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[Mod] Voltage increase Nvidia GT 555M

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Anyone knows where I can download A04 unlocked? Want to test it. Or is it similar to A03? And the change in A04 (comparing to A03) is only new processor support?

Thank you in advance.


Edited by c69k
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I just updated the-voltage-increase-nvidia-gt-555m-7.html#post12003"] main post with the modified versions of BIOS A07 & A08, I'll add the modified unlocked versions as well, as soon as someone has tested the -m14x-*unlocked*-bios-a07-a08.html#post17496"]unlocked versions.

Please report back when you flash them, I can't test it myself, but it should work flawlessly.

Edit: Uploaded the wrong A08, will be up again in short time.

Edit: A08 is back up, the version I got from the FTP server from Dell does not include a new VBIOS (as stated in the release notes). This might also be the reason why the file isn't available on the Dell driver site, as I already mentioned in the A07&A08 BIOS thread. I think they'll release the proper version sometime in the near future. Let me know in case I miss it.

Edited by svl7
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I flashed from unlocked A03 Volt mod to A08 unlocked Volt mod.

The Difference:

After flashing to A08 the only difference thanx to Dell was that my SSD ran SATA 3Gbps instead of SATA 6Gbps. So no deal for me. Also I ran Crysis 2 for 20 min. and the 'quieter fan tweak' on A08=A05, so quieter system, but extra 5-8c in temps for CPU. GPU stayed about the same. I was GPU OC 750/1050. Next I ran WEI and on A08 it showed 7.6 compared to 7.8 on A03, which is clearly a result of SATA 3Gbps speeds on A08. Then, I ran Kombustor trying to see a difference, and YES. On A08 max average fps were lower by 10 fps. So no deal again.

Possible A08 real world 'fixes':

-People having GPUs dissapearing with inability to install Nvidia Drivers.

-SSD users with SATA 3Gbps SSDs having problems to start Win7 or BSODs.

-SSD users unable to run SATA6Gbps SSDs at all (never heard of).

-And SSD users who are tired of Win7 startup issues with SATA 6Gbps SSDs willing to sacrifice the speed for stable Win7 startup (however I can not confirm that A08 fixes Win7 startups with SSDs).

-And people wanting to have quieter and warmer systems.

Result from my point of view: Dell please, this is not what I need lol

@svl7 nice

p.s. My SSD runs under MSAHCI, I have not tried installing Intel RST to see a change in SSD speeds A03 vs A08.

However, if SATA 6Gbps is disabled in Bios A08 (as it is lol) then no Intel RST will make it faster I think.

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Make sure you go to the BIOS menu and load the default settings after flashing.

As mentioned, A08 was supposed to come with a different VBIOS, I think it should be up soon.

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I really appreciate your work.

I haven't re-set the Bios after flashig to A08. The A08 menus are exactly the same as in A05 unlocked, if anyone needs this info. After flashing to A08 my settings stayed at the same values as in A03.

Would it be technically possible to include A08 Vbios only (when a new Vbios is confirmed in A08) in A03 unlocked and overvolted? I ask because A03 unlocked and overvolted was tested as the best for my M14X with SATA6Gbps and best fan cooling.

Thanx again for your work, I promise to try any new version you post and will report back.

P.S. Another guy Flashed from Stock A05 with default settings in Bios menus to A08 default. The same result. Drop from Sata 6Gbps to SATA 3Gbps.

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hmm since its an updated vbios you think its possible the 1v mod might work properly this time? im not sure if i wanna try it just yet, will i still be able to go back to a03 if i dont like it or will the new vbios not downgrade?

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I always recommend to load the defaults after flashing a BIOS, to minimize possible issues.

hmm since its an updated vbios you think its possible the 1v mod might work properly this time? im not sure if i wanna try it just yet, will i still be able to go back to a03 if i dont like it or will the new vbios not downgrade?

The VBIOS didn't change so far, the only A08 which I got from Dells FTP server contains exactly the same VBIOS as always. A08 isn't officially available from the support site atm, it seems Dell messed up a bit (as I already mentioned). I think they'll update the site with the proper A08 in the near future.

