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Everything posted by svl7

  1. Use driver 327.23 (inf mod required). Also won't take much longer, up soon.
  2. Sure, PM him. That's the easiest way. So I'm not the man in the middle. OEM is certainly nice, no question.
  3. Well they could not find out this. Also this cpu is meant for overclocking, it's an extreme edition after all. Anyway... I need to check with Conkers, it's his CPU after all, just been trying to sell it for him. It's the CPU I used for this benchmark her: http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware-m15x/1023-official-m15x-benchmarking-thread.html#post84162 Decent performer, that was with more volts but works fine at stock volt as well. At stock I got 24-25x on all cores, depending on the application. That's about what you can expect from any 920xm.
  4. Sure it can if it's really a 920XM. By the way, I have a 920xm ES here that I could sell for about $210 I guess. It actually belongs to @Conker. Maybe he'll let it go for less
  5. Guys, you can't just flash the modified backup of anyone, you'll lose your serial nr and your windows activation... When I have time I'll make a proper mod. Trying to catch up on all the requests.
  6. I only used ES 920xm so far, and they all overclocked really well. Some are a bit better than others, but that's the same story with the OEMs. Of course there might be earlier ES steppings than the one I used (can't remember what mine was called, possibly Q3B8) which could perform worse... all I know is that the stepping I had performed well, not only for me but also for others.
  7. Good point, they were actually selling the systems "pre-overclocked". Now if that's gone they need to refund some money or simply bring it back. It's odd that they apparently did this intentionally, at least that's what the change log tells us.
  8. I have no clue what Dell is thinking. Possibly this: "Let's lock down the bios even more, the higher OC levels are useless anyway since we limited the power draw".
  9. Useful information of your post = 0% Seriously... you'll need to state what the problem is.
  10. What's unclear? It's really simple: 1. backup 2. flash 3. reboot
  11. Are you sure you downloaded the DOS version of nvflash and not the Windows one?
  12. Optimus system? Make sure you're actually using the Nvidia gpu and not the Intel HD.
  13. Nope, starting with the 700m some mobile cards have limited overvolting capabilities. Sometimes it also depends on the OEM. Still, pretty much useless since the voltage drops very quickly in most cases. It's not like Nvidia leaves any headroom for more than about 100MHz, at max. Usually at least.
  14. Your links seem broken...
  15. Sup dudes, busy days... thanks for sharing your vbios copies, really appreciate it! 800m series mods will come. 880m mod is actually ready for quite a while now, those who followed our benchmarks etc are probably aware of that. It's not like we don't like to share, that would be a ridiculous assumption, especially looking at the 600m and 700m series mods, however we have some reasons to relax a bit and wait... can't ask anyone to understand this, but please... some patience would be nice. Also I have hardly seen any 800m benchmark at stock clocks or overclocked with stock vbios so far... yet so many are screaming for a vbios mod. Would be interesting to see what the refreshed cards are capable at stock...
  16. Use the forum search engine before creating a thread for a question that has been answered many times here. E.g. here: http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware-m14x-aw-14/1186-changing-thermal-compound-what-decrease-temperature-can-i-expect.html - closed -
  17. If you followed the described procedure properly you'll still have the key and everything. In case you messed up somehow you still have your backup, so just flash it and you're back to the original state. If you didn't create a backup, well then I can't help either.
  18. I would have to go through the specs, but afaik SB-E and Ivy-E do not have the BCLK bound to the PCI-E, so that makes such a high BCLK possible. From what I know it is not possible to get such an OC on a non-X79 platform since the PCI-E and BCLK use the same clock source.
  19. That vbios won't work. Try the attached one. 8970m_hBR44450.zip
  20. The Intel HD is perfectly capable of using eDP, the only thing it can't is driving 120Hz. However a 120Hz display can also be run at 60Hz, and that works perfectly fine with the Intel HD. I don't have an R3 but I don't see any reason why the system shouldn't be able to POST without the MXM card, after all it's a switchable graphics system, the difference to the non-3d model is simply the lack of Optimus, meaning you can't switch to the Intel HD without rebooting. The IGP is directly connected per eDP with a multiplexer, that's the beautiful thing about the AW machines, it allows you to completely turn off a certain graphics device. (Well, with a modified bios -.-).
  21. You do have an IGP, what you don't have is optimus. Therefore you should be able to boot fine with the Intel HD only when the MXM GPU is removed, at least when the IGP isn't disabled. Try clearing the cmos, though not sure whether that helps in case of the R3, all the settings are probably stored in the epprom itself. Or blind flash the stock bios and try again, your system should work fine with the Intel HD only, else there's really an issue somewhere. It should not be necessary to flash a bios with the settings pre-modified.
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