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MSI G-Series Unlocked BIOS


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I do it, i can't upload jpg but i see YeS click for more information,


Hardware Virtualization

This processor does offer advanced hardware support for virtualization. However, while running under a 64-bit version of Windows this program cannot execute its 32-bit kernel code to determine whether Intel's VMX virtual machine extensions are being locked on, locked off, or neither. Since there's a chance that your system's BIOS may be deliberately disabling support for hardware virtualization (some do) you should re-run this program, if possible,  with administrative privileges under a 32-bit version of NT, XP, or Vista. That will allow SecurAble to run a bit of kernel-mode code in order to determine exactly what's going on. (Note that you can also poke around in your system's BIOS to see whether you're able to find any references to "hardware virtualization" or "VMX", etc.


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  • Bios Modder
53 minutes ago, Julius94 said:

I do it, i can't upload jpg but i see YeS click for more information,


Hardware Virtualization

This processor does offer advanced hardware support for virtualization. However, while running under a 64-bit version of Windows this program cannot execute its 32-bit kernel code to determine whether Intel's VMX virtual machine extensions are being locked on, locked off, or neither. Since there's a chance that your system's BIOS may be deliberately disabling support for hardware virtualization (some do) you should re-run this program, if possible,  with administrative privileges under a 32-bit version of NT, XP, or Vista. That will allow SecurAble to run a bit of kernel-mode code in order to determine exactly what's going on. (Note that you can also poke around in your system's BIOS to see whether you're able to find any references to "hardware virtualization" or "VMX", etc.


I think it's a problems in Windows settings.

Go into Windows Control Panel (search for Control Panel in toolbar if you can't find it), and select programs. Then select Turn Windows features on and off.

Make sure Hyper V is turned OFF (blank) and reboot if needed.

Windows 10 by default enables Hyper-V, which blocks any other 64bit virtualization.

ps - if you want to get two cores running, set memory in virtualbox, and set key ports forwarded add this to your virtualbox file

# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
  vb.memory = "3000"
  vb.cpus = "2"

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 3306, host: 3306
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 9000, host: 9000
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My gt683 upgrade from gtx560m to gtx980m was succesful. But now i am experiencing fps drops because my cpu (i7 2860qm) seems to throttle. Can i fix this issue with the unlocked bios and throttlestop combination?

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I am currently using the stock heatsink that i modded to fit the gtx980m. Is the gt70 heatsink with coolerboost2 (heatpipe connecting cpu and gpu heatsinks) worth buying considering my cpu throttling issue?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Bios Modder
On 3/5/2021 at 6:38 PM, w1nd0ws said:

my Notebook:

MSI GT60 0NC (MS-16F3)

EC 16F3EMS1 Ver4.05

Is this the right BIOS version? 

MS-GT60(15.6''): .30M MSI GT60 Unlocked.zip


Yes it is the right bios version for your laptop.


On 3/5/2021 at 6:38 PM, w1nd0ws said:


On 3/5/2021 at 6:38 PM, w1nd0ws said:

how do I get permission to download?

Just read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-posting/

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Thank you for your quick repsonse.


No, unlocked bios can't help you with FAN speed adjustment. FAN speed control placed in microcontroller's firmware (EC firmware), not in bios.

I read under this topic, that could fix the 100% fan speed problem. i had to remove my gpu, because of an gpu failure.

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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, w1nd0ws said:

that could fix the 100% fan speed problem. i had to remove my gpu, because of an gpu failure.

Yes, you can fix the 100% fan speed problem. But unlocked bios from the first page doesn't have the required unlocked option.

You can post here or send me your file backup of bios in PM.  For creating backup of bios you can use attached backup tool. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run  backup tool as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator). Backup tool will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Post here or send me this archive "results" via PM, or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks, I decided to change my orginal wifi card with new one on my MSI GX740.  So i bough new with intel AC7265 chip.  I put and wifi work properly without any problem but the bluetooth of card computer don't find.  My question is this problem it's coming from bios or hardware or from both. 

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  • Bios Modder


16 minutes ago, raisig said:

Hi Folks, I decided to change my orginal wifi card with new one on my MSI GX740.  So i bough new with intel AC7265 chip.  I put and wifi work properly without any problem but the bluetooth of card computer don't find.  My question is this problem it's coming from bios or hardware or from both. 


Try to isolate pin 20 and pin 51 on your new Wi-Fi card.


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Thank you very much Klem for you replay. So I steady very stick my problem and at end i think that maybe on because old wifi card don't used a usb pin, MSI don't a put wire to this pci-e connector. On new card pin 51 too not used, and on other computer i try and he find a Bluetooth correctly. So that is reason to start to thinking in this direction. To day i will try to remove a chip set and to check a wire is that is true or not. So i will keep in touch about next my reasurshing. :hyper:

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Hi Folks, finally i found a problem and fix it. So I want to share my experiеnce if some one take a decision to change him wi-fi card. How i can suggesting in last post MSI don't put a wire for USB connection on pci-e. I soldered a new wire from pin 38(USBD+) and 36(USBD-) on pci-e to a pin of my old bluetooth   card. In conclusion if a wi-fi card which you try, computer don't find with isolated pin 51 (if used to control on/off of bluetooth) you must to be sure that USB pin not has a connection. So i wish a success to every one which try it. :10_002:

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  • Bios Modder
6 minutes ago, Mikeyro said:

First of all i want to upgrade my CPU now is an i5 2450 with GTX 570M and i bought a i7 2630QM , do i need a bios upgrade or mod or is it just plug and play ?


You can upgrade your i5 2450M to i7 2630QM just plug and play, without bios modification.

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  • Bios Modder
9 minutes ago, Mikeyro said:

My GTX 540M is stuck with nvidia 391.35

391.35 it is the latest Nvidia official drivers version for your GTX 540M.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/15/2021 at 8:19 PM, Rotta said:

I flashed the custom bios and installed throttlestop. Switchin the bd prochot seems to help with my fps drops in games. Is this a recommended solution or is there other better methods available?


Hey Rotta!

It has been since time but there might be others with the same question.

I used throttle stop for about 2 years now. Never had any problems disabling bd prochot.

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I want to flash my Medion Erazer x7815 with an unlocked BIOS soon to get my i7 2920xm to his limits.

After getting in touch with Pherein fan control for a quieter behaviour at medium temps and getting to know it my CPU never exceeded 80°C on heavy gaming. Stock fan settings were at about 84°C.

I am using ThermalGrizzly conductonaut and the CPU is taped ofcourse.


Are these normal temperatures or should they be much better?

I am curious which BIOS I should be using. For Whitebook or for MSI. I have a Quadro m4000m running on it. The Motherboard is a MS1761. Do i have to look up the exact Revision?

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I just tried to flash my Medion x7815 (1761) in FreeDOS/AFUDOS with the Whitebook BIOS. 

It says incompatible.

Even tho the file size of the original BIOS is the exact same. 2560KB

I would like to share the original one here but:

"/var/www/html/IPS/uploads/monthly_2021_04 could not be created."

I uploaded it here:


Did I choose the right BIOS or should I try the MSI GT 780/783 one? Since the Medion ist kinda the same just rebranded. BUT the MSI BIOS is 4096KB.


thanks in advance

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Due to a touch panel issue, I need to unlock the BIOS in order to access the fan control parameters or dissabled the Turbo mode. The fan start normally and latter the fan up to 100, fan down, fan up, this cycle star over and over again, the fan sound its a big issue for the concentration.

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On 4/19/2021 at 1:40 AM, Paultool said:


Due to a touch panel issue, I need to unlock the BIOS in order to access the fan control parameters or dissabled the Turbo mode. The fan start normally and latter the fan up to 100, fan down, fan up, this cycle star over and over again, the fan sound its a big issue for the concentration.


Maybe try the easiest way with fan control by pherein.

But I don't know if u have a fitting model since you didn't mention it.

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