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Build update


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I know this is primarily a laptop forum, who can pass up a "minor" update to a nice desktop though?


EDIT: Didn't even see custom worklog forum, mod please feel free to move.:shame:

Edited by Jimbo
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Hahaha, nice!!! I'd like to see some numbers... wondering what your "minor update" is capable of :D

Is this a 2500k? K-editions must be a hell of fun to bench, but keep your update cool :P

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I've got an ASUS MT276H 27" that I love, but I got a great deal on two Samsung 305T 30" IPS monitors. They retailed 6 months ago at ~$1800, I got two for $700, couldn't pass them up at that price.:fruitsex:

They're not available anymore that I can find, so I'm keeping an eye out for a third one on ebay etc and wondering how well one of the dell U3011's would fit. 7680x1600 should be interesting. :D

The GPU's also were 2nd hand, off a mate who just bought 2 x 6990's, I got them both with a corsair HX1000 for $850.

EDIT: @svl7 2600K FTW!:36_002:

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Guest bifnewman

I have the Razor DeathAdder mouse. I use it with my M17x and it's pretty nice. Sweet desktop rig. Are you still going for the M18x?

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A watercooled nuclear reactor! Congrats that's quite the uprgrade! 5.0ghz probably in no time... Desktop's are still the highest end of enthusiast systems. Let's see some pictures and benchmarks.

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Ok, so the HX1000 was DOA, I'll see if the postal insurance will cover it.

In the meantime, I've ordered an Enermax 1500w maxrevo or whatever, the new one :D

Hopefully it'll be here today, at the moment I'm only running one 580 on my seasonic 650w.

Here's the one shot I do have at the moment (before I realised the corsair was dead). You'll probably notice cabling isn't my thing. ;)


Preliminary benches on one GPU + cpu at 4.7ghz (not happy with CPU clocks, seem to have hit a false ceiling, anyone know of a good 1155 OC guide?)



That first pic is shameful! :52_002: Ok, some cleaning to do then. Damn smartphone camera advances.

Anyone with a case suggestion? Think BIG and SOLID, designed for watercooling, and not the 800d or TJ07 :P

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Cool!! Is the GPU at stock? Looking forward for the SLI benches, hehe.

By the way, did you have to adjust the voltage to bring the 2600k up so high? Is 5GHz the limit so far?

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Yeah, 5.1 seems to be the limit at the moment. It's on 1.4 Vcore, but I just set it at that and started upping the multi - it may well run on less.

GPU is at 850/1700/2100, again, just something I threw at it to get an idea (stock volts for now).

If I don't crack 40k vantage and 12k 3dm11 once it's running SLI, I may have to consider something drastic. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, SLI is now officially working! As a bonus, the card that got replaced has magically come back as a 3gb version. So if I do need to upgrade for my insane new resolution, then I've already got one. :D :D :D

Not a bad starting point if you ask me....


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If your going to do a run like Stam suggested can you also see what improvement you get from disabling tesselation and the other options we disabled in ATI control panel on our bench runs on the r2... They gave me a few hundred points in 3dmark2011 and could be about a thousand for you Jimbo.

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