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Lets enable overclocking on all 6 and 7 series laptops


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My G750JW required no hardware mod like shorting any pins or so. Only had to run the proper version of fpt and that was it!

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Interesting, may I ask which version?

Thanks for sharing this info!

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There is also an alternative I guess, with a SPI programmer you dump the BIOS chip and it also has your ME firmware, so you can open the dump in FITC.

Later edit:

Unless someone proves me I'm wrong I would say BIOS settings are kept in NVRAM, so if you mess something you can't recover. Removing BIOS battery won't help, don't know what it is used for, my battery is somewhere in a drawer, forgot to put it back.

So, before messing with BIOS or ME, please make a BIOS backup with a SPI programmer. Just in case.

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If you talking about an FPT version that doesn't require an unlocked descriptor: it does not exist. As people said above, if you cannot do the HDA_SDO method then an SPI Programmer is your only choice.

I'm gonna test the HDA_SDO method using 1K resistor tomorrow, if it doesn't work I'll have to figureout how to dump the BIOS via SPI programmer.

I'll post results asap, again thanks!

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Hi guys.

I found these two solder joints (resistors or diodes?) which had contact with Pin 1 and Pin 5:


There is no problem reaching them and shorting them doesn't help :(

One note though, Pin 5 and Pin 9 seems to be connected to each other (they are both DVDD so that's logical).

I tested just to dump the bios:

fptwin64 -d bios.bin -bios

No problem, yielded a 6.1MB bios.bin -file,

I guess the ME is in the missing restricted 1.9MB.

fptwin64 -d me.bin -me

Gives as expected: error 26.


Well that pretty much sums it up about the HDA_SDO method for my system.

I'm thinking I should find my self a "ponoma soic clip", as suggested by @Arise.

Finding an old system with LPT-port is the probably the biggest challenge.

Could you point me to which exact components names and values I need?

Then I'll be making an order tonight. Many thanks!

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What you mean?

The ponoma soic clip is required to clamp it on the pins of your bios chip, you need that anyway...

For flashing you can go with:

Lpt port + 4 rezistors + spipgm.exe

Or a small ch341a programmer or something more expensive like a buspirate, etc with its own software

Or you can also do it with a raspberry pi, resistors and flashrom.

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"What do you mean?"

OK so I misunderstood your suggestion.

I thought:

1. If my ME was unlocked, then there wouldn't be any problem modify it and flash it back, no HDA_SDO unlock necessary.


2. My ME is locked (like it is now), HDA_SDO or ponoma soil clip method in order to be able to dump the bios+me.

I do own a raspberry pi though.

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Hi guys.

I found a hidden BIOS option:

"ME FW image re-flash" and I set it to enable, the save and reboot. Now I ended up bricking in my system :(

It only lits the power led for 1 sec, then turns off, no screen no nothing. Dammit.. That's what you get for careless when using an unlocked BIOS...


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Does clearing the CMOS do anything?

If you are referring to the battery it does nothing, I never understood what that battery do in my system. I'm going to attempt putting the original v209 bios on c: root, then home + ctrl + power to see if I can re-flash my old locked bios. Any objections to this method since I'm using an unlocked BIOS atm?

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Alright so the "CTRL + HOME + POWER" method did not work initially, so I put the V209 bios file on my original hard drive and installed that one in system... And yeees I did go to emergency recovery! Now computer boots up again.

What do you say, flash back to unlocked BIOS again and try to enable the "ME FW Image re-flash"?

The reason I ask is because the G46VW/G75VW BIOS:es are easily corrupted, some people had their system bricked by just choosing "Don't save changes" in original BIOS, which makes me think that my problem could be random/unlucky.

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If you are referring to the battery it does nothing, I never understood what that battery do in my system. I'm going to attempt putting the original v209 bios on c: root, then home + ctrl + power to see if I can re-flash my old locked bios. Any objections to this method since I'm using an unlocked BIOS atm?

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if pulling the battery does nothing, then that means the bad setting is in the NVRAM. Try doing as many hardware configuration changes as possible, such as changing memory and the CPU to try to reset as much of the NVRAM as possible, and hopefully you'll trigger a reset of the ME Flash thing you changed back to default.

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Yes, i think so, only the quality could be poor so you will have to dissasemble and make it "fit".

Dont go second time cause you will have a non posting computer again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi again guys.

happy new year to all.

long time since I posed here :D

I'm trying to unlock the MSR 0x1AD register wich is responsable of unlocking the turbo ratio limits as far I know.

I think this can be done by unlocking one of the MSR 0xCE bits, bit 28 if I'm correct (not sure anyway)

I was wondering if someone who acomplished this can help me a little.

not sure if I should edit one of the BIOS modules or if it is ME firmware related.


did you acomplished this?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm asking cause that MSR is disabled for any non-unlocked SB CPU and can't be enabled in this case. Sorry.


I just recently upgraded my 3610QM to a 3920XM, but no matter what I try I can't increase its (unlocked) multipliers. I have a y580, using eGPU w/ GTX 970 & disabled 660M using a 120W charger (default is 90W). Do you think I can do something similar to what's in the OP w/o bricking? I have tried XTU, reflashing main stock BIOS, (your) main modded BIOS, Intel ME FW, and throttlestop without success. XTU provides nearly the same functionality as my locked 3610QM, only difference being the sliders for the multipliers but I can only decrease and not increase. Any help, tips, or thoughts are greatly appreciated ^_^

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So... I copied all of the highlighted settings from OP, flashed the full ~6mb image, and nothing has changed aside from buggy XTU and inability to reinstall IMEI drivers which I need is necessary for XTU to work.. I was able to reflash just the ME portion, however, everything is still the same. I reinstalled XTU each time. Did all flashing in DOS. Can someone help me out?


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So... I copied all of the highlighted settings from OP, flashed the full ~6mb image, and nothing has changed aside from buggy XTU and inability to reinstall IMEI drivers which I need is necessary for XTU to work.. I was able to reflash just the ME portion, however, everything is still the same. I reinstalled XTU each time. Did all flashing in DOS. Can someone help me out?

Here it is unlocked.


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