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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/11 in all areas

  1. I did not know exactly where to put this thread but i think is a good idea to discuss and share something about the thermal paste. I have read enough of this topic, and the best known brands are: IC Diamond Arctic Cooling MX-2 / MX-4 Arctic Silver 5 Tuniq TX 2 / TX 4 Extreme COOLER MASTER IceFusion I found a new one (at least i did not know) that promises to be better than the others, called GC-Extreme Solutions GELID, here are the link to a review: GELID Solutions GC-Extreme Thermal Compound Review - Page 1/5 | techPowerUp. $13 on Newegg Also found several videos on YouTube explaining the methods of applying thermal paste, and i want to share with you a couple of them: Also found some pictures here that show (basically) how to apply the thermal paste on the AW M11x, i think internally is quite similar to M14x so, if any of you know a method or have any pictures/videos/reviews that you can share i'll be more than interested in seeing them and if they are of the M14x that would be better! greetings!
    6 points
  2. Hey all guess what i dropped my M17xR2 on my floorboards off the bed. It landed on the back corner and fell flat on the top of the screen! (laptop was closed) What is a surprise is there is not One mark on it and is working perfectly! It took a might chunk of wood out of the floorboards however! It pays to have an aluminum case!!! i wonder how the R3 would hold up I nearly Man cried!! and can still not believe it happened as i am sooo careful with it. Alienware Gods watching over me lol
    3 points
  3. Lower latency ram always beats higher bandwidth ram - and by a very very large margin. Watch out for that. -Ash
    3 points
  4. I've dropped a few here and there but didn't want to give too much away. Initially we were going to do a full blown R3 (plus some R2) review but once I sold the R3, I wasn't able to fully complete it to my liking and thus decided to take what I had and incorporate it with the M18x review. Plus it wouldn't make sense to release two reviews since people would flip back and forth between them to compare results. Instead, the M18x review will encompass the R2/R3/M18x results. It won't be an apples-to-apples comparison as far as specs go because that's impossible to do because of the architectural changes between the old i7 and the new SB. Plus the R3 had a 2630qm processor and the M18x has a 2720qm. Michael's new R3 will have a 2720qm processor so we could have him run some to fill in potential gaps. Finally, the T|I intro for videos was not ready until recently and we still had to do some background tweaks to the CMS to get it ready for the review. We expect the M18x review to be a lengthy and detailed one so we want to make sure our first major review is a decent one.
    2 points
  5. This thread is dedicated to funny stuff you find your own pet doing, people interacting with animals or other animals just being goofy. To start, here's a couple: <div><object width="576" height="324"><param name="movie" value="http://d.yimg.com/nl/cbe/butterfinger/player.swf"></param><param name="flashVars" value="browseCarouselUI=hide&shareUrl=http%3A//comedy.video.yahoo.com/%3Fvid%3D25121541&repeat=0&vid=25121541&"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed width="576" height="324" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://d.yimg.com/nl/cbe/butterfinger/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="browseCarouselUI=hide&shareUrl=http%3A//comedy.video.yahoo.com/%3Fvid%3D25121541&repeat=0&vid=25121541&"></embed></object></div> <div><object width="576" height="324"><param name="movie" value="http://d.yimg.com/nl/cbe/butterfinger/player.swf"></param><param name="flashVars" value="browseCarouselUI=hide&shareUrl=http%3A//comedy.video.yahoo.com/%3Fvid%3D25120932&repeat=0&vid=25120932&"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed width="576" height="324" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://d.yimg.com/nl/cbe/butterfinger/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="browseCarouselUI=hide&shareUrl=http%3A//comedy.video.yahoo.com/%3Fvid%3D25120932&repeat=0&vid=25120932&"></embed></object></div> <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPzNl6NKAG0?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPzNl6NKAG0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="390" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
    1 point
  6. There has been requests by some for a centralized area to download popular benchmarks and utilities. We've listened and compiled a list of programs we think will come in useful for measuring your gaming systems performance. We welcome suggestions by our community members for other programs/games/utilities and will take popular requests into account and add them. Gaming Benchmarks Download Links S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyrat Download Unigine 'Heaven' DX 11 Benchmark Download version 2.5 Resident Evil 5 Benchmark Utility Download Lost Planet 2 Benchmark Download Devil May Cry 4 Benchmark Download Tom Clancy's: HAWX 2 Benchmark Download Benchmark Applications Download Links 3DMark 11 Download 3DMark Vantage Download v1.0.1 PCMark Vantage Download v1.0.2 build 1901 Fraps Download GPU-Z Download Benchmark Utilities Download Links ThrottleStop 3.00.1 Download HWInfo32 Download v3.70 HD Tune Download Sapphire Trixx Download v4.21 WPrime Download v1.55
    1 point
  7. Is that time of the year again, time to lock and load. Gigabyte has release their new weaponized Motherboard Series the G1 Series. And One of them the G1.Assassin just won the award of Design and Innovation Award from TAITRA. This massive motherboard has extreme enthusiast and extreme gamer all written over form the massive cooling pipes to the ability to use 4 way Crossfire or 3 way SLI this is one motherboard who promises to deliver serious competition to other high end Mobo's out there. Besides Super Shield: Locked and Loaded Heatpipe Design, this motherboard seems to have it all. Dual bios chipset for redundancy, 5 smart Fan connectors, Easy to use overclocking interface, USB3.0, on board Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi DAP. Front audio headphones amplifier, Audio capacitors, on board Bigfoot Network Killer E2100 with a dedicated NPU, SATA 3.0 and a myriad of other options that will make any hardcore enthusiast drool. They come in 3 flavors, the G! Assasin, The G1 sniper and the G1 guerrilla and they all based on intel LGA13366 socket and the x58+ICH10R chipset. Price range for the G1 Assassin is $509 to $549 proving to be not a motherboard for everyone but the few, the proud the techno geeks and extreme enthusiasts . link to their website. GIGABYTE G1-Killer Series Motherboards
    1 point
  8. Brink Official Site Brink is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Splash Damage. In Brink, two factions, Resistance and Security, battle in a once-utopian city called The Ark, a floating city above the waters of a flooded Earth.(wiki) I have been watching the videos on their site and it looks pretty darn fun! It comes out tomorrow, May 10th.
