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GPU-Z reports 0.9250 when running at 3D clocks.

Yeah, that's what I expected after looking at the VBIOS, the card is already set to the highest valid voltage entry of the voltage table... all the higher values there aren't assigned to proper identifier.

Valid entries are only for 0.82V, 0.90V and 0.93V, which is also the current setting and corresponds with your GPU-Z reading.

So I can't raise the voltage per vbios, the only thing I can do is undervolt it, but I don't think you want this...

The only way left for raising the voltage is a hardmod, unless you can provide me with the manufacturers tool for VBIOS development :D

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Yeah... me too. The stock 3d voltage of the n55 is 0.87V, I'm actually surprised that Asus set it relatively high for the N75... 0.93V should already allow a nice OC, at least that's what I've seen from the Alienware M14x users.

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The N75 has a very nice overclockable GT555M onboard. I can get a stable overclock with the GPU at 780 and MEM at 1000. But we always reach for more as overclockers. The standard clock is pretty high anyway 675/900, so that could explain the higher voltage. I do not know the standard cpu / mem speed in the N55.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I kinda did the BIOS Flash from DOS Drive thing. I put in AFU236U /iN55SFAS.ROM /pbnc /n. All it did was it showed my AMI Update Utility and copyright stuff. So I'm guessing my BIOS was flashed in less than a second. Cause these are my results after.

While I'm playing TF2 and BF3 : http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/11/12/28/5hz.png.

Notice the volts.

hey man, could you give me a step by step of what you did, or anyone else that understands what he did exactly? I've been wanting to go back to the stock bios for a while now.


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  • 2 weeks later...
The modified BIOS is based on the latest one available from Asus, I need to take a look at the flash utility.

I think you might be wrong about that. when I used the inbuilt bios flasher (lauched from the bios itself), it tells me the current system bios is from aug 27 2011, and the one that I am trying to apply has the same time & day timestamp and thus it will not update it. can you try to change the time stamp on the file and re-upload?

thank you

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Well, as I said, it's based on the latest BIOS and apparently the flash utility doesn't allow you to reflash the same version.. that's why I said I needed to take a look at the flash software. There must be a command or a possibility to force the flash... I don't have an Asus system to test it, but I'd say use the DOS flash utility and check all the possible commands, I'm pretty sure it allows to force the flash when used with the proper parameters.

I could easily change the timestamp in the BIOS, if only I knew where exactly to look for it...

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Try But I'm not sure whether it'll work, force might really not be included with the tool provided by Asus.

Dear sir,

I finally flashed my bios with your mod using an older version of aflash2 and a usb DOS bootstick. Now how do I actually increase the voltage?


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Try But I'm not sure whether it'll work, force might really not be included with the tool provided by Asus.

sorry it doesn't work, there is no force option (tried it 50 ways)

any ideas on how to proceed? is it a case of waiting for asus to release a bios update?

cheers, RS

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I finally flashed my bios with your mod using an older version of aflash2 and a usb DOS bootstick. Now how do I actually increase the voltage?

Cool. Can you tell me which version and commands you used? Or maybe upload the aflash2 version you used here? Some users seem to have issues flashing the BIOS and I couldn't really solve it so far since I don't have a similar system to test it myself.

Regarding the voltage increase - there's nothing you need to do. The change is only in the VBIOS (which is part of the BIOS, thus you had to flash the BIOS) and it only affects the 3d voltage. If you check the 3d voltage during a game you'll notice that it is higher than before and should allow you to overclock your card a bit more than pr

sorry it doesn't work, there is no force option (tried it 50 ways)

any ideas on how to proceed? is it a case of waiting for asus to release a bios update?

Maybe Silvan's method works for you, I hope he can post how exactly he did it.

Else I have another option here. Download the attached flash utility, put it on a DOS bootable USB drive, boot from it and use this command:

AFUDOS /iXXXX.ROM /pbnc /n

notice the "i" before the filename (XXXX.ROM).

If it doesn't work I'll search the BIOS for the timestap, in case I find some time for this.


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One thing I don't understand: Before I flashed my bios I already had a GPU voltage of 0,925 when playing games and now it is the same after the bios mod. Is there any way to go beyond 0,925 for more stability?

I can run 775mhz gpu clock, 1550mhz shader clock and 1080 mhz ram clock stable 70-80 degrees GPU temperature. Everything above that creates crashes or creates artifacts.

Can I go higher in any way? Would it help to overclock ram or CPU? I have asus n55sf-S1194V with I7-2670QM and 16gb RAM. (It says 8gb ram is max but 16gb also works, just upgraded it last week.)

Actually 16gb ram didnt help my gaming performance at all. But now I can do video editing and a lot of multi tasking. :)

Is there anyway to upgrade the graphics card on asus n55sf? 2 gpus or a faster graphics card?

Is there anyway to overclock my harddrive? WD-WD750BPKT-80PK4T0 750GB, 7500rpm

Or basically - how do I improve performance on my laptop?

I know those are a lot of questions - thank you very much for your help in advance!

Sincerely yours,


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It read 0.925V before flashing the BIOS? That's weird. But it's only a reported VID label, not an actual voltage value. With the modified BIOS you should be able to overclock slightly higher than before. There's no way to increase the voltage even more, it is already at the maximum value which can be set in the VBIOS.

The mobile Sandybridge CPUs are bad overclockers, and I doubt you have a BIOS option for overclocking it anyway. Your GPU is soldered to the motherboard, you can't upgrade it. All you can do to increase the gaming performance is to overclock the GPU, as you already do. A faster hard drive simply decreases load times and makes the system feel snappier.

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OK, no worries. Thank you sir.

But!! I want to increase my voltage further! Why doesnt MSI afterburner or EVGA precision allow me this even if i enable the settings? I even changed the cfg of MSI afterburner but still no result. Is this because of Nvidia Optimus technology? Or is 0.925 simple THE max? Cause my temps are still below 80 degrees.

Vielen Dank :)

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