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Amazing Desktop Program


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Today while I was browsing the web I came across a real interesting program.

For the longest time I been looking for a way to have an animated desktop, and I have to say the task seems a little daunting. From shoddy sites to programs that promise and they don't deliver.

Enter DeskScapes, a program made by WinCustomize(StarDock). This program allows you to install an animated desktop in your machine, and even if is not free (19.99) I believe is might worth it's price.

I started testing it on my M18x and I have to say I am pretty impressed with the program, from fully animated desktops that you can download to static ones this program has a lot of potential because the program to make this animated desktops is free.

Once the animated desktop is created the program is save in a .dream file and then you can use DeskScape to install as your desktop.

Here is the link, enjoy.


Some of the animated Desktops are free and some other ask for a buy.

Dream Gallery - Your home for Animated Wallpaper

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great find I have never liked Stardock, Windows Blinds etc... they all proved to be buggy resource hogs... this one certainly looks promising though.

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  • Founder

my problem with rainmeter is that "windows+D" shortcut which I use to minimize all windows to show desktop also minimizes rainmeter and hides it..

kind of defeats the purpose of having it :)

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It seems they fixed that in v2.0. The support on their forum is great - I had some question one time (basically moving the configuration folder outside of My Documents) and the guy on the forum replied to me in couple of minutes. The software also seems to work nice and is inconspicuous. I used it for a while now and can recommend it. :)

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  • Founder

Here's my desktop using rainmeter, deskcape and rocketdock. The background is a fractal animation and its animated, looks very cool but it eats up too much CPU power (13%) so I'll likely change it.


Edited by Brian
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Lol you bunch of thread hijackers let me change the name to Rain meter thread, brouhaha.:Banane41:

If its any consolation I like the idea of Dreamscapes!

Edit: [MENTION=5]Brian K.[/MENTION] I think you set your desktop up very nice. I have most of those same programs usually. I noticed you have Utorrent... I've been trying my best to stay away from it... it's like an addiction.. with stuff like your article on filesharing and the cracking down on it... its starting to get to be a scary shady seen on those torrent sites... just my .02

Edited by mw86
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  • 1 month later...

if you have windows 7 ultimate you can hackenable dreamscene like it was on vista i don't know if it's legal to do so on windows 7 retail but it is for thoses of us that upgraded from vista ultimate caus we paid for the feature

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