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14" Lenovo S430 + GTX560@4Gbps+c-mPCIe2 (PE4L 2.1b) + Win7 [Splitframe]

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this thread will be my "Blog" of the experiences and troubles with my S430 and the eGPU Setup.

I am currently collecting the pictures and make videos of how I build my case.

Updates will come regularly.

Update from 12.06.2013:

Hey, I got my PE4L 2.1b mod to work. Sadly I rarely have issues with the

connection. I think that a downgrade to Gen1 link speed could fix the issue.

Bplus now has a cable for the PE4H 2.4 that will allow me to run Gen2

and lucky as I am I was able to get my hands on a Cheap PE4H 2.4 from

ebay. I also purchased the new cable from BPlus already.

The plans about my case have also changed, I wanted to make

a metal one and already had the plans layed out.

But with the announcemend of payable Thunderbolt adapters

in (hopefully) early 2014 I decided to just make a "cheap" case

for these 6 Months that I'll use it.

When the cases that come with the Thunderbolt adapter do

not fit my needs I'll use the materials and layouts I gathered/made

to make a metal case for the Thunderbolt eGPU solution.

I will also make some minor changes to the XBOX 360 PSU.

So until my new hardware arrives in approx. two weeks

there will be no updates. Sorry.

Until then :)

Lets start with my System specs:

  • Lenovo S430 3364-57G
  • Core I7 3520M 2 x 2,9Ghz HT
  • 2x 4GB Hyundai DDR3 1600Mhz
  • Plextor 128GB M5S
  • Travelstar Z7K500 500GB
  • Intel HD4000
  • Zotac GTX 560 Multiview
  • Windows 7 64bit Professional

eGPU Setup Specs:

  • PE4L 2.1b with PM3N
  • XBOX 360 Power Brick 203 Watt
    ( 12V @ 16,5A = 198W , 5Vsb @ 1A = 5W )
  • DELOCK HUB USB 2.0 4 Port ext. ZSlimZ
  • Molex wire from an old PC PSU

Diagnostic Tools:

Imgur album:

Lenovo S430 eGPU with GTX560 - Imgur

  • 1.2opt
  • ≈368MiB/s H -> D ( ≈ 385MB/s ≈ 77% of 2.0 x1 )
  • ≈403MiB/s D -> H ( ≈ 422MB/s ≈ 84,5% of 2.0 x1 )


  • 3DMark
    -- Ice Storm: 86378 ≈76% of 113619
    ---- Graphics: 125785 ≈ 82,5% of 152566
    ---- Physics: 41201
    -- Cloudgate: 9652 ≈ 55% of 17605
    ---- Graphics: 20463 ≈ 93% of 21922
    ---- Physics: 3388
    -- Fire Strike: 2398 ≈ 87,5% of 2738
    ---- Graphics: 2638 ≈ 91% of 2886
    ---- Physics: 4834
    ---- Combined: 984
    -- 3DMark11 3706 ≈ 91% of 4060
    ---- Graphics: 3645
    ---- Physics: 4222
    ---- Combined: 3507


DSDT Override:

Windows 8 DSDT Override:

I tried, I read several guides on the topic, because I didn't want to setup a new OS, but

I haven't found the solution, I experimented a bit myself, but to no avail.

Windows 7 DSDT Override:

File: DSDT Override + S430.zip

The file contains a guide in german aswell.

Die Datei enthält auch eine Deutsche Anleitung.

DSDT Override for Lenovo S430 (3364-57G) and other Notebooks


There is a short guide for the S430 and a long one for

other Notebooks.


If you have a S430 (3364-57G) and Windows 7 installed:

Step 1:

Open CMD in Admin Mode.

Windowskey -> type "cmd" -> right click on it ->

start as admin.

Step 2:

Navigate to this directory.

Step 3:

Type "asl /loadtable DSDT-S430.aml" into the commandline.

Step 4:

Reboot. Check Device Manager -> view -> resource by connection.

If you have a "Large Memory" entry now, you're done.



If you have no Lenovo S430 you have to go the full way.

Step 1:

Open your Device Manager and click on view -> ressources by connection.

Step 2:

Search for the last "PCI bus" entry. It should have a lot of subentries,

including "Motherboard resources".

Step 3:

Write down or memorise the last digits of the second value inside the brackets.

e.g. Entry: [00000000BFA00000 - 00000000FEAFFFFF] PCI bus

Value to memorise would be "FEAFFFFF".


Step 4:

Open CMD in Admin Mode.

Windowskey -> type "cmd" -> right click on it ->

start as admin.

