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Favorite MMO?


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I picked up gw2 when it was on sale a couple months ago. The combat system was really nice and I liked how there want the typical dps tank healer classes. It was fun for a while but I just kinda lost interest for some reason lol. Maybe I'll start again after the new expansion comes out

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I think ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) is one of the BEST mmo experiences one can get. It is no longer on a "pay to play" subscription basis but rather a one time fee and play for free (like buying a normal video game). The gameplay mechanics remind me of Guild Wars 2 with an epic and actually interesting story and about as much to do as World of Warcraft!

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New game just came out from Japaneses developers called Rise of Incarnates for USA players. Extremely fun game and some pro tournaments are held on twitch along with interviews with the developers. I highly recommend it.

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For me best mmo was eve online before ccp ruin solo/ small gang pvp i love going pvp in low sec or null sec but now its pvp is who brings more numbers to battlelfield, makes lags and a really boring game

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I have been playing Smite for a long time now.

there are many Game Modes that will keep you interested and playing the games. ex. Arena , Assault , Conquest , Joust , Practice Modes , Siege and there is always a random one that i find the best. aside from that there are different gods that you can play as which makes the game cool. i truly love the gods voices as there sort of funny on a few.

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