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About errin

  • Birthday 11/27/1985

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T|I Semi Advanced

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  1. I'd go with 2012 Model with upgradable since TB1 and TB2 are not much different in eGPU (Compare with my MBP2012+GTX960 and MBP2014)
  2. http://www.macrumors.com/2016/11/03/new-macbook-pros-thunderbolt-3-compatibility/ So this is real. Really bad news.
  3. At least 3. One for Keyboard one for Mouse and one for Headset. IMHO 4 is the best solution.
  4. It would be good if it comes with 4 USB and Lan Port like Razer Core design.
  5. Just go with Akitio. It's the best performance per price in the market and many support from this website. I ordered two from Amazon and eBay both are from US and shipped them to Asia both prices are about $300 include shipping.
  6. I'd say don't pledge anything on KS project most of them are just vaporware. I've lost money almost $1500 for all project I backed and never received anything. For any project that is success ("Success" by I received it) you can buy them at a little higher price but with no risk at all.
  7. Akitio is way more beautiful than this one. And if I would buy a new enclosure I'd go for Razer or wait for the other major companies release a new one with cheaper price.
  8. In my case eGPU with OSX is far more stable than Windows with goalque's script it works almost flawlessly with only 2 problems (Safari stuttering and Sleep-Wake though there are ways to fix them) My setup doesn't use riser anymore just the card on Akitio. Since my PSU is fully modular I use PCIe to PCIe for the card and 6Pin to barrel to power the Akitio. I can say that it almost 90% working with Windows except Pre-booting to windows is quite random (like 2-3 times to boot on) and I can't run it with updated Windows 10 but with the old released Windows 10 is good to go (also Windows 8 and 8.1).
  9. Yes, you can't sleep it.
  10. I'd recommend you buy a new one with full modular. Silverstone has a nice one for $30-40
  11. So you use MBR or EFI? I have 2012 non-Retina and it works pretty well with Win 10 MBR (Though don't upgrade it)
  12. Yes, you understand it correctly.
  13. Don't use the Akitio Power supply. Use only one PSU you need to modify the cables from PC PSU and make one on the back of Akitio and one for GPU card. And also I can't see the cable connect to your GPU card HDMI or Displayport? You need External Display to make it works.
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