Step 5:

Navigate to this directory.

Step 6:

Type "iasl -g" into the command line.

You should have some new files in your directory now.

One of them should end with ".dsl".

Step 7:

Open the .dsl file with the editor.

Step 8:

Press STRG + F and search for the memorised value.

Step 10:

You will see a bunch of "DWordMemory" Methods, go to the end of that list,

put your cursor behind the last "TypeStatic)" ( yes after the bracket ) press

Enter and now copy the following at the place:

QWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,

0x0000000000000000, // Granularity

0x0000000C20000000, // Range Minimum, set it to 48.5GB

0x0000000E0FFFFFFF, // Range Maximum, set it to 56.25GB

0x0000000000000000, // Translation Offset

0x00000001F0000000, // Length calculated by Range Max - Range Min.

,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)

It should look like this:


Now indent if you like for better readability.

( Notice the Method you inserted is a 64bit QWordMemory not DWordMemory )

Step 11:

Go to the top of the textfile, you should see two lines that

start with "AHCI" delete both and save the file.

Step 12:

Switch to the command line again.

Type "iasl <name of="" the="" file="" you="" got=""><dsl file="" name="">.dsl".

Step 13:

Check the output, if there are 0 Errors you are fine if not check

some DSDT sites like:

DIY eGPU experiences - Page 1003


Don't forget to thank them for their efforts.

Step 14:

If you got 0 Errors you'll get a "DSDT.aml" file.

Type "asl /loadtable DSDT.aml" into the command line.

Step 15:

Reboot. Check Device Manager -> view -> resource by connection.

If you have a "Large Memory" entry now, you're done.

Hardware & Case

XBOX360 PowerBrick:

Q: Won't 198W be too much for a Molex wire to handle? Aren't you afraid of cable fire?

A: Yes you are right, 198Watt would be too much for a single Molex wire, but I have a GTX560

that just consumes 150Watt. Molex oficially handles up to 11A per lane, what would make 132W

on the 12V lane. I know I am slightly above that and tested the wire heat while my GPU was on

maximum Load during a 3DMark benchmark. it got warm, but far from Hot. I would guess that the

single 12V cable had about 26°-30°C and I decided that this is okay for me.


I tested the temperature with a device now, the cables surface got 24,3°C warm.

So please keep 11A per lane in mind and be careful!

Cable fire is very dangerous. Test thoroughly beforehand!

Q: Why do 5Vsb and PSU Enable go into the red lane?

A: When you plug in the XBOX PSU it will be on standby and only provide 5V on the 5Vsb

lane ( Vsb = Volt Standby ), to wake the PSU up there must be a 1,5V to 5V current on the

PSU Enable lane. Only then you'll have power on the 12V lane to power your GPU.

Q: Why did you seperate the GND lanes?

A: I noticed that the 3 lanes get a bit too thick for my shrinking hose, so I split it up.

The thinner wires handle up to 8A per lane and my GPU needs 12,5A so I am safe with

my GTX560 in this case.



The male Molex connector is connected with the female one on the XBOX PSU.

The female connectors are for the PCI-E power adapters and the female floppy

for the PE4L. I just cut them off from an old ATX PSU.

Discontinued attempts

PE4L Socket and Plug:

I tried to connect the PE4L via a HDMI cable to get more mobility.

Sadly it didn't work.

I soldered everything right, but it seems that the impedance of 4 soldered bridges

and one HDMI connection is too much.

Here are some pictures:

Photo Album - Imgur

Ferrit Cores for the PCI-EMM060B Cable:

Short: It didn't work no Gen2 Speeds:


to be continued...</dsl></name>

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Very nice, looking forward to your case. I use a micro acer case lol. I really should get some good pics up of it....

Thank you :)

I have a huge problem now though...

I cut the cable of the PE4L and soldered it to HDMI Connectors, you know, for mobility,

but now it doesn't work anymore.

Some Pictures:

PCI-E to HDMI - Imgur

HDMI Connector Layout:


Notice: The number in the bottom left of a box is the HDMI Port number,

the one in the top left is just the PE4L cable number ( just for me to

solder easier ). The rest as it stands in the Key.


Is this because of crosstalk? The HDMI Wire is 0,75m long with the shortened PE4L

cable I am at approx. 90cm length.

I tested all connection with a multimeter, no bridges, every lane arrives correctly

resistance is at 0,8ohm on every lane.

Please help :(

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  • Moderator
Thank you :)

I have a huge problem now though...

I cut the cable of the PE4L and soldered it to HDMI Connectors, you know, for mobility,

but now it doesn't work anymore.