    1 point
  9. I came across this intriguing article. It is about analytic people and I could not help but relate to all that was mentioned in the article. This seems to have described me exactly, can anyone else here relate? I seem to fall into the same mistakes the writer of the article does. I feel like there is a little of this in everyone. 10 curses of the analytical thinker | TechRepublic * all the way down to even enjoying the chart that was provided lol!
    1 point
  10. Thanks to steve1ddd Got it working on M17xR2. Just download and install this. Drivers and Downloads And follow steve1ddd's instructions. Works without any problem so far. In Windows MP change options in pref & Visualisations Itunes Copy c:\Program files\Alienware\commandcenter\Media plugin\Itunes\WiTunesAlienFXPlugin.dll to C:\Users\[YOUR PROFILE NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\ Then open itunes and go to VIEW select Visualizer...select "Alienware Alien FX" ...... YOU MUST CLICK "show visulizer" or it wont work....ez way is jsut to togle back and forth with "CTL T"....
    1 point
  11. Keep in mind stevie that from my own tests, the single 6970M comes quite close to matching the 5870M xfire setup in games. In benchmarks it gets snuffed but actual games show maybe a 10-15% margin in 5870m xfire's favor.
    1 point
  12. We debated it quite a bit and decided that in this point in time it makes sense to hold off on the review because we got a m18x inbound. So the updated review will span the M17x-R3, M17x-R2 AND the M18x with direct game and performance comparisons of the three. Having said that, I think that if we ask Brian nicely he might drop some performance screenshots as a teaser Right Brian?
    1 point
  13. I ordered a bunch of those plastic prying tools off eBay and only use those to pry plastic stuff. they cost next to nothing and I highly recommend those!
    1 point
  14. I did similar and if I need to go into system in the future I'll invest in a plastic pry tool for my computer repair kit...
    1 point
  15. Man cried LMAO! Yes, the M17x-R2 is really solid in terms of design. It's not as rugged as T/W series Thinkpads but it can take some beating before giving. The one thing you ALWAYS want to make sure is that you close the lid if you're moving it and there's a danger it will hit something in the process (e.g. moving through the door). If it falls down with open lid, it's going to be bad news bears. Anodized aluminum cover ftw. It does add to the weight, unfortunately, so I'm guessing that's why they don't have the entire AW lineup in that. I guess I just wish they go into more 'premium' and less into 'consumer' style.
    1 point
  16. Logically one would assume that a dual card system should be replaced with a similar dual card one. However, the way Dell handles it is convoluted: If you have a model that is discontinued (e.g. M15x) they have the option of giving you an M17x as a replacement as a step up. If you have an M17x-R2, they have the M17x-R3 as the newer revision even though the system is obviously NOT the real successor to R2. The M18x is considered a separate more premium model and you have to fight tooth and nail with Dell to convince them to give you that option. It can be done so fight them on it until you get your way.
    1 point
  17. Intel WiDi sucks because you can't use the discrete GPU with it. So IMO, it's a big fail. It's good for those that own netbooks or weak sauce notebooks.
    1 point
  18. LOL@man cried! With a previous R2 I owned, I was moving it from the desk to the bed for some night time movie watching + web surfing when I hit the corner of it against the wall. I saw a gash on teh wall and figured, "fuck, I bet the paint on the aluminum is gone for sure". After I rubbed the white paint + sheet rock off the metal corner of the R2, there wasn't even a light scratch! So yes, aluminum build FTW! When I owned the M17x-R3, I had to baby it in fear I might snap it in half if I typed too hard..lol.
    1 point
  19. lol they might offer you an outlet R2, be careful! More than likely if they offer a different system, it will be the M17x-R3, for some reason they don't readily offer M18x because it's considered a separate line of AW (M18x vs M17x). One of our mods here successfully convinced them to do it but he had a huge sum of money invested in the system (around $5000+).
    1 point
  20. Honestly I listen to alot of different types of music, depending on my moods!...................R U guys and gals ready? Here you go.
    1 point
  21. For the last 5 months I have been using Eclipse and Java a lot, for the research I am doing on neural networks I had to generate hundreds of small csv files constantly for the experiments and I have it benchmarked to see how much faster I would create those files by applying my SSD mods, compared to have everything stock, the time required was less than half, so personally I saw a big difference, I also saw difference when I was using my momentus xt as storage for those files instead of my SSD. Also I found that by doing the mods I get increased temps but for instance I could install Visual Studio in less than half the time and unzip files twice as fast, so for me with the retention mod it is really worth it, since I get better overall performance plus 100% of my SSD speed.
    1 point
  22. I would have expected intel to do a workaround. This shit is kinda a dealbreaker for me. I do game dev and rely on high HDD speeds for the tools I use. If I buy a notebook I want the power saving features. I also want my SSD's to run at full speed. Fuck. -Ash
    1 point

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