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Any Organization Freaks on T|I ?


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So, I am pretty messy, and as some of you know my wife and I recently moved to a new country.

Today, our moving (all our stuff) arrived, and our house is full of boxes that need opening and organizing.

Now as i know myself, i will just dump stuff in drawers and that will be it :)

But this time i wanted it to be different, so what i have now is good intentions but no idea how to execute the plan properly :D

Any tips or ideas ? :)

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Now as i know myself, i will just dump stuff in drawers and that will be it :)

Nothing wrong with this... better than just leaving the boxes untouched. ;)

I'm not an organization freak... not at all, but what I really recommend is to get rid of all the stuff you don't really need anymore. You should've done this before moving, and you probably have got rid of quite some things, but I'm sure there's still a ton of stuff left which will just lay around untouched until you move again.

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  • Founder

Haha, yeah, i am a light - hoarder, and as you mentioned, i did leave quite a few things behind before moving.

And now, after 4 months of living without most of my stuff i admit i didn't miss it much. I will try to get rid of as much as possible, great tip, thanks!

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I also moved Michael, and I have to tell you that we got rid of a LOT of stuff on the way here, but once we got here we got A TON of stuff rid of, and i couldn't be happier. Go through literally everything, and if you don't need it, get rid of it. Keep mementos of the past that you really like, not the mementos that are "sort of i guess so" important. Consolidate!! That's my advice, and good luck!

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I do a lot of everything like Stamatis said. You know the windows phone 7 I use I pin only what I have actually used in a week there and rest is in the full app list. My office is in disarray much like your entire house. No matter how begrudging my best advice is to go through everything and give it all a place you feel is best for you to find and access this stuff... And generally with other similar stuff so you get mini stations all over just like your work area. I moved in quite a bit ago and my office still has a box or so to go through. Don't stop from day to day till its done because there's always gonna be that one thing not organized. Organizing your life is the best thing you can do. When accomplishing what you have to do in a day its easier if your surroundings are less fragmented and more optimized for living life not searching for that one thing that never got unpacked. Time is the one thing that makes it harder. There's so many obligations out there we sometimes don't have time to stop. Your best bet is to organize it like StamatisX suggested and perhaps how you would organize quick shortcuts on your phone or computer or even workspace... You know you probably make sure it's needed and used often so deserves more attention and visibility in daily life but less used stuff can be put with other less used stuff for the rare occasion you need it. Hence the junk drawer/storage room/ attic theory... but the less there the better since its easier to find things so yeah getting rid of unneeded things helps. But there's always a different right tool for each job and that can take a lot of room and sometimes you won't need that tool more than a couple times in a lifetime... so in some ways there is no escape from having a lot of stuff... But there really is a benefit to having an organized collection of stuff than just a general drawer that everything gets stuffed in lol. I when i have time do really like having everything in its own place. OCD anyone? Lol joking there's a little obsessive compulsive in all of us. You can always make or get organizers drawers shelves etc to help. Labels are not a bad idea. If you can organize a computer desktop or program list folders etc you can apply same similar hierarchical method to your organizing emphasizing what Stamatis said the importance to you and need of it in a daily routine in a descending order. Or does that sound wierd lol?

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ILB that video was interesting. You know we could always suspend all of our belongings in a viscous suspension of liquid and grab what we need while it floats in a Jello like substance. Haha then we would all be gummy bears in a Jello world. ;-)

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