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G75VW with a 670MX

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On 23.09.2018 at 11:39 AM, Bullfrog098 said:

Hey everyone, just a question would anybody know where/how I could get a modded bios for a G75VW so I can get a 670MX to work in it? Any help would be appreciated!


When you get 670MX (from G75VX) on your hand, then write me in PM, I'll prepare bios mod for you (which will be based on your native bios backup).

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4 hours ago, Klem said:


When you get 670MX (from G75VX) on your hand, then write me in PM, I'll prepare bios mod for you (which will be based on your native bios backup).

omg thanks so much ive been looking everywhere to get one, since they are a little older now i can pick one up for 70-100$. Im definitely a happy camper now!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there,


i have the same laptop G75VW with a GTX 670MX

(in fact i have 2)

i have done, long time ago this mod to inject the 670Mx graphic part into the bios , replacing the 660M graphic part. (using afuwingui, FTK, and MMTOOL)

now, here is my issue:

i cannot dump this BIOS because the CPU cannot read a protected area (ME)

i can only make 6Mb dumps ...instead of the complete 8Mb (including ME)


now, it has been 3 years and i do not remember this complete procedure exactly, especially the injecting part, how to save the graphic part with the card's ID and inject the other part with other ID in MMTOOL.exe...)

(i even still have the 88Kb file for the MX graphic part)


so here is my question : could you send me this G75VW modded BIOS ?


i see here the max file size is only 1MB !!

how can i send you my files ?

other question : with the 6Mb part, can you add the ME part to make the 8Mb file ??

because i have the complete finished file of 6Mb, includding unlocked menus in BIOS...and original G75VW file of my BIOS (but 8Mb)


Ty for your assistance.


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Hi there,


Just in case, i solved my issue, very easily in fact.

i opened an hexa editor (HEXEDIT for example), opened the 8Mb and 6Mb files, did copy the 6Mb part to clipboard, went to 8Mb file, went to adress 80000h-60000h=20000h, and selected from there to end and pasted the data.

save, exit, burn the file into a chip, soldered it and VOILA.

if anyone needs the bios dump file of this modded G75VW with GTX 670MX (and lots of menus in BIOS no more hidden), just pm me.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi guys. I know it's too late for that but I thought I'd try my luck. I have an asus ROG G75VW Motherboard rev 2.1 and I bought a GTX670MX 3GB video card for it.
I would need a modified bios for her if anyone can help me, it's been 2 weeks since I've been struggling to do something and I can't get her to post I'm new to this bios thing. I looked everywhere for something how to do it but I couldn't find it. the only place where I found more discussion is on this forum, please help me. Thank you. excuse my English, I'm from Romania

Edited by Alexover
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  • 6 months later...
On 1/31/2019 at 1:37 PM, bindiou said:

Hi there,


Just in case, i solved my issue, very easily in fact.

i opened an hexa editor (HEXEDIT for example), opened the 8Mb and 6Mb files, did copy the 6Mb part to clipboard, went to 8Mb file, went to adress 80000h-60000h=20000h, and selected from there to end and pasted the data.

save, exit, burn the file into a chip, soldered it and VOILA.


if anyone needs the bios dump file of this modded G75VW with GTX 670MX (and lots of menus in BIOS no more hidden), just pm me.


Hi, I saw your message, could you send me that custom bios please.

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/31/2019 at 11:37 AM, bindiou said:

Hi there,


Just in case, i solved my issue, very easily in fact.

i opened an hexa editor (HEXEDIT for example), opened the 8Mb and 6Mb files, did copy the 6Mb part to clipboard, went to 8Mb file, went to adress 80000h-60000h=20000h, and selected from there to end and pasted the data.

save, exit, burn the file into a chip, soldered it and VOILA.


if anyone needs the bios dump file of this modded G75VW with GTX 670MX (and lots of menus in BIOS no more hidden), just pm me.



Is this still available? I’d love to get that bios as well, please!

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