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Lets enable overclocking on all 6 and 7 series laptops


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Unfortunately not working. I typed in the command line MESET hit enter and nothing happened.

Try this version of MESET, the other one did nothing for me neither (MSI) this one shut the system down but I don't know if it worked as I already have unlocked it by desolering. [h=2]http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1388877331.rar[/h]

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Thaks for your help. Unfortunately did not worked. It restarted the laptop but after that I got the same error 26 code. So it seems I need to desolder the chip. Wich chip I need to desolder. Could you show me on the pictures.

When do you get the error code? The chip is on this side of the motherboard so there's quite some disassembly to do


Your firmware should already have the right bits set so there will be no difference except for read and write access which allows firmware flashing/dumping.

With this version of xtu bclk slider should work http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1388927997.rar

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MESET restarted the laptop. After the restart i typed "fpt -d DUMP" (DOS) in the command line and after that i got the same error like before.

About XTU: Only the newest one is working for me. BCLK slider is working.

I can't run any older version of XTU on my laptop. Intel Extreme Tuning Utility splash screen appear on the screen and nothing happening after that. No errorm. or anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When do you get the error code? The chip is on this side of the motherboard so there's quite some disassembly to do


Your firmware should already have the right bits set so there will be no difference except for read and write access which allows firmware flashing/dumping.

With this version of xtu bclk slider should work http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1388927997.rar

That one in black circle is the BIOS chip if I'm right.

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At first, sorry for my english.

It´s a great work from you and i´ll give all my respect for this project. :78:

I have a g73sw with HM65. The hpt for the 6 and the 7 not work , not in Windows and dos. The Version for 7 find my Bioschip, but give the message for the flash descriptor.

I take the ami Bios tool, unlock the Firmware Update Configuration, and flesh the new Bios.

Version 6 The same, but 7 now dump my komplete Bios (4mb) If I rename it as a .rom Version 6 not 7 can read it.

And now @ Khenglich i will ask you if you can edit my dump so that i can use xtu. Maybe after this i can unlocked and show the future`s in a moddet Bios.

Is it better to make a MeFw update before or not.

Thanks to all.........

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At first, sorry for my english.

It´s a great work from you and i´ll give all my respect for this project. :78:

I have a g73sw with HM65. The hpt for the 6 and the 7 not work , not in Windows and dos. The Version for 7 find my Bioschip, but give the message for the flash descriptor.

I take the ami Bios tool, unlock the Firmware Update Configuration, and flesh the new Bios.

Version 6 The same, but 7 now dump my komplete Bios (4mb) If I rename it as a .rom Version 6 not 7 can read it.

And now @ Khenglich i will ask you if you can edit my dump so that i can use xtu. Maybe after this i can unlocked and show the future`s in a moddet Bios.

Is it better to make a MeFw update before or not.

Thanks to all.........

For some reason FITC always throws an error when working with firmware dumps from 6 series chipsets. This includes dumps with no changes at all. I think that the error can be ignored, but I am not certain. If you want to try the image despite the error here it is:


Flash it with "fpt -me -f g73sw.bin"

Make sure you reset the bios to default after flashing to make sure the changes are in effect.

I'm very surprised that making that change in the BIOS let you dump the flash image. If this works you have discovered a workaround for many people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dumped my BIOS and opened it in FTIC, it decompiles just fine, but when I look at the ICC tree I don't see the FCIM/BTM Specific IC branch.

And I can't find the Clock Source Select.

I am a little bit lost here, in fact I can't really say why I'm looking into this, it is more like fooling around, but...


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I dumped my BIOS and opened it in FTIC, it decompiles just fine, but when I look at the ICC tree I don't see the FCIM/BTM Specific IC branch.

And I can't find the Clock Source Select.

I am a little bit lost here, in fact I can't really say why I'm looking into this, it is more like fooling around, but...

You have ME9, which is not identical to ME7 and ME8. Could you link me your FITC and whatever documentation you have with it for me to take a look?

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Ok, just took a more detailed look and understood almost everything in your changes.

However, I still have some things I don't understand.

First, I've decided to test making a ME dump using fpt. And the result was like:

D:\bios_tools\upload\fpt_used_for_dump>fpt -me -d me_dumped.bin

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform: Intel(R) HM87 Express Chipset
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid

--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q64BV ID:0xEF4017 Size: 8192KB (65536Kb)

- Reading Flash [0x200000] 2036KB of 2036KB - 100% complete.
Writing flash contents to file "me_dumped.bin"...

Memory Dump Complete
FPT Operation Passed

But your ME.bin file is only 1,544,192 bytes. Checked the file with a hex compare and everything in my dump at the end seems to be padded with FF. Is this ok? (Already saw what you said in first post, but I need to confirm again).

Also, decided to decompile the dumped ME in FITC and noticed something else that IS in this FITC dump but is not in your modded ME and also it was not in the original 8MB image I sent to you.

Take a look at the image attached.

What is that about?

Should I add it to your modded ME file?


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Ok, just took a more detailed look and understood almost everything in your changes.

However, I still have some things I don't understand.

First, I've decided to test making a ME dump using fpt. And the result was like:

D:\bios_tools\upload\fpt_used_for_dump>fpt -me -d me_dumped.bin

Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform: Intel(R) HM87 Express Chipset
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid

--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q64BV ID:0xEF4017 Size: 8192KB (65536Kb)

- Reading Flash [0x200000] 2036KB of 2036KB - 100% complete.
Writing flash contents to file "me_dumped.bin"...

