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Everything posted by cresterk

  1. Modifying svl7's vbioses with svet's program resulted in bricks for a lot of people. So it is probably that.Does ASIC quality matter that much? There were many debates going on in other forums about how better ASIC quality doesn't mean better overclocking. For example, my 4gb 675mx has only 71.9% ASIC quality but I can OC to 1000+ on 1.012V I can raise your voltage to 1.0250V if you post your vbios.
  2. Get modded .inf file, install nvidia drivers.
  3. Dude... did you flash a lenovo bios into an acer?
  4. I agree with dumitrumitu, that cpu is going to hold you back in many games and turning the settings down won't help.
  5. . I have the 4gb version of the 675mx and I can hit 1019 MHz on the core clock on 1.012V and 1100 MHz on 1.025V. It gets hot though, unfortunately On a related note, does anyone know why gpuz reports my memory clock as 900MHz, msi afterburner as 1800MHz and nvidia control panel as 3600MHz? They all seem report it as MHz but the values are obviously being doubled.
  6. You can only reach 893 mhz on the core clock? What voltage are you running?
  7. I think it would be better to drag around a desktop with 2 titans than a P570WM.
  8. Yeah, it just has a bastardised 8gb of vram where most likely you would only use 3gb max. I think nvidia is using it to appeal to the people who think more vram = more power.
  9. A single 780m will be better than those 675Ms. I dont know what games those guys with 2 overclocked 780Ms are playing, unless they are using multiple screens, 1440p or 120hz screen. - - - Updated - - - A single 880m is nowhere near a 780m sli or 680m sli.
  10. Thats probably the best idea. Wait until the 880ms are released and the price of the 780ms go down before buying the 780m. I would probably do this as well.
  11. I think an integrated gpu will let you play those games on 720p. Try looking up some benchmarks for intel hd 4500.
  12. Well, I am glad someone found it useful
  13. I found this hard to masturbate to. But I managed.
  14. Do you think it is possible to stuff a 780m inside a gt70 0nd with a 675mx?
  15. Ooops I meant 1.025V. I messed up while I typed out the file name for compressing and uploading. I fixed it and edited my earlier post.
  16. I managed to mod svl7's msi 4gb 675mx vbios for a bit more voltage. I didn't use svet's tool though. I attached the vbios I modified. Tell me if I messed up somewhere? http://i.imgur.com/JVj28bw.jpg 675mx 1.050V - 1.025V.zip
  17. You can use gpu-z to get a copy of your vbios. I think svl7 already made a modified vbios for gtx 670m.
  18. Kombuster is pretty much furrmark with a different skin made by msi for including with afterburner.
  19. Shits expensive : 780m in Graphics, Video Cards | eBay I have the same laptop as yours. Tell me if you managed to change anything successfully.
  20. The GX60 has a pretty good graphics card but unfortunately, it will be heavily bottlenecked by the shitty cpu until it performs at the level of a gtx660m or lower. Don't expect to run anything cpu intensive easily. However any games that doesn't require a good cpu will run very well. I don't know much about league and I have never played it so I decided to search around for benchmarks and found this. Apparently even a dual-core Athlon II X2 260 can run it well and it doesn't appear to be that demanding so you will be able to run it above 40fps at least on ultra, 1080p. Crysis, tombraider and other cpu heavy games are going to have a hard time unfortunately. I would go with the lenovo just because of how useless the cpu is on the GX60 which also makes it drag down the awesome gpu to its borderline retarded level.
  21. No, it will just tell you which ports are SATA I , II or III.
  22. cresterk

    GPU usage lag

    I have the same laptop as yours, gt70 0nd with a 4gb 675mx and the only program where it throttled was furrmark (or kombuster as the msi afterburner version is called). This was only on the default vbios. With the vbios posted by svl7, I have no issues with throttling in kombuster even with temps above 90C. Are you sure your memory OC is not too high? I get weird artifacts in games whenever I go above +600mhz on the memory clock for about 20-30 minutes. I can play Bf4 just fine with no issues at +345 core and +400 memory.
  23. I don't know if this has been here posted before and I couldn't find anything after searching but if it has, then mods can please delete. NOTE: I didn't create any of these programs. I found it over here: http://portables4gamers.com/forum/topic/20998-tuto-comment-utiliser-le-fan-control-tools-by-pherein/ 1. Download the file attached, it contains RWeverything ver 1.6.5 portable and fan control tools by Pherein v1.03 all in one zip 2. Extract the folder "portable" to wherever you want. 3. Go to folder Portable\Fan Control Tools\configs and open Fanprofileapplier.ini and FanProfileEditor.ini and change RWeverythingpath = (point it to where rw.exe is) 4. Now to test if the app is actually working or not. Go to folder Portable\Fan Control Tools and open Fan profile Applier.exe 5. Choose notebook name as gt780DX or 16f2-12 for gt70, gt60 and ge60. Choose profile as Quite.rw ( Do NOT choose max.rw), check remember in all boxes. It should look like this : 6. Select apply and listen if your fan speed goes down. If it did, it worked !!! 7. Now to make your own profile, first open Fan profile editor.exe and choose notebook name and then simple (or complex if you want to mess around more). 8. Now click load profile and load whatever profile you want ( I prefer default) and change the values of temperature or fan speed to whatever you want. Do NOT put fan speed below 20% or above 80%. Especially NOT 100% or your pc will shut down. It should look something like this: I recommend opening profiles "aggressive" and "quite" to get some idea about how temps and fan % is set. 9. Now, change profile name to whatever you want. eg: Custom1, gaming etc and click save profile. 10. Now go to fan profile applier.exe and select the profile you created and hit apply. Dont forget to make sure all the "remember" boxes are checked. All changes will be reverted to default each time you restart the pc so don't worry about messing things up permanently. Tell me what you guys think MSI fan control.zip
  24. Does crystal disk info tell you if there is an msata port that isnt being used?
  25. It would be better if you can tell us which SATA ports it has. I will try through guess work. Even if the ultra bay port is sata 1, it has 150 MB/s max transfer speed which your hdd wont even reach. On the other hand, the port where your hdd sat is most likely sata 2 which has a max transfer speed of 300MB/s which would probably result in less performance from your ssd as samsung claims that it can reach speeds of 520MB/s. Your msata slot is most likely SATA 3 but it could also be SATA 2 (unlikely but we cant be certain). If it is SATA 3, it would benefit you the most to put an msata ssd in this one.
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