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GeForce 344.75 WHQL - Game Ready


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The latest GeForce Game Ready driver, release 344.75 WHQL, provides support for Maxwell’s new Multi-Frame Sampled Anti-Aliasing (MFAA) mode.

    Game Ready
  • Best gaming experience for Far Cry 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Crew, and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
    Gaming Technology
  • Supports Multi-Frame Sampled Anti-Aliasing (MFAA) mode.
    Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 344.75
  • Need an SLI profile for Heroes of the Storm. [200051071]
  • Need an SLI profile for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. [1568938]
  • Linux profiles for Maya 2015 run more slowly than those of Maya 2014. [1568046]
  • Assassin's Creed: Unity. Deploy out-of-box profiles. [1576530]
  • [sLI] Monster Hunter Online Benchmark: Severe flashing and corruption seen on the menu screen (windowed mode) when benchmark launched with a DSR resolution.[200049924]
  • GeForce GTX 980, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Z fighting occurs. [1571847]
  • [sLI] 344.48, Elite Dangerous: App gets stuck on loading screen in windowed surround mode. [1570506]
  • [sLI] GeForce GTX 980 × 2: Surround (1 × 3) does not get enabled with three 4K displays. [200050659]
  • 340.43: Choppy video playback of 3D Blu-ray movies. [1537491]
  • 344.48: Distortion around mouse cursor when DSR enabled. [1569959]
  • HDMI 2.0, 4K @ 60 Hz: YUV420 is not working on GeForce GK1xx GPUs. [1576300]
  • Far Cry 4 requires SLI profile to improve performance. [1549876]
  • Whitelist titles for MFAA. [200051634]
  • Make NVIDIA Control Panel changes to support whitelisting of games for MFAA. [200050802]
  • Disable TSF (temporal synthesis filter) when MFAA is not getting enabled. [200053351]
  • 344.73, GM204, Windows 7 x64: On some games, TSF indicator doesn't come on with MFAA enabled. [200054917]
    Software Modules
  • NVIDIA PhysX System Software - version 9.14.0702
  • HD Audio Driver - version
  • CUDA - version 6.5
  • GeForce Experience -
    Windows 7/8/8.1 32-bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.75/344.75-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-32bit-international-whql.exe
    Windows 7/8/8.1 64-bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.75/344.75-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-international-whql.exe
    Windows 7/8/8.1 32-bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.75/344.75-notebook-win8-win7-32bit-international-whql.exe
    Windows 7/8/8.1 64-bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.75/344.75-notebook-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql.exe

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Got the y510p 750m sli and I have updated my Games (Far Cry 4 and AC U) to the last versions I think both 1.03...but I have on both games terrible performance yet both sli profile are working.

I guess Ubisoft has to update their Games and Nvidia has then to optimize their drivers/sli profiles a bit.

The gpu utilization is on both cards around 95%-99% with some drops in Far Cry 4 and even more and harder drops in Assassin's Creed Unity.

P.s.: Stability is no issue...runs stable in all games whereas I had heavy issues with the 344.65

P.p.s.: Other updated profiles like Ryse Son of Rome and Grid Autosport run just great!

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Surprisingly I've got the same problems (y500 650M SLI) especially since I could get a solid 60fps (1080p) at mixed medium-high settings in Far Cry 3/Blood Dragon.

Will be looking forward to playable framerate at 1080p, since I get around 30fps so far with current setup and almost complete GPU utilization in SLI. Also worth mentioning and really weird is the GPU utilization during cutscenes, is that loading the world in the background or something? Doesn't seem to drop, gpu one like 20% and gpu two at 80% without stop.

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Surprisingly I've got the same problems (y500 650M SLI) especially since I could get a solid 60fps (1080p) at mixed medium-high settings in Far Cry 3/Blood Dragon.

Will be looking forward to playable framerate at 1080p, since I get around 30fps so far with current setup and almost complete GPU utilization in SLI. Also worth mentioning and really weird is the GPU utilization during cutscenes, is that loading the world in the background or something? Doesn't seem to drop, gpu one like 20% and gpu two at 80% without stop.

I saw an article today where Ubisoft states that they have found the problem for the drops especially in cutscenes and they will soon update it.I guess it was as u said something with the processqueue and the many NPC.

U should if u haven't already update ur Far Cry 4 to the latest version (1.04) along with the 344.75 I have almost no drops and it is very well playable/enjoyable now!

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Cool, downloading now. Thanks for the note.

You are very welcome.

Now we only have to wait for the AC U Update I think Nvidias Drivers are not the big issue here in the Ubisoft titles.

- - - Updated - - -

For everyone who are using Windows Technical Preview and the Nvidia Drivers for Win 8.1.

Nvidia has to optimize their Drivers for the Technical Preview as a Mircosoft Engineer posted:


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I get a DirectX error on my Dragon Age Inquisition with the new drivers. I have been trying tons of fixes that I came across bioware threads but nothing helps. I have a GTX 765m on an AW14. I am not sure if this is driver related or game related.

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I get a DirectX error on my Dragon Age Inquisition with the new drivers. I have been trying tons of fixes that I came across bioware threads but nothing helps. I have a GTX 765m on an AW14. I am not sure if this is driver related or game related.

It is Driver related:

Please note, Ubisoft and BioWare are working on updates to Far Cry 4 and Dragon Age: Inquisition, respectively, to resolve multi-GPU and single-GPU game issues that can occur on any graphics card. In Far Cry 4's case, the first of these updates will launch sometime today, with further updates coming in the near future. For details of Dragon Age: Inquisition's updates, bookmark this page.

This was from the Driver post on the Geforce Site:Far Cry 4 GeForce Game Ready Driver Now Available | GeForce

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This is a beta driver that addresses the following issues:

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  • 1 month later...
Dragon age inquisition runs better with these drivers and, this is coming from a gtx 880m

Can confirm this!

And the SLI Texture Flickering in Dragon Age Inq. is LESS yet still occurs but not that strong and not that often.

750m SLI.

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