Memory Dump Complete
FPT Operation Passed

But your ME.bin file is only 1,544,192 bytes. Checked the file with a hex compare and everything in my dump at the end seems to be padded with FF. Is this ok? (Already saw what you said in first post, but I need to confirm again).

Also, decided to decompile the dumped ME in FITC and noticed something else that IS in this FITC dump but is not in your modded ME and also it was not in the original 8MB image I sent to you.

Take a look at the image attached.

What is that about?

Should I add it to your modded ME file?

I do not see that change in the file you sent me that I modified. I then redownloaded it, and it still wasn't there. I think the problem is that on your latest dump you selected to dump the ME FW section only, but when selecting this you don't actually get the full ME FW. The ICC data gets left out, and FITC just fills in the missing data. Doing a full dump will get you the full ME FW.

Yes the lack of padding is fine. I often link people their full firmware back so they don't get worried about it, but the ME FW itself with no padding will flash fine despite the warning.

On a side note, FITC says that your dump has an invalid entry. This entry is about a disabled feature so it doesn't matter.

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Ok, flashed the new ME and unlocked the XTU. It was enabled right after opening it, no need to reinstall.

Also in BIOS I have some changes under ICC profiles.

The problem right now is to figure out the max I could get from this, I've tried at 102 bclk and is an instant freeze. And I don't know nothing about voltages, how much I can add to make it stable.post-6299-14494997012736_thumb.png

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Wow 102 crash instantly? Haswell makes the small 104-106 on SB/IVB look good. Unless you figure something out to get to at least 104 I'm not going to bother modding for haswell systems in the future since the gains are so tiny. Please let me know your final stable result.

As for adding voltage, CPU voltage is not your problem if it's crashing at 102. Your problem is probably the system agent part of the CPU, which gets its own voltage.

What model laptop is this by the way?

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Applied a little bit more core voltage (+0.08) and I'm able to do 102.6Mhz on bclk which seems stable enough for validation and an XTU benchmark.

Laptop is Asus G750JW, 4700HQ running @ stock 3200MHz turbo.

By default, Intel allows overclocking this CPU with 4 OC bins:

1 core : max 36x

2 cores: max 35x

3 cores: max 34x

4 cores: max 34x

where stock multiplier, like I said is 32x.

What is that system agent part of the CPU and how do I turn it off?

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Applied a little bit more core voltage (+0.08) and I'm able to do 102.6Mhz on bclk which seems stable enough for validation and an XTU benchmark.

Laptop is Asus G750JW, 4700HQ running @ stock 3200MHz turbo.

By default, Intel allows overclocking this CPU with 4 OC bins:

1 core : max 36x

2 cores: max 35x

3 cores: max 34x

4 cores: max 34x

where stock multiplier, like I said is 32x.

What is that system agent part of the CPU and how do I turn it off?

The system agent is the memory and pci-e controller on the cpu. You can't turn it off if you want your computer to work.

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I have a new problem.

After the ME rewrite, every time I power on the notebook the lights goes on, then goes off, it waits like this for about 2 seconds then it starts booting.

Usually, it should start right away, the lights should not go off after pressing the power button.

This "new" behavior is not necessary something bad, but I associate it with an issue because if I touch some BIOS options and I soft brick my laptop it has the same "going off for 2 seconds" behaviour.

It looks like it finds something it doesn't like and it falls back to some "emergency/fallback" settings and it boots using those values.

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I have a new problem.

After the ME rewrite, every time I power on the notebook the lights goes on, then goes off, it waits like this for about 2 seconds then it starts booting.

Usually, it should start right away, the lights should not go off after pressing the power button.

This "new" behavior is not necessary something bad, but I associate it with an issue because if I touch some BIOS options and I soft brick my laptop it has the same "going off for 2 seconds" behaviour.

It looks like it finds something it doesn't like and it falls back to some "emergency/fallback" settings and it boots using those values.

Interesting. Looking into this.

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Yesterday I was able to achieve a bclk = 102.6 MHz, I know, nothing fancy about. It could have been 105 or higher, the point I'm trying to say here is that I got that value working on my notebook, and as a result submitted a cpu-z validation and also an XTU benchmark to hwbot.

What is important here is that in order to submit to hwbot I had to save/export my XTU profile.

So, like I'm saying yesterday I went with bclk = 102.6 and core voltage = 0.08. Just some values that proved stable.

Double, triple checked to make sure I was right, and also my XTU settings are on file here on hwbot: Arise`s XTU score: 795 marks with a Core i7 4700HQ


Today I tried again applying the saved profile. Guess what. Instant freeze after hitting the Apply Button in XTU. Feel like pulling off my hair... :(

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Morning All, thought i would give this a go this morning and unfortunately cannot get past the first step -

Anybody have any ideas what I can do - im on a medion x6823 (copy of ms-16f3)


My bios is here, it has been unlocked and I was thinking that maybe now I have all the advanced options in the bios that I may have a setting to set the flash descriptor overide (gonna make a vid of my bios and upload to YT) -

Here is youtube vid: [video=youtube;_g1HyZgB8JE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g1HyZgB8JE[/video]


Here is Whitebook (untested) and Medion x6823 - MS16F3


Unlocked Bios, All options available (disable optimus / dGPU / Ram Speed / RAID and lots lots more) and power management patched to enable native power management on Hackintosh installs.

BLCK is in section - Advanced - Intel ICC - Div2S

Please use this bios only on compatible systems and completely at your own risk.

To bypass secure link / flash errors I always flash using cmd prompt as admin in windows -

[FONT=Verdana]afuwinx64 [/FONT]ms16f3.bin[FONT=Verdana] /gan[/FONT]

Before Flash and after Flash always reset bios to default settings F