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Bluetooth mouse and bluetooth bandwidth constraints


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Anyone notice this problem?

I have a surface pro and like the MS sculpt mouse (bluetooth).

Its response is adequate however if I pair my earpiece (elite sliver) all in a sudden the mouse becomes jumpy as if its refresh rate is sliced!

As soon as I unpair my headset the mouse responds much quicker.

To me that's a deal breaker.

Anyone else notice this behavior and is there a way around it?

For now I'm using an arc touch but that takes up the only USB port with its micro receiver!

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The bandwith should be sufficient. Most probably interferences!

Is your wifi active?

FYI I had the same problem with my MacBook and the solution was to change the Wifi channel of my router. I had to try a few channels, but finally found one giving less lag to the mouse.

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  • 1 month later...

Audio over bluetooth (HSP/HFP and especially A2DP) takes a lot of bandwidth. You're not crazy, I had the same issue long long ago with my thinkpad using A2DP headphones with my bluetooth mouse. Unfortunately I don't remember if I ever found a fix.

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