeeeease unlock it for me??



Edited by harrisson_at
wrong link
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  • Bios Modder
23 hours ago, harrisson_at said:

I fear, this is a part of a Biosproblem.

No, it's not a bios problem. Everyone after upgrade M17x R4 to new Pascal card's should to use modified Nvidia drivers. It is normal.

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Yes, i already modified the driver, but it tells me, i have the false Windows Version. And otherway as i was told, an unmodified Bios doesn´t support 120Hz and specially no 3D.


So i´d really try to flash an unlocked Bios. So could you please unlock my Bios?


Edited by harrisson_at
forgot again....
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  • Bios Modder
10 hours ago, harrisson_at said:


somehow the PM conversation endet. It took a liddle, because i must update my  Bios, now send the right Bios:



In both your links (previous and new) bios file have identical version, it's A12.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Bios Modder
46 minutes ago, fabrizioghionna said:

klem potresti sbloccare il mio bios alienware m17 r4 grazie mille mi dici cosa devo fare e cosa ti serve grazie




Ok. If you want to unlock your bios, you need to prepare file bios backup from your laptop. 

For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the backup tool as Administrator (right click mouse).  Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM or or upload it to any fileserver and post the link.




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  • Bios Modder
4 hours ago, aleman_malvinero said:

Hi, I've A15 Bios, I can install a unlock bios? my temps en iddle is 50 degrees celcius. Thanks!


Yes of course, if you need, you can install unlocked bios. 

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  • Bios Modder
2 minutes ago, aleman_malvinero said:

Thanks, but I can install a bios before of A15?

Just read and follow instructions in the first page of this thread.

Also, don't forget to read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-posting/

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