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BAKED CLEVO and MSI BIOS mod requests

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There are several threads on requesting BIOS modifications here on T | I but I thought another one wouldn't hurt.


      Your request should look like:

  • Brand
  • Model
  • Type of modification(For example: Unlocked, added support, Logo, microcode, ME firmware etc


I'll respond as soon as I have time as I'm also currently working on other projects(Requests by PM is also ok)

If anyone else have the knowledge and time feel free to respond to requests :)


Edited by BAKED
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8 minutes ago, coffee048 said:

Just a question, Are you capable of doing coffeelake mods on Z170 clevo boards? That's one thing that would be neat to see.

Well I know that there's already mods out there, it's by crossflashing a modified TM BIOS on a DM model, these need to be flashed via an SPI programmer though. 

Hit me with a PM with your model and I'll take a look at what I can do. I'm planning on releasing mods with Coffee lake support but I need a coffee lake CPU to test them first :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have been looking for a prema mod for my Clevo P170EM during months but it is almost imposible to get it. I want to upgrade my graphic card to a GTX 970m or a 1060, could you help me?

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I have a Clevo P157SM with 1.03.04V2 Prema BIOS,  i7 4930MX CPU. I am trying to run a  MSI GTX1070 MXM card in my system. Initially my EC rejected the card (loud beeps and fans until forced shutdown). Prema made me a custom EC and now there is no EC rejection. However, the GPU is not detected by my system at all (In BIOS, dGPU --> Not detected, in Windows Device Manager nothing at all). 


Is there any way to mod the BIOS so that the GPU can be installed? Additional nice requests would be the ability to still have unlocked adjustments to the clocks and voltages of my CPU and Memory, and to not have the microcode protection against Spectre and Meltdown.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Baked, I have a Monster branded Clevo N850/870HP6. Due to my error I had to reflash bios with clevo's default bare bios and now I don't have the most options and have a silly opening splash. I need a new bios because my reseller don't give the original bios and you are my last hope I guess. 

My current bios is 1.05.06. Thanks in advance ^^  

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a problem with my Clevo P771DM-G brand (Schenker XMG u706). My GPU GTX970m is broken, but my XMG don't work with an other GPU. 
Can you maybe help me? My reseller don't give me a other Bios for my Laptop. 

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I have a Clevo P15SM with an AMD R9 M290X that I'd like to upgrade.

From what I've read a GTX 980M with stock BIOS and a .inf mod should work, but going to a GTX 1060 would require modded BIOS. I'm not sure which card I'm going to get and would prefer to avoid modding the .inf files anyway, so looking for modded BIOS to support this upgrade.


Also, would it be worth going for modded vBIOS once I've got the card in? I have a 180W PSU which might help.


Thanks! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Baked,


i have a Clevo WS230SS and i'm searching for the latest version of the modded bios. Do you have any for this one? Would be great :)


In Short:


Premamod v2




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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Baked,


I bought an used Schenker XMG U702 Notebook. Its a Clevo P570wm Barebone with an i7 3820 Cpu. I want to upgrade the CPU to a better one can you help me with a modified Bios. Thank you very much for reading this,


Brand: XMG Schenker

Model: U702 (Clevo P570WN)

CPU modifikation like Premamod V5 or V4


Edited by carlito782003
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On 1/11/2020 at 2:40 AM, Aleah said:

Hello Baked, I have a Monster branded Clevo N850/870HP6. Due to my error I had to reflash bios with clevo's default bare bios and now I don't have the most options and have a silly opening splash. I need a new bios because my reseller don't give the original bios and you are my last hope I guess. 

My current bios is 1.05.06. Thanks in advance ^^  

I'm still looking for this Baked :(

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  • 2 weeks later...


Clevo p775tm1g

i want to unlocked bios and if able check and modify fan table, sometimes when load game until temp rise up to 75 degree fans  works on idle rpm (approx 25-30%), after 75 degree fans starting close to maximum and then work fine, but it.s very annoying 

thx alot

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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, Stanv said:


Clevo p775tm1g

i want to unlocked bios and if able check and modify fan table, sometimes when load game until temp rise up to 75 degree fans  works on idle rpm (approx 25-30%), after 75 degree fans starting close to maximum and then work fine, but it.s very annoying 

thx alot


I already prepared and sent your unlocked bios to you via email. But unlocked bios can't help you with fan adjustment, because fan adjustment placed in EC firmware (not in bios).

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10 hours ago, Klem said:



On 1/26/2021 at 3:28 AM, Aleah said:

Hello Baked, I have a Monster branded Clevo N850/870HP6. Due to my error I had to reflash bios with clevo's default bare bios and now I don't have the most options and have a silly opening splash. I need a new bios because my reseller don't give the original bios and you are my last hope I guess. 

My current bios is 1.05.06. Thanks in advance ^^  


Klem can you look in this one too I don't understand bios modding much so I still literally have no control over my bios atm. 

probably came from here, I had to reflashed it no idea what he used so; https://repo.palkeo.com/clevo-mirror/N8xxHPx/ 

user/pass: repo/repo 


No one shares their own idk why(even the company I bought from....)

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