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Going to test clevo 980m in alienware m17x R4, m18x R2, AW17


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Wanted to share (344.80), Thanks again J95! (device manager shows as Generic pnp since i did not place the modded nvdmi.inf file in) (added Eurocom modded nvdmi.inf back device shows as GTX 980M, cant validate 3D mark score)


- - - Updated - - -

With HD4000 enabled. CPU temps ran a bit higher. This was with 344.75 (shows scores as valid)


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Wanted to share (344.80), Thanks again J95! (device manager shows as Generic pnp since i did not place the modded nvdmi.inf file in)

IDs are still (PEG enabled) PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13D7&SUBSYS_05801028&REV_A1? I'll upload the proper one.

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PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13D7&SUBSYS_05801028&REV_A1 <--- that is what it showed when it could not detect the device correctly and still shows now, but i know for the R4 its .0511, so what exactly does .0580 refer to, this part i am confused on? (i assume it means PEG enabled 0580 vs 0511 being not enabled?)

IDs are still PEG enabled, correct.


I added the Eurocom modded nvdmi.inf back in (but they had it with HD graphics set to be on) the device still shows as GTX 980M but 3DMark still does not recognize it as valid, so i am hoping you can correct those strings to make it actually display my GPU in device manager without having to use HD4000 for this to show, thanks again.

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No. It just depends on the CPU itself. Not the name of it.

I have tested more than five 3940XMs and they all behaved very differently.

So this means well OCed 4900mq @ 4.2 could be better than poorly OCed 4930 or 4940mx @ 4.2.

And 4900mq can even run the clock at lower voltage. It is your luck to get a lucky cpu.

this is true. some also have better Ram handling as well. My 4940mx on Alien 18 does great but needs more volt than Mr Foxs es 4930mx but I run it on 2133mhz ram and some cant get higher than 1866 on haswell Alien 18 etc from what I have heard. So its hard to say. Me I am very satisfied with how mine performed. If I go 4ghz all cores intel Xtu id need near 1.2-1.18v with my ram 2133. if you use slower ram it can make the volt requirements lower or vice versa. Like you and me Godfafa getting just about 1100 points in XTU i only needed about 4.36ghz to do that on my 4940mx i hadnt seen that low a clock on a similar setup get that kind of score but ram was at 2220mhz up from 2133 and at CL11. But in that setup i needed nearing 1.3v where as using less amperage and wattage settings like closer to stock and or slower ram 4.3 only needed 1.23v or less but higher ram 4.3 2133 needed 1.26.

i only compare volts and mhz at XTU type loads and run a few tests in a row to be like a worse case heat scenario, the bench runs hotter than the test. Anyway thats why my volts may sound high but it performs very well.

Cloudfire so yes it comes down to Silicon lottery but you may find great results with your 4940mx. some of them may be less efficient but you may find they handle more abuse or higher ram you never know.

4940mx Alien 18 @4368mhz @1.3v @ 1097 score XTU pretty efficient run.


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PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13D7&SUBSYS_05801028&REV_A1 <--- that is what it showed when it could not detect the device correctly, but i know for the R4 its .0511, so what exactly does .0580 refer to, this part i am confused on? (i assume it means PEG enabled 0580 vs 0511 being not enabled?)

IDs are still PEG enabled, correct.


I added the Eurocom modded nvdmi.inf back in (but they had it with HD graphics set to be on) the device still shows as pnp generic, so i am hoping you can correct those strings to make it actually display my GPU in device manager without having to use HD4000 for this to show, thanks again.

Nope, just use this one instead.


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Just use nv_dspi.inf (only) for v344.80, or install driver v344.75 using nvdmi.inf.

It still shows as an unrecognized card when 3DMark is ran, but it shows as GTX980M on every other ID to include device manager>hardware ID, thats weird..


Thanks to Dell nvdmi.inf is still about Kepler & Fermi. Valid result, 980M w/ Kepler entries (WHQL). nv_dispi and nvcvi.inf (Clevo) w/ proper Maxwell sections or disabling IGP is causing this, same results (Maxwell sections) http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/9039457


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i assume the bottleneck in real life applications like games will be the memory bandwidth like in most cases with nvidia mobile cards. in case of 980m i was able to get only to around +350mhz on memory, but 970m i have seen handles +700mhz. 256 vs 192 bit bus is a 25% difference, but 970m clocks 15% higher on memory, so in the end, when both unlocked, the real difference will be just around 7%-8% of performance. one can just downclock monitor by a few hz to have same fluent fps:hz ratio if needed.

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