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n1smo last won the day on January 17 2013

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About n1smo

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. HAHAHA.. yeah, I've been away for that long... Man, that was probably close to 6 months ago. But I accept full responsibility for my actions (which was overvolting/overclocking too much) and I'll deal with it. Not going to go through Lenovo because I hate them and they can go eat a _____. Still not over the keyboard/ touchpad issues (even though I've fixed it a long time ago), not to mention their false advertising, ie. WiDi. My next laptop will probably be an Alienware, Asus or MSI. I was pretty close to getting an Alienware, but I really have no need for a laptop right now and the Y500 is still more than relevant. May change my mind when GTA V comes out, we'll see.... or I may just get a PS4....
  2. LOL, definitely not intentional but yeah... it's a touch screen too, so I guess you can say it is an improvement. Definitely took the mobility out of it.... oh well. I'll probably buy a Y500 off of EBay one of these days so I can troubleshoot.
  3. @octiceps, LOL, I had to walk away for a while like GSP after the display died. Still don't know what it is, if it's the screen, the video cable, or the motherboard but I'm thinking it's the motherboard..... So now I've permanently turned my laptop into a desktop. Took the entire lid assembly off.... But yes, it is benching higher running at 1127/2475 and drivers. I want to overvolt and run at 1200+ again to see what the scores will look like.
  4. The updated vbios worked great!! Can we get an overvolt version? Also, I've noticed that my benchmarks have gone up significantly since Windows 8.1... Noticed the boost even at stock speeds but now that both cards are overclocked, the scores are amazing. NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3632QM,LENOVO INVALID right off the bat it is 200 points higher than when I was running at 1200/2500 mhz. Games are silky smooth too, so it is not just the benchmarks. I'm impressed that after a year of owning this thing, it is still getting better. I'm also scoring 560ish in Heaven, before I could barely break into the 500's.
  5. Please keep us updated!
  6. Yes, that is odd. I thought maybe you were running SLI with the 120w.
  7. Furmark doesn't support SLI currently. What you are seeing is your ultrabay sitting idle at 53c.
  8. What is the advantage of the 7260 over the 6235?
  9. Probably because the motherboard is not putting out 45w. Here's my 3632QM for comparison. Identical basically.
  10. 75C is not bad at all but really depends on which benchmark you are using. No need for concern until it touches 90C.
  11. No, I didn't go through SanDisk or Lenovo. Just went on Amazon and bought a replacement. I figure instead of going through the warranty process, I would just bad mouth them until I am satisfied.
  12. The SanDisk 16gb mSATA SSD crapped out on me also. I stuck a new one in there (not SanDisk of course because apparently they suck) and all is good again. No sense in troubleshooting it any further, it is the SSD itself that has gone bad. My went at about the 5 month mark, I've read quite a few posts around the forums and it is beginning to fail for others as well. Just like in your case. Sorry for the bad news.
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