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M14x R2: The most awesome laptop bag EVER!


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Hey Everyone,

The title says it all. I'm looking for the most epic, awesome, amazing laptop bag for my M14x R2. I am open to pretty much any style: messenger, Backpack; whatever. I want to have room for the lappy, power cable, tablet, 2.5" portable hdd, maybe my PS Vita and my litle belkin 3 port surge protector with USB ports. Please reccomend those that are awesome. I would like to stay under the $100.00 mark. If I get a good number of responses I'll gift the winner with something out of my Steam inventory i have quite a few extra games in there.

In High Regard,


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The M14x is small enough to fit in most regular backpacks. If I were you I'd just get a backpack or bag which you like / fits your style and needings and has enough room for your stuff, no need to look for an extra / special 'notebook' bag if you ask me. Just get a neoprene sleeve or similar for the system and you're fine with any bag / backpack.

Just my 0.02.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love my Alienware backpack, It's checkpoint friendly which is great for going through the airport, and it is a well built bag.

I got an Alienware backpack with my system and I love it too. Its huge the M18x bag. Fits computer and my kitchen sink.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also have the Alienware Orion Backpack although the airport guys here don't give a crap that its "Checkpoint Friendly"... I still have to lug this beautiful monstrosity out :D These are the very same people that wave the metal detector wand all over you and still ask after they're done, "Any weapons?" :P

Edit: On the card attached to the bag when I bought it, it said its able to fit TWO laptops. So that will give you an idea on the size of the bag.

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A zipper broke on @Brian 's backpack, mine is over a year old i think and it doesn't get a whole lot of use. When i do use it i load it up. The one built for M18x laptop is the one I have. It fit some folders, M18x, my Zalman NC-3000 notebook cooler, two controllers, PSU of m18x, mouse, mouse pad, jumble of cables and adapters, external mobile HD, a few dvd disks in a small case and had room for a few more folders or whatever else. @Michael i believe has an Alienware bag and it has also stood the test of time. Ive carried maybe 40-50lbs+ no prob at all on the seams. The tiny zippers not the fullsize ones are a little week and if not held by base may snap but not if you grab by base of zipper. @Jimbo I think said he commuted to college with his Alienware backpack and kept a ton of books and laptop too with no problems of breakdown.

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