Is this because of crosstalk? The HDMI Wire is 0,75m long with the shortened PE4L

cable I am at approx. 90cm length.

I tested all connection with a multimeter, no bridges, every lane arrives correctly

resistance is at 0,8ohm on every lane.

Please help :(


That doesn't work. HDMI cabling is too slow for the PCIe x1 2.0. Thus the PE4L v2.1 has soldered on connectors.

Try using a DisplayPort connector/cable. I've been talking to @Tech Inferno Fan about this exact thing. Neither of us has tried the DP connection with the PE4L v2.1, but the speed it offers might be enough to support it.

Give it a whirl, we would both be interested with a interchangeable DP cable.

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That doesn't work. HDMI cabling is too slow for the PCIe x1 2.0. Thus the PE4L v2.1 has soldered on connectors.

Try using a DisplayPort connector/cable. I've been talking to @Tech Inferno Fan about this exact thing. Neither of us has tried the DP connection with the PE4L v2.1, but the speed it offers might be enough to support it.

Give it a whirl, we would both be interested with a interchangeable DP cable.

But the PE4L cable IS a HDMI1.4 + ethernet cable, so I thought it would work! :(

And does DisplayPort has even enough lanes? I need 4 shielded lanes, and HMDI1.4 has 5.

and.... and... *starts to cry*

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Yeah, the cable itself is fine, but with the connector and plug, it doesn't work... Yeah, no idea, but it doesn't work :(

I believe DP has enough lanes (there are apparently 4 lanes according to wikipedia).

I'm sorry to shatter your hours of work.

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  • 1 month later...


Hi dude!

By this time I'm sure you are aware of that the new cable (PCIEMM-060B) is not GEN2, with that I just want to say that your work is still very important so please don't give up.

I have issued a complaint against their advertisement regarding this cable and asked them to make me a sample of this proposed setup.

Is that something you (that seems to have greater soldering skills than me) would like to approach?

I could send you a PCIEMM-060B cable if you would like to? (ordered 2x of those and that's pretty wasted money anyway).

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Hi dude!

By this time I'm sure you are aware of that the new cable (PCIEMM-060B) is not GEN2, with that I just want to say that your work is still very important so please don't give up.

I have issued a complaint against their advertisement regarding this cable and asked them to make me a sample of this proposed setup.

Is that something you (that seems to have greater soldering skills than me) would like to approach?

I could send you a PCIEMM-060B cable if you would like to? (ordered 2x of those and that's pretty wasted money anyway).


thank you :D

I have some things in mind to "boost" the signal quality a bit.

I noticed that the femare hdmi ports are poorly soldered and I want to buy a ferrit core.

If this all fails I'll come back to your offer, since I also thought about soldering one end of

the new cable directly to the adapter.

Although I would solder one end to the PM3N or EC2C rather than to the PE4L.

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thank you :D

I have some things in mind to "boost" the signal quality a bit.

I noticed that the femare hdmi ports are poorly soldered and I want to buy a ferrit core.

If this all fails I'll come back to your offer, since I also thought about soldering one end of

the new cable directly to the adapter.

Although I would solder one end to the PM3N or EC2C rather than to the PE4L.

Coolt, you provide great contributions to the community!

Let me know if my offer is needed (if I haven't return the stuff by then of course).

Good luck and keep us updated!

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  • 9 months later...
<name of="" the="" file="" you="" got=""><dsl file="" name="">

PE4L Socket and Plug:

I tried to connect the PE4L via a HDMI cable to get more mobility.

Sadly it didn't work.

I soldered everything right, but it seems that the impedance of 4 soldered bridges

and one HDMI connection is too much.

Here are some pictures:

Photo Album - Imgur

Ferrit Cores for the PCI-EMM060B Cable:

Short: It didn't work no Gen2 Speeds:


to be continued...</dsl></name>

Hi Splitframe, long time no see!

Your soldering adventure might be extremely useful for an idea I have, if you are interested of course.

Maybe you heard of the HDMI modular GEN 2.0 compatible EXP GDC v6.0 adapter?

I've done some simple tests with this adapter to see if it still would hold a gen 2 signal when putting a HDMI-pigtail in between the EC-cable and adapter, to my surprise no performance loss at all!

My idea is simply in theory, take the EXP GDC's HDMI->mPCIe cable and short it down to ~20cm and give it a HDMI female end. THus could then be routed to the stick out from the side of the notebook for easy access.

Then I just remembered your earlier attempt above, what if your experimental cable would work with the EXP GDC out of the box? :P

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