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Win 8.1 High Load Crash (Solved)


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***GTX 960 working Drivers 353.06***


Hey guys, my eGPU was working like a charm, about 3 days ago I experienced several random crashes while playing, while doing the kombustor test, rendering, etc... The errors i get would be the following:

-Display bios stopped working and recover error

-nvlddmkm error

-Black screen

-Frozen screen

-And quite a few others.


Tried trouble shooting it without any luck, but the only common factor i found in every single crash was the following. According to the afterburner my GPU's power skyrockets to something that is plain stupid in about 20-30 secs of heavy work. Here is an Image for you to better understand it:



The image sucks, but at leasat you can tell that the power % goes over the 150 limit. If any1 got a fix would be awesome. I already reinstalled win 8.1, but no luck at all.

Funny story, it works in OSX 10.10.5 without a problem, stress tested and everything.


Thanks in advance

MBP mid 2012 13"

Intel core i7 3520m

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@Dschijn Everything is stock, and I'm using a thermal take 500w psu.
I have everything on 0 and fans in auto. Power ussage set at 100%

Tbh, had the same guess, but I really don't know how to modify/verify GPU's power limits.

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@Dschijn Looks like I fixed it!

Tested all driver versions until one worked just fine. Plus dismounted and built my rig all over again just to make sure there where no connection issues.

Driver version stable with it: 353.06

Will do more intensive testing later on, and modify thread to leave solution in the first post. Just in case some1 else is having a similar issue with a similar rig.

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@davidexD Seems like it, but i really don't understand how a driver sudenly started messing with my voltage/power.... was so mad that nearly started building the desktop for myself instead of doing it for my nephews.......

But let's pretend this was the fix for the time being. As I said, will test it later on with a few games and benchmarks. Unfortunately I gotta go to my second job in a while.

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, davidexD said:

At the end with 361.75 i got high load crashes after 1 hour and a half of gaming, i'm going to try the 362.00 (finger crossed)


Don't use the latest driver, go directly to the latest BETA driver! Latest normale driver can kill your Windows.

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Good morning. I have got optimus working with my dgpu (750m) mbpr and a gtx750ti which I run off a 120w PSU ( plug n play ). Recently I have started having crashes despite underclocking the GPU to 98% on MSI afterburner. Do you think it is a driver issue ( currently have the 361.75 ) and is there anything you would recommend to prevent the power spikes which, as above, seem to be causing the crash?


Thank you 

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I think the most important setting is the power target, which has to be lowered.

Maybe the PSU gets very warm dureing intensive use and by that is getting unefficient and results in a lower output.

Try lowering the power limit and use a FPS limiter (you will not need more than 60FPS)

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17 hours ago, davidexD said:

@Enano are u having crashes again?


@davidexD Not even once after downgrading the Drivers.  


@p3nzancef1ier Do you have anotherpower supply you could test the GPU with? It seems to be a power issue. 120w is bassically in the limits of what's acceptable for the 750ti.


-Are the crashes occurring all the time or only during heavy load? If this is true, use the kombustor and monitor the power usage on the after burner as you do so. That way you can detect at which point this is triggering. In any case, downgrade to the GTA V game ready drivers, which seem to be pretty solid ones for the 750ti according to quite a few users.


Also check the temp of the psu, if it's way to hot as @Dschijn mentions, it might be limiting the power output to protect your hardware from over voltage.

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@Dschijn Thank you will try that this morning, had not applied an FPS limiter, are there any you recommend specifically? 


@EnanoI am trying to the keep the setup as 'plug n play ' as possible, if an upgraded PSU is required should I purchase a desktop pc one or would it be possible to use a more powerful 'brick' ? The crashes have only started happening recently and the temperature of the brick has not been excessive at all. I am only concerned that if I downgrade the drivers below 361.75 I will lose the optimus support on my mbpr d750m, would this be the case?  Apologies for the bombardment of questions, as soon as I have perfected it I will put up a build description as I believe this is a great budget 'plug n play ' solution. 

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@p3nzancef1ier Sorry for taking ages for me to answer, been really occupied lately. Yeah, that will work, a lop of laptop power supplies are over 200w and most gpus + pcie expansions use just about that. All you need to do is cut it and solder the adapters correctly for it to properly work. I used my desktop PSU since i simply made my eGPU project as a hobby luxury, but the one you mentioned is the most used one in the forum as far as I can tell. The moding is pretty simple to be honest, and if I'm not mistaken, the plug it comes with, perfectly fits the akitio box.


@davidexD where you able to find a proper solution? If the issue continues, can you specify your rig? It might be a bottle neck issue (really doubt it since the issue started a while ago for you).

Also, did you tested more drivers? for GTX 960 353.06 drivers proved to be the more eGPU stable ones. for your 750, I think it should be the ones released a few days after those.

If you need help when it arrives, I will gladly assist you with any doubt you have. Although, I'd prefer for this thread to be as clean as possible. So if try mentioning me in a more adequate thread or create a new one if you find an issue that haven't been mentioned yet. The community is full of raw gems :)

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@Enano @Dschijn I have noticed that unlike with the previous power adaptor once the recent crashes have occurred there are no power 'spikes' recorded on MSI afterburner, suggesting perhaps it is a software/driver issue? If I downgrade to a 353 driver I am worried I will lose optimus ability as I am running a mbpr with a discrete 750m gpu...is there a workaround you might suggest?

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@p3nzancef1ier  I mean, I'm using optimus perfectly with my 960 and those drivers, but the dGPU is disabled in my case. If you are trying to use the dGPU, iGPU and eGPU all together. I don't know a work around. Intel HD graphic will work with optimus with any drivers compatible with your eGPU to be honest. Since it uses it for the dGPU as well. 


BTW, are you using drivers for the 750 or for the 750m chip? Cause that might cause a problem do to power distribution being 2 "low". Also, if you will reinstall drivers, make sure to use the tool Nvidia provides for the clean up and erase the Nvidia folder with previous installations afterwards before downloading. That way you will be 100% that you are installing the ones you wanted.

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