Would it be technically possible to include A08 Vbios only (when a new Vbios is confirmed in A08) in A03 unlocked and overvolted? I ask because A03 unlocked and overvolted was tested as the best for my M14X with SATA6Gbps and best fan cooling.

P.S. Another guy Flashed from Stock A05 with default settings in Bios menus to A08 default. The same result. Drop from Sata 6Gbps to SATA 3Gbps.

Yes, this should work without issues (in this case). We can look into this once the proper A08 gets released. Let me know in case I miss it.

The SATA issue sucks, no idea what exactly they changed, but if you can't get SATA3 speeds anymore I'd call them and complain since you bought the machine with a SATA3 port...

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I always recommend to load the defaults after flashing a BIOS, to minimize possible issues.

The VBIOS didn't change so far, the only A08 which I got from Dells FTP server contains exactly the same VBIOS as always. A08 isn't officially available from the support site atm, it seems Dell messed up a bit (as I already mentioned). I think they'll update the site with the proper A08 in the near future.

Yes, this should work without issues (in this case). We can look into this once the proper A08 gets released. Let me know in case I miss it.

The SATA issue sucks, no idea what exactly they changed, but if you can't get SATA3 speeds anymore I'd call them and complain since you bought the machine with a SATA3 port...

I forgot, please if it is possible to check (I do not know how/where) the version of OROM version in A08? This is not urgent at all, but might count. Or is A08 OROM limiting to SATA 3Gbps?? Thank you.

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Which OROM are you thinking about?

If there's really no SATA3 speed anymore there must be something somewhere in the BIOS which causes this, but I'm not sure whether I can locate this, I'm still a beginner and need to learn a lot of stuff when it comes to BIOS modding. Somehow I just can't really believe that Dell disabled SATA3. Hmm, in case I somehow figure out something I'll let you know.

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Yeah, but still... which OROM do I have to look at? Honestly, I have no idea where the setting that disables SATA3 could be located... provided there's such a setting in A08.

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1. M18x A03 BIOS Modification Infos - Page 32

2. off topic posts from the POLL thread

Please check these 2 threads. My knowledge is VERY LIMITED regarding this, however, I will test anything you want to be tested on M14X, and you will get results as soon as possible. Dell disappointed with its SATA3 Gbps 'fix' in M14X Bios A07. On the bright side people see their Nvidia cards as of M14X A08, however A08 includes the same SATA 3Gbps limitation. What is WRONG with Dell??

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

Im missing something, ok I want to try one of this modify bios I guess the Bios 8 is the best choice, any way what i am missing is how to install, is there a link with instructions on how to proceed to the flash of this Bios on my M14x?

Million thanks! When you dont know ask google and if you dont find ask :Banane27:

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Hey guys....

i could manage to raise the FSB from 100Mhz to 106,5 Mhz (and not only to 103,01Mhz) but I think the VoltMod is not working correct...

I "only" have 0,912V and not 0,93V

Is that correct?!?

What can i do to fix it? i tried the A03, A05 and A08 modded Bios......

any ideas?



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Hey, that's correct, the voltmod is definitely working, you can easily verify this with overclocking and finding the limits with and without the modified BIOS, they'll be different.

GPU-Z and similar software doesn't actually measure the voltage, it just reports the value written in the VBIOS. I can't remember what exactly GPU-Z reported when I first released the mod, might have been 0.93V, really don't know anymore since I don't own a M14x myself. Such software can get updated, (databases etc.) and so it might report a different value now, I don't know.

Anyway, as I said, it just reports a value from the VBIOS or the driver or from wherever, no actual voltage.

The voltage labels in the VBIOS read 0.83V, 0.88V and 0.93V, but this doesn't mean that's the actual voltage. Looking at the VR chip it's more likely that the voltage is 0.9125V, which would fit really well to your reading. If you want to be 100% sure about the actual value you'll have to measure it ;)

What's for certain is that it is higher than the stock voltage.

I probably should update the main post with this information as well.

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