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If You're Happy Show Off Your Lappy - The Official Laptop Junky Cosmetic Mods Thread


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I looked around and could not find a thread here for this, so I figured I would start one. 


This is the thread to strut your stuff if you have something you think is a cool aesthetic mod.


Mild or wild, if you've got it, flaunt it.


@iloveb00bs @katalin_2003 @DR650SE @Speedy Gonzalez® - still got any of your old pics?


I guess I will go first.


Presenting 'El Cazador' Clevo P750ZM in Toreador Red  :vbbiggrin:

Obaykji.jpg XOL6vho.jpg RncguqI.jpg

Here is what is used to look like...R7shLJs.jpg


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On 7/29/2016 at 10:44 PM, Mr. Fox said:

And, from a few years ago... my Alienware M18x in Corvette Yellow Pearl...




Perhaps a 1970 Challenger?  :thumbsup:
maxresdefault.jpg My R4 is stock black.  Nothing to showoff. 
El cazador makes me want to get a Clevo and repaint/decal the sh*t out of it! Perhaps when they offer SLI desktop cards??

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8 minutes ago, Solo wing said:

Perhaps a 1970 Challenger?  :thumbsup:
maxresdefault.jpg My R4 is stock black.  Nothing to showoff. 
El cazador makes me want to get a Clevo and repaint/decal the sh*t out of it! Perhaps when they offer SLI desktop cards??

Very nice! I love bright/canary yellow colors. It is so uncommon. Is that your car, bro?

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On 7/31/2016 at 1:31 AM, Mr. Fox said:

Very nice! I love bright/canary yellow colors. It is so uncommon. Is that your car, bro?

Nope :01: 
Always admired the concept of US muscle cars, enormous amounts of unshackled power like Clevos, and perhaps pre AW17/18 Alienware.
I own a Mercedes E55 AMG, a muscle car from Europe, Wolf in sheep's clothing....

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OK, I polished up the lid a bit and added my fox decal. I haven't decided whether I like it as much as the plain red lid. Please forgive the mediocre phone camera image quality.



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, HTWingNut said:

Is that lid painted or a vinyl wrap? That looks really nice.

Hey Brother HT. Thanks for the compliment. Glad you like it. I do, too. That is painted. I took the fox decal off. I decided I liked it better just plain red.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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