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About Tyler27

  • Birthday 02/27/1992

Tyler27's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. hmm since its an updated vbios you think its possible the 1v mod might work properly this time? im not sure if i wanna try it just yet, will i still be able to go back to a03 if i dont like it or will the new vbios not downgrade?
  2. well i did some more looking around and with the voltage at 1v it looks like windows disables the card, in the device manager it says code 43 and that the card was reporting problems, i also updated drivers and that did nothing either, maybe if the vbios got tweaked again and was put back into the bios we could try again, but currently im on the .93v mod running between 830-850 stable
  3. i have it virtualized in vmware and i love it
  4. alright well ill attempt it and run some tests and see what i can squeeze out of this card once you give me the password any specific benchmarks you would like to see? i like to run the heaven dx11 test or i run actual games, i dont use official benchmarking programs
  5. can the voltage be pushed to 1v cause im running games stable around 830-850 and my temps idle around 78, i believe there is room to go higher especially since i have no problem using a cooling pad to contain temps if needed
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