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Quadro card for gaming

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I know that Quadro cards are not designed for gaming blahblahblah. But the fact is that I have a Quadro and I want to game. I just wanted to see what users here have found based on their real life experiences with Quadro cards and gaming. I have found that my Quadro card with workstation drivers can adequately game (SC2 on medium settings) but is there any way to increase performance without purchasing an external GPU or overclocking? I've read conflicting reports that GeForce equivalent cards perform "better" than their Quadro counterparts (though none of the comparisons I've seen have numbers specific for games with equal system specs, benchmarks don't mean a thing to me, also the equivalent GTX 460M has twice the render output units and GDDR5 memory). Also, if I softmod the Quadro INF to its GeForce equivalent and install the consumer drivers, would performance increase? If so, how much and why?

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I know that the FirePro M8900 performed pretty well in gaming, but of course the drivers were never optimized for this... Not sure about the Nvidia professional cards though, but I guess it's similar.

You won't be able to flash a 460m vbios since it uses different vram modules, but maybe you can somehow install the GeForce drivers, did you ever try this? Should give you a nice boost in recent games if it works.

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BTW, I would like to ask, do you have a clevo K5000M vbios (OC/OV like MSI_GTX680m4gb_+_200MHz_OV_ver2 if posible)?

I also want to OC/OV my (HP) K5000M QS.

Can I flashign K5000M with vbios from GTX680M?


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I know that the FirePro M8900 performed pretty well in gaming, but of course the drivers were never optimized for this... Not sure about the Nvidia professional cards though, but I guess it's similar.

You won't be able to flash a 460m vbios since it uses different vram modules, but maybe you can somehow install the GeForce drivers, did you ever try this? Should give you a nice boost in recent games if it works.

Too bad AMD didn't have switchable graphics for my laptop. You don't need to flash the vbios to install GeForce drivers, just change the INF file so that your system thinks you have 'x' GPU in your system (soft-mod). I have yet to see drivers alone, significantly improve gameplay (maybe in the old days), and just wanted to know if anyone has similar/differing experiences. Interestingly, I've seen workstation software deliver better graphics (not sure why):

Guide : How to use Quadro Drivers on GeForce Cards

Not sure how it affects performance, but for SC2, I don't really care with increased graphics quality since there are so many units (as opposed to a FPS/RPG).

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BTW, I would like to ask, do you have a clevo K5000M vbios (OC/OV like MSI_GTX680m4gb_+_200MHz_OV_ver2 if posible)?

I also want to OC/OV my (HP) K5000M QS.

Can I flashign K5000M with vbios from GTX680M?


Missed this post, can you send me the vbios?

Flashing the 680m with a K5000m vbios resulted in a brick for me... so I wouldn't try it. Though this might have been caused by the vbios version I flashed.

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Yeah, that's a pretty early vbios, I'm curious whether it throttles or not. Test this version, I didn't change the clocks but slightly adjusted the voltage. Overclock it with MSI AB or similar and let me know how it goes.

I'm curious about whether it throttles in 3dM11 or not, can you post some results? First GPU test at default settings (720p) would already be fine, just overclock the card to like 900MHz.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


K5000M QS A1 /P157HM/2630QM stock


K5000M QS A2 /P157EM/3740QM@4,1-3,9

Both cards with vbios from svl7.

Stock core operating frequency is 601MHz instead of 706MHz and does not change after the introduction of other values ​​(for the current clock). :(

I have a impression that over 60 deg C voltage drops from 1.012 V to 0.987 V (for P0 P-state).


Could you please change the core clock to 706MHz+136 MHz, and 800MHz+136MHz, and stabilize the voltage P0 to 1.012 V or 1.025 V (if possible)?

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Well, the stock clock of a K5000m is 601MHz. I can increase the default clock, but if overclocking per software doesn't work for you with this vbios, I don't know whether I can fix that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Prema,

A perfect score. I thought K5000M has only Hynix memory, but apparently it does not matter. These are the 2500MHz memory chips, so there is no problem with the achievement of 2600-2700MHz. At 2600MHz the artifacts just begin to appear.

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They made Hynix & Sammy K5M versions...the chips are rated 9x0Mhz (1800/3600)@1.3v & 1250Mhz (2500/5000)@1.5v...afaik the board only gives them 1.3v so 2600Mhz is awesome and it is an 1000Mhz OC over the stock RAM speed... LOL;)

I didn't try to go above 2300Mhz, yet...didn't want to fry anything ;)

What was your CPU speed at 2 cores?

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Hi Prema,

Right. But these are the Hynix H5GQ2H24AFR T2C = 2000MHz (stock) at 1.35V (not MFR T2C). IMHO, it does not matter what is the memory chips speed. More important is memory controller voltage.

The CPU was stock.

Could you share your vbios please?


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