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Hitman Absolution Discussion


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  • Founder

So I just got the game today and haven't gotten very far but I'm liking the game so far. I try to be as stealthy as possible but found sometimes I can't avoid killing targets, even if they're civilians. Hooked up my M18x to my 55" plasma and am using an Xbox 360 controller to play it, who needs weak ass consoles? Looks gorgeous with Ultra preset + 4x MSAA and thanks to the 680M SLI OC'd the framerate is pretty good (usually 40-60+).













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Lol, Yea, im loving the game so far. Your almost at a really cool level (a motel) and man the game really feels great in levels like that. And it scales really well between systems, Like if you do the settings properly you can get the game to look almost identical to ultra, but with notably better performance (try setting shadows to minimum, not jaggy at all).

At first i had trouble with this game, but once you break into a observant/tactical mindset you really start to make progress. And if you ever get stuck, just goof around, thats how i beat the Chinatown level. A lot of the time it will seem like there's no solution then youl find a crack in the security and BAM its over just like that.

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  • Founder

I made it to the hotel level and I just killed the redneck guards rather than sneak around :D Now I'm trying to sneak out with the cops everywhere and I'm trying not to kill them but I always end up doing so and getting shot up by the whole swat team lol.

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I opened this page few minutes ago then forgot about it and now I switched to Chrome where I read the first sentence as:

I made it to the hotel and I just killed the redneck guards rather than sneak around :D

and I'm thinking WTF Brian!!! (noting the smiley at the end) and then as I continue reading I'm like.... OHHH HITMAN .... riiiiiight! :D :D :D

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Got this game a few weeks ago, really enjoyed the graphic upgrade from Blood Money. Obviously playing Hitman games, I try to be as stealthy as possible, going about the map to find ways around guards/obstacles. I let my buddy try his hand at it, he had never played or seen a Hitman game. Needless to say, he starts running through the map like it was CoD, shooting everything that moves :) I was laughing pretty hard at the end, and he still does not understand why you can't just "blow everyone away"!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Got this game a few weeks ago, really enjoyed the graphic upgrade from Blood Money. Obviously playing Hitman games, I try to be as stealthy as possible, going about the map to find ways around guards/obstacles. I let my buddy try his hand at it, he had never played or seen a Hitman game. Needless to say, he starts running through the map like it was CoD, shooting everything that moves :) I was laughing pretty hard at the end, and he still does not understand why you can't just "blow everyone away"!

Your buddy is not alone. I also finished hitman absolution killing everybody like in counter-strike and I had a lot of fun. Never liked to eliminate opponents from hide, so the thing I love most in this game is that it gives you a choice how you want to finish it :P

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I'm also the one of this type cause i dont know how to hide .and i did try to hide or disguise enemy .but they will know me i'm not their group and they start to shoot me,then i decided to kill all and pass all the level.it's pretty fun to kill all.:joyous:

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