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Lenovo Y500 unlocked bios?


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@svl7 : thank yu for doin this :) greatly in dept with yu !!!:loyal:

also jus wanted to confirm that is bearfight rite abt the SLIC ? if so is it intact? jus curious !


: thank yu for the valuable information!


+1, greatly appreciate what svl7 is doing for the community. Hopefully we can salvage this failed product and make it function as it was originally advertised.

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Could this deal with y400?

I'm not really familiar with Lenovo systems... does it use the same bios as the Y500? (Like the 480/580)

Can I update the LENOVO-6BCN31WW(V1.03) with the unlocked LENOVO-6BCN34WW(V1.05) without any problems?

Not yet... need to find a solution for the windows activation stuff, working on it, but really busy atm.

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it's not the same bios 1.3 comes with a different windows 8 basic key then bios 1.5

P.S. If you have bios 1.3 installed and update to the unlocked 1.5 bios your windows will be deactivated

bios1.3 to bios unlocked mod 1.3 = windows activated

bios1.5 to bios unlocked mod 1.5 = windows activated

bios 1.3 to bios unlocked mod 1.5 =windows deactivated

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Is there any sort of pattern that can be followed to get to unlocked mod 1.5? I.e: bios1.3 > unlocked mod 1.3 > unlocked mod 1.5? Darth, what bios are you running right now and what bios did your y500 come with? Were you able to flash it yourself or did svl7 have to help? Is Windows activated on the unlocked bios1.05? Thanks for the help!

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For those people who want to unlock their BIOS for the Lenovo Y 500 I'm going to list what I've tried what's works and what didn't work for me

1.Intel HD4000 graphics - Not working -think it's a frame buffer issue

2. Intel WIDI - Not working - No Intel Graphics Support

3. Memory - Overclocking Memory worked via advanced Menu

4. CPU - Overclocking worked via the multiplier - In advanced Menu Please Replace stock thermal paste if you going to attempt (ex IC Diamond)

5. Raid - Not working - In advanced Menu I can switch to Raid Mode but in the config Menu there was still only AHCI and IDE mode only tryed to restart in raid mode Bios would revert Back to AHCI Mode

6.Power Management - Working - you can set C-State via Unlocked Power Menu


Windows 8 (64bit) Standard (preinstalled on all Y 500)

And all so a BIG THANKS TO SVL7 for helping me out

P.S I have Bios ver. 1.3 with the elan Touch Pad I have to return my laptop touch Pad issues

I believe Bios ver. 1.5 users have the Synaptics touch pad which as far as I know has no issues

(note) Returning to stock Bios Version 1.3 windows 8 is activated Hope this answer everyone's Questions

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Windows 8 (64bit) Standard (preinstalled on all Y 500) Activation Issue

-Y 500 BIOS 1.3 Users - Must use an unlocked 1.3 Bios version (not Bios1.5 version) When it becomes Available For windows 8 to stay Activated

-Y 500 Bios 1.5 Users - Can use the unlocked 1.5 Bios version found on this site - Windows 8 Activation Will Not be affected

That's not true, the issue is different. You can easily use a 1.05 bios on any machine.

As for the HD4000, that might indeed be hardware-related, but it also depends on what exactly you changed in the settings. In order to just run from the HD4000 you need to change at least two settings (in case it's actually implemented).

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Does flashing the bios change the waranty ? Does anyone know?

Lenovo probably won't approve this bios version, however you can always revert back to your original bios, just keep a copy of your bios backup.


Alright guys, I found a way which should allow (hopefully all of you) to flash the modified BIOS. I created a new thread with all the instructions and files in the first post, let's continue the discussion there:

Lenovo Y500 - 'unlocked' BIOS / wwan-wlan whitelist removal


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