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How remove 25mV drop on 670mx (Clevo p150em)


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Hi, I started overclocking my laptop. Initially, the graphics card provided 601 MHz at core (900 mV voltage) and 1400 MHz at memory. By moddig the bios through the Kepler Tweaker, it was possible to overclock to 944 MHz at core (925 mV voltage) and 2310 MHz at memory.
I want to reach 1 GHz by the core, but for this I need to raise the voltage. At a very high voltage, even without load, the fan will start to rustle, so I do not want to raise the voltage much.
But there is an idiotic problem. When the temperature of 60 degrees is used, the video card discards 25 mV. This is Nvidia`s feature . In the stock, it drops from 925 to 900, now from 950 to 925. I want 950 constantly, but it's impossible to make through Kepler Tweaker. I saw reports that svl7`s BIOS mod does not have this problem, but anyway I can not download it. So may be somebody know how make right vbios mod.

Edited by GastStraus
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