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Display brightness/color issue when MSI GX60 is on battery mode


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I have a solution for Windows 7 users experiencing an odd brightness/color issue that happens when you are on battery power. Note: This fix only applies to Windows 7 users, I don't think it is the same issue as what is being experienced by Windows 8 users.

So here is the fix:

1. Right-click on your Desktop and select Graphics Properties. You should then be looking at the AMD VISION Engine Control Center.

2. Click on the Preferences button on the top right corner and select Advanced View. You should now see more categories under the Search field.

3. Click on the Power category and then select PowerPlay™. You should now see all the PowerPlay options to the right of the category view.

4. Either uncheck Enable Vari-Bright™ or set the Vari-Bright setting to Maximize Quality.

5. Click the Apply button at the bottom right corner. Give your display at least 5 seconds to adjust to this setting.

To test whether this setting works, unplug from the power outlet and run from battery to see if your display brightness and color is the same as when you were connected to the power outlet.

If you find your display colors are washed out or seem too bright (regardless of whether you are connected to the power outlet or on battery), you can tweak your color settings here:

1. Go back to the AMD VISION Engine Control Center and select My Built-in Displays from the category view.

2. Then select Display Color (Built-in Display). The options to tweak the colors should now be available on the right. Make sure to click Apply to make the changes effective.

3. You can try tweaking the Contrast and Brightness settings to adjust issues you may be having with the colors or brightness.

Hope the above helps.



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