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So me, stamatis and my sister were chillin at Monterey Bay today


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Honestly Stam I think that is an epic picture(not the one I made but the original one) It really capture the spirit of the moment.

You are all enthusiastic & pumped up and Brian is like, "where is my triple Mocha frapuchino venti, cause I am waiting for my m18x and is been like 2 days since i order it and It should be already be here, the nerve of this people making me wait".


-Really goes into hiding--

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  • Founder
the real reason for heading to the bay, finding your long lost love?

Damn she's a gorilla. And what happened to my hair.

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  • Founder
hahah thought you'll like it since brian got hooked up with 2 pirate chick, just thought you needed some action too. did a little revision.

lmao hahha..

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You guys are so blazed! Poor Brian gets no relief. That girl sitting her butt in front of Brian looks like shes looking for some relief too.

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