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Found 8 results

  1. Hi together :-) As the title says I'm having a little Issue after upgrading my m6700's graphics card from the K3000M to the newer K4100M: Everything seems to work properly, but under load (i.e. 3D applications) it produces crashes / system instability after ~5-20 seconds. When I reduce the chip- and memory-clocks in MSI Afterburner as far as possible, it takes a bit longer until it crashes, but eventually it always does after a minute or so. When running on battery power (and thus even further reduced clocks) everything runs stable for arbitrarily long times. This sounds like a thermal problem to me. However, the reported GPU temperature never exceeded 65°C, which I think is OK. I guess the memory chips are not temperature monitored seperately, are they? So maybe I should replace the memory thermal pads by new ones? What I've already tried/checked/looked at: - Uninstalled previous drivers with "Display Driver Uninstaller" - Latest Nvidia Drivers can be installed properly (and also tried a few older versions) - Notebook BIOS is up to date - Tried three different Video-BIOS versions - Graphics card is not recognized by Notebook BIOS properly ("Unknown video card") - Graphics card is recognized under Windows, though (Device-manager / Nvidia control-panel / GPU-Z and so on) - Sometimes after a crash the system recovers and a pop-up says that the nvidia graphics driver crashed and was restarted - Of course, I'm using the large 240 Watt Power supply Ok, that's about everything I remember to be relevant at the moment. I'd appreciate any kind of help :-) ... If you need further Information, just let me know, and I'll try to deliver it. Thank you, Florian
  2. Hey guys whats going on? I have an M17X R3, been running the 780M perfectly fine for about 7 months now. I've updated the driver once before, but it seems I'm having problems with all of the latest releases. Whats happening is when I download the latest driver, I run the setup so the 398.36 folder gets saved on my computer. Well thats what is NOT happening. Every time I run it, I see the folder pop up, but once the Nvidia downloader fails (as it should), the 398.36 folder disappears! I cant figure out how to make it stay there permanent! I've disabled driver signing and everything. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi everyone, I hope I'm not going to write off-topic; I own an Acer Predator 15 (G951) notebook, and it never gave me problems before; I've never used the integrated audio jack port because I usually listen to music and other stuff through Bluetooth headphones, but few weeks ago I noticed that putting a jack connector in the jack port only deactivates the sound from the pc speakers, but the headphones don't appear in the "devices" section, and the sound coming out from the headphones is really faint and distorted (only if the system slider of sound is at the maximum level and the sound should be very noisy, when the level is lower I don't hear anything at all). Also, when I put a jack in the microphone jack port of the pc I hear the classic sounds of the jack which touches the pin connectors inside the port, but it doesn't happen with the headphones port. I tried almost everything: I changed a lot of headphones, both phone headphones with a single jack and pc headsets with two jacks (for the headphones and for the microphone) but every time it's the same. I installed and reinstalled a lot of different versions of the audio drivers, both from Acer and the productor (Realtek), and nothing changes, I also tried with Ubuntu and it's the same. What could be the cause, and can the problem be solved without any technic intervention? Anyway the warranty for my pc is still valid, but the assistance should be the very last resource (I should do a backup of everything and format and so on). And, the last question, I flashed a custom VBIOS some time ago, does this compromise the warranty? Should I really reflash the original VBIOS or it's not so likely they're going to check on this? Thank you all for your attention!
  4. Goodmorning everyone, I am happy owner of the object in title for 3 months. After a while I purchased a Thunderbolt 2 disk Lacie d2, 3TB. Right from the start it is ALWAYS been a pain to make it work. Often the hard drive is blinking, and the Mac does not see it, or even it doesn't turn on. After frequent rebooting, prayers and other tricks it maybe works, otherwise I have to use it via usb3. Tried to reset anything .. smc, nvram, the Mac itself (initialized) .. but nothing to do. Maybe you do not have the problem for a couple of times, then there falling back. I also tried changing the connection sequence (the Lacie instructions say to first connect the tb, then power the unit) I also went to the Genius Bar, but the outcome was always the same; after n trials, it all seems ok, then bang. I'm afraid it is a PC problem .. probably it's the same problem that randomly freeze my mac into boot for many seconds, then it wakes up like nothing (Tried to leave it work, often it takes a minute to start!) HW specs are Intel Core i5 (I5-4278U), 8 Gb RAM 1600 MHz DDR3L, Intel Iris 5100 Help == EDIT === 25-10-2016 Another visit to the genius bar .. this time I was told that it could be to change the logic board, because the TB2 circuit could be damaged. The fact that it works after reset nvram / smc may suggest an incorrect current distribution. Some idea? I want to clarify once again that when they work, I have NEVER had a problem .. disconnections or similar .. Basically I was told that the repair would be more than half of the Mac, so you might as well keep it and use the USB. The hardware diagnostic told that everything ok, though.
  5. So I took the plunge, and bought a 970m. Got it all up and running, but the GPU is throttling in every game I try and run. Has anyone had this problem and been able to overcome it? So far I've... Tried a couple of different driver versions (345.20 and 347.88). Neither driver fixed the issue. Flashed with the slv7 vbios. Still the same issue. Reinstalled Windows 8, and tried the drivers again. Still not working. Tried forcing P0 P-State in nVidia Inspector. Nothing happens. Symptoms Using MSI Afterburner, the GPU load never goes above 50%. nVidia Inspector shows the P-State as P1 whenever I'm in a game, not P0. 3DMark11 score is only ~P4000 Specs Alienware M15x Core i7 920XM (standard clocks) GTX 970M 6GB with slv7 vbios 8GB RAM Windows 8.1 Pro (fresh install) 240W PSU Can anyone help? I'm completely stumped at this point... Thanks!
  6. Today I was trying to revert my Alienware's Nvidia 460m card back to the A04 bios to remove the downclocking functionality. After I reverted the bios, I changed some of the settings in the f12 boot menu, mainly the gpu throttle temp (which I thought it wouldn't have) and made a few other tweaks which i don't remember. After it restarted, the display lit up but only gives me a black screen. I can hear the fans begin to start, but the stop and restart every second, after a few seconds I can hear a clicking noise after the fans start each time. I removed the computer and system batteries and heldthe power button for 30 seconds before rebooting but it didn't help, I've also tried to blind flash the bios but to no avail (though I'm not sure the flashdrive I'm using will work for a blind flash). Does anyone know what's wrong or have anything I can try? Recap of Symptoms - Black Screen - Fans start and stop - Clicking noise
  7. Hi everybody! 1. Battery Should I take out my battery when I have plugged in AC power supply ? My laptop is always set on Lenovo dynamic graphic, and main task of it, is gaming. 2. Graphic Sometimes when im on "desktop" screen blink once (fast blink) and then Laptop is not reading GTX660M. After blink i must restart laptop to be able for GTX660M GPU use... Is it some kind of issue ? Or just Nvidia/Lenovo drivers are crappy and after turning off dedicaded GPU, drivers can't turn it on again ?
  8. One fine day I turned my m18x off and took it to a friend's house. When I got there and tried to boot it I noticed that it hanged on the alien face screen (with the red progress bar below, which loaded quite quickly), it gets stuck there for about 2 or 3 minutes before actually booting into something or even entering the BIOS. Started completely out of nowhere, any ideas? Thanks. EDIT: Additional info: 2820QM, 16gb Kingston Hyper-X, 6970 SLI, OCZ Vertex III 240gb plus 750gb sata
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