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Lenovo Y580 how to install 3rd antenna


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Hello everybody,

Today i will show You how to mount 3rd antenna to Lenovo y580.

The new antenna came from LENOVO G550. I took shorter one (black one). Oryginally it was placed on display panel next to the camera.

Look like that:


I was trying three different places.

1st place was a TV card slot. The long cable was convoluted and placed over the antenna.

2nd place was black plastic below heatpipe, and over RAM. But i can not close the back cover so i resigned of that place.

3rd place was a left speaker.


To take off the keyboard you have to unscrew 3 screws.


Then you have to undermine the three hooks. I used a driver's license because it is lean and hard, respectively.

Take a look at "Lenovo Y480/580 Hardware Maintenance Manual" on this post (end of 1st post): LINK page 46.

You need to remove the three screws instead of two do not read page 45.

Then you have to remove keyboard bezel. Use the same manual as above but page 48 to 50.


Then, stick the double-sided tape antenna.

Take a look at images.

I have done some speed tests.

My router: ASUS RT-N66u

My PC 1: SSD 128GB, Gigabit LAN

My PC 2: Lenovo Y580 SSD 128GB, WiFi 5GHz, WiFi card 3rd location

Intel 6200: Max Download from PC1 to PC2 = 100Mbit/s

Intel 6200: Max Download from PC2 to PC1 = 100Mbit/s

Intel 6300: Max Download from PC1 to PC2 = 135Mbit/s

Intel 6300: Max Download from PC2 to PC1 = 135Mbit/s

I have done some performence tests.

1st place - very large disturbance, unstable connection, avg speed 80Mbit/s

2nd place - very large disturbance, unstable connection, avg speed 90Mbit/s

3rd place - no disturbance, stable connection, avg speed 135Mbit/s






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  • 3 weeks later...

is this suitable for other notebooks ? i have a 3 ant IN Laptop and i wish i could add another one, the antenna is sold by some website, or did you find it on ebay. any help would really be nice, my lappy can receive correctly the wi fi in college because their router are distant and cheap :(

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