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[Request] Unlocking/Modding Asus G75VX Bios

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I have looked everywhere to see if I can find someone who has an Asus G75VX Bios that has all the options unlocked for some overclocking/tweaking capabilities.

It's been such a long while since I've done any BIOS Mods and my knowledge is quite low on these new AMI Bios

If someone would please kindly look into unlocking/modding an Asus G75VX laptop BIOS for me that would be awesome.

Here's the link to download the BIOS


It seems this laptop is quite new, so many users haven't been around to modding it yet. I've heard that if you just change everything in the BIOS with AMIBCP 4.53 from Default to USER, you might be able to access it, but I am completely unsure about this and if someone with more knowledge can input it would be great, if someone can modify a BIOS for me, I am more than willing to be a TESTER to try and flash it, I understand the risk but am still willing to do it for the sake of the modding community.

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[h=2]Asus G75VX Bios (difference between downloaded version and version already on laptop)[/h]

Currently I am working on a modified BIOS for my Asus G75VX, I wanted to unlock some overclocking options along with the ability to change ram timings and such(Just because I'm always wanting to push for more)

Anyhow, I downloaded the Asus G75VX .204 bios off the website and proceeded to work with it and attempt to unlock a few Hidden BIOS menus, well once I completed it, I went to try and attempt a flash with AFUDOS. Apparently AFUDOS reports back that BIOS Checksum is incorrect. (Now don't get me wrong, I know I modified the BIOS but I made sure the Checksum was the same as the Original unmodified BIOS I had downloaded from the support page) I then decided to make a backup of the Original Already Flashed BIOS on the laptop using [AFUDOS Original.rom /O] as the command to backup existing bios.

To my surprise I find out that the Original Bios that is currently on the laptop is only 6144kb(in total size) compare to the Original downloaded BIOS on ASUS's support website which sits at 6146kb(in total size) Odd thing is, both bios is the same version .204 which is current according to Asus support page. CPU-Z and HW64Info reports that my current BIOS is .204_ I am still confused about why there is a BIOS size difference between these two BIOS the one downloaded on Asus support page and the one currently on the laptop considering they are both the same BIOS versions (204)

In theory, I'm guessing this is the reason why I've been seeing a lot of BIOS update failures lately from other owners of the same laptop(It might be due to this checksum error) But who knows? Anyhow, I'm currently working on a Modified/Unlocked Version of my Asus G75vx 204 bios that I got from backing it up via AFUDOS. I tried flashing it but apparently AFUDOS reports back that there was an error in deleting the old bios but Checksum is correct.

SO I am making some progress with my BIOS modifications.. just really slow. Just thought I would share my findings. Thank you. It would be nice if my attempts actually work without me bricking this thing haha, wish me luck_

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I'm here to report on my progress, today I made a somewhat effort to try and flash my modified BIOS, but no to avail I just can't get any flashing program to work.

With AFUWIN, I get error Bios doesn't allow full erase_ With AFUDOS in DOS, it says that its unable to erase rom, using a new program called FTK, it states that it can't get access_ so apparently they locked down these BIOS pretty good_ If I can't flash it, I can't test it... so I'm sorta out of luck here_ Any tips?

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I'll mod it when I find time.

You probably have more knowledge and skills in this than I do, I usually learn off information I find around the net and I have been quite successful with Phoenix BIOS's and some AMI Bios for OEM motherboards for desktops. If you do end up getting to it that would be awesome, I will be your first willing tester_ For now, I will see what I can come up with if anything at all.

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Ahhhh OH YEAH!! The sweet smell of SUCCESS! I got it, just can't seem to upload screen shots, but I can now adjust a few good settings like fan control adjustments for active trip points, and I can adjust turbo ratios individually and have the ability to disable hyperthreading and such, pretty sweet_ Took me a while but I knew I would get it to work, now its just about trying to get the chipset tab to appear_ I would load up screen shots but apparently its not letting me at this moment.It was a lot easier than I thought, just needed to find the right tools, now it all goes up from here ! I will share my BIOS file once I get it worked to when I think its proper to release. My last flash was just a test flash to see if what I'm doing will work and apparently what I did work so now I need to go finalize a few things before sharing this BIOS.

Now I know how to get it to flash, next stop will be modifying my own Bios for the GTX 670MX, just gotta figure out how to extract the gpu bios out of the bios file since Nvflash won't work on it. Any advice would help if someone is willing to give some.

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I was able to extract the GPU Bios out of the Main Bios, but no editor software out there can mod this BIOS yet, so I'm just waiting to see if they'll eventually add support or if someone can help modify the GPU Bios for me, until then I'm going to look into it the best I can.

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This BIOS has the GTX670MX overclock sliders unlocked.

EDIT: REMOVED 204 mod BIOS as 206 was released which now requires a different flashing method (ftk/fpt).

People, not knowing how ftk/fpt works, started to use it with 204 BIOS (which could simply be flashed via Asus Tool).


FTK/FPT method can ONLY be used on your own FULL DUMP and not other peoples mods or a BIOS downloaded from ASUS, otherwise you loose your MAC address, serial numbers, windows activation codes etc.

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Thanks Prema, how can I look into this BIOS? I eventually figured it out and made a BIOS of my own_ including modding the GPU, still trying to figure out how to do the voltages_ I was going to look at this BIOS you uploaded but it requires a password?

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Thanks Prema, how can I look into this BIOS? I eventually figured it out and made a BIOS of my own_ including modding the GPU, still trying to figure out how to do the voltages_ I was going to look at this BIOS you uploaded but it requires a password?


It's just unlocked, the whole voltage table is above my vBIOS skills and requires SVL7 to take alook. From what I have seen on the GTX675MX it is quite complex. ;)

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It's just unlocked, the whole voltage table is above my vBIOS skills and requires SVL7 to take alook. From what I have seen on the GTX675MX it is quite complex. ;)

Thanks Prema, yeah I suppose I'll have to wait on the voltage tables, there seems to be a lot more to it than I expected, or maybe there isn't and I just don't have the correct keys_

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Does the mention of voltage tables imply that the voltage can be increased in this BIOS mod?

Any chance of that happening for the existing 660m/670m bios/vbios mod for the G75vw already available here?

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Is there a way for the voltage to be flexible instead of fixed when an overvolt is made to the bios?

I am curios because from the findings so far, Kepler has fixed voltage across the entire spectrum of frequencies (all P states)when its bios is being modded?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't understand, you flashed the modded bios than you failed to flash the rev206 bios, or what? Why you need to flash the original bios after you have the modded bios? rev206 didn't changed any important. "Fix the bug that function hotkey Fn+F8 is workable (should be function-less) in setup menu when CSM disable."

DO NOT FLASH .206. Asus did something really screwy... Apparently out of what I can see now when ever custom bios mods are attempted, all write methods claim invalid bios. Even if the sizes are identical it will claim a mismatch.



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Sure. They did something to the effect of where any unofficial asus bios does not look the correct size to winflash or other third party flashing software. Let us say I downlod 203, 204, 206 from the support site they will flash.

Let us say that I download any of them and then extract the vbios and then replace my modified vbios where the vbios was and try to flash, it will fail. Even though the sizes are identical and nothing else was modified.

It claims a size mismatch which means Asus did something weird because before 206, this was not the case.


--Joshua Norman

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