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Heatsink upgrade for P170EM


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I'm looking to upgrade the heatsink in my p170em as I have the shitty version that first came out. I posted this in NBR but didn't get many replies. Hoping maybe @Khenglish, or anyone, can help.


I found the following two heat sinks. Now I don't know which one is "the best"...

Option 1 - Supposedly from a 980m that I found on Ebay. I'm afarid because it seems the end part seems to be 2 pieces.


Option 2, from a 780m. It's a from a laptop seller in Germany:



Thanks for any help :)

Edited by EriannMX
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5 hours ago, hharcore said:

To me they look almost identical to stock ones .


Both are stock, but they have changed the design over time. The ones I have for example, are less efficient and make the card 10° hotter.

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2 hours ago, Khenglish said:

You want option 1  for the 980m heatsink. The 780m heatsink has poor memory cooling.


Thanks so much @Khenglish!

The heatsink would be for a GTX 1060, but I read a post from you saying that this one has "the best" cooling.
I should go for it then, right? (Cooler means longer lasting GPU)

So it's normal that the end piece is divided? (At least it appears to be from the photos).

PS: What do you mean with poor memory cooling? Would this be a relevant problem for the 1060?

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Hi there.

So, for the 980m, the best heatsink should be de 980m heatsink of what clevo laptop originally? The P150SM?
I have the heatsink of my original gtx 675m and the temps can get really hot in some games (like 92 degrees on farcry 4 or fallout 4). I even had to mod the case to install a fan to cool it down ( got a decrease to around 80 - 82 degrees ).

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I think the P150SM has the 780m heatink. The P150SM-A would have the 980m heatsink.


The 780m heatsink is a single piece with one radiator. The 980m heatsink is two separate heatsinks with two radiators.

Edited by Khenglish
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2 hours ago, Khenglish said:

I think the P150SM has the 780m heatink. The P150SM-A would have the 980m heatsink.


The 780m heatsink is a single piece with one radiator. The 980m heatsink is two separate heatsinks with two radiators.


The original one that came out for the 680m/7970m was also broken into two, yet many people consider it shitty, in part because of the gap between the radiators, and leads to higher temps.


What's the difference then?

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The problem with the original heatsink was it came with dual 5mm heatpipes. The 980m heatsink comes with dual 6mm heatpipes. In addition, the core radiator is 4mm thicker on the 98m heatsink vs the 680m heatsink. The extra thickness on the 780m heatsink is mostly wasted because there is no heatpipe going through the back part of the heatsink.


The 780m heatsink would probably be fine for you. I don't like it because I always overvolt memory, so I need better memory cooling. The 980m would also blow FETs, which are cooled similarly to memory, so it needed better memory/power supply cooling than the 780m. Most of the heat on the memory heatsink mostly comes from the power supply circuits (power FETs, inductors), not the memory, and the 1060 uses less power than the 780m, and far less than the 980m, so it won't need nearly as much power supply circuit cooling as the 980m.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So i've bought one 980m heatsink and installed it but my gpu temps are almost identical to my original heatsink. I noticed that the heatpipes of this new heatsink are indeed bigger as they almost didnt fit on the bottom of the laptop (i had to make pressure for it to fit) .

Should i mod the botton of the laptop? Any advices to achieve better cooling? I don't overclock and already modded the lower cover to raise the laptop and add another fan, and that helped but still gets to 92º when using full 100% gpu usage on witcher 3.


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9 hours ago, weztek said:

what paste are you using and how much of it?

Using this one :


It's the only one that i've tested that can cool down my i7-3820QM in full load.

About the quantity, when i remove the heatsink it covers basically the core of the GPU, all the square . Don't know how to better describe it. Maybe a photograph?


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