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Waking Life (2001)


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I wanted to recommend a rather old (2001) but great movie. it had quite an effect on me while i was growing up.

I totally forgot about it and something i saw today reminded me, so here i am sharing it with T|I.

The movie explores the "Lucid Dreaming" phenomenon, and is generally quite enlightening and thought provoking.

At some point of my life i was very interested in the subject, and even succeeded to have a lucid dream a few times, i later abandoned the subject due to ... well... life but it fascinates me nevertheless.

The movie is build as a series of intellectual dialogs that the main character is having with various people during his lucid dream. It's quite long, so i suggest watching it in parts.

here's the excerpt from IMDB:

Dreams. What are they? An escape from reality or reality itself? Waking Life follows the dream(s) of one man and his attempt to find and discern the absolute difference between waking life and the dreamworld. While trying to figure out a way to wake up, he runs into many people on his way; some of which offer one sentence asides on life, others delving deeply into existential questions and life's mysteries. We become the main character. It becomes our dream and our questions being asked and answered. Can we control our dreams? What are they telling us about life? About death? About ourselves and where we come from and where we are going? The film does not answer all these for us. Instead, it inspires us to ask the questions and find the answers ourselves.

Had anyone seen it ? Or going to after this intro ? :)

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Very interesting i'll give that one a try Michael I know what you mean when you say "i later abandoned the subject due to ... well... life but it fascinates me nevertheless."

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I gonna see it for sure once I get a proper internet connection... Thanks for sharing!

Is it hosted from the web by chance? if that's what you mean?

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Funny you mentioned it. I just (tonight) had several lucid dreams within other dreams, some I figured they were dreams, for some other I did not. :D One of them had me as a protagonist in some kind of mix between GTA and Fallout themed world :D ... why throw money on real games :P. Its just that there is this lack of multiplayer and in addition I always remember very little afterward. I read about it quite a bit and I found the easiest way to check whether you are dreaming is to find some text around try to read it once then look away and then look back and see if there is the same text. It worked for me in pretty much 100% of the cases. The only thing is you have to remember to do it, so it may be helpful to practice during daytime.

It's quite fun actually once you figure out, since you can do whatever you want. For example, you can fly around, have sex with whomever you want, go wherever you please.... whats not to like about it. :P:D

My top achievement in lucid dreaming is I figured I was dreaming the night before one of my exams and managed to think about some problems I had issues with when I was awake. It helped and I eventually solved them after I got up. I managed to do that only once tho. I just wish I could it more often and make better use of my time when I am sleep. :)

Oh and I will definitely take a look at that movie!

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Ah, the topic of lucid dreaming. one that always taunts me =/

I have never fully lucid dreamed. I've been aware that I am dreaming during the dream, but I just can't make it do what I want. The scenes go by extremely fast and I can't get control over it. Gotta love them sex dreams though xP

@unreal25 I once had something really similar happen. I had math homework that I was cramming and I didn't get the last 3 problems. I went to bed, and during the dream I solved them. Again, I didn't have control over it, but it sort of just happened for me. Sort of like having something force fed into your brain (gahhhhh inception).

It seems like the only thing that I can control is when I wake up. I sleep on the bus for school and I can wake up at the same place, or if i decide to, a little bit earlier every day. When I sleep during the weekends and I realize I'm dreaming, I can snap myself out and just wake up. It isn't all that useful because it doesn't work for getting up early for school, but it is pretty cool when it works when I'm sleeping on a saturday morning and decide to get something done :).

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I haven't seen the inception, so I don't get the reference. :)

@mmskate13, I can take control of the dream once I am aware of it in most of the times (say 2 out of 3), in other cases as you said it all just happens so fast. One time I was going to fight a tiger (don't ask lol) and then the tiger turned into a beautiful woman ಠ_ಠ . I had lots of extremes, like either really good dreams or really bad. And sometimes (extremely rarely tho) they are so vivid, it takes me 10-15min after I wake up to figure out whether that really happened or not. :)

Also, one time when I was quite a bit younger I really wanted a satellite dish so we could watch lots of other channels (we could only get ~5-6 local at a time). So I had a dream about holding the dish in my grandparents' living room and as far as I can say it's exactly how it actually happened. It was probably just coincidence + there was nothing about it that was unexpected, but even with my scientific mind I found it very creepy. As far as I can say it was only once that something like that happened.

Oh and lso what's funny is that I mostly dream about people I don't recognize. I am assuming that perhaps the brain generates these images based on the experience; maybe someone's Facebook friend that I just quickly went through, I actually remembered subconsciously. On occasion some of my RL friends or family show up.

You guys must think I am totally crazy now... but I am actually not :D:P

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I can control some times not all, and the one thing I love doing to dreams is forcing the subject matter, I can think about what I want to dream about while I am going to sleep, and do it every time. I started that when I was really young.

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the thing i love to do most while lucid dreaming is fly, the feeling is just awesome, and the "steering" of the flight somehow comes within you, not sure how to explain it.

While flying i am sometimes able to chose where i go and i successfully visited my childhood neighborhood which was very nostalgic :)

Like everything else, lucid dreaming requires practice and determination, i want to come back to invest more time in it in the future.

Oh and about inception - i guess the reason it is so highly rated, is that the notion of dreaming withing dreaming etc is new to most, but i found the movie pretty predictable and borderline boring.. Yes... i am picky with my movies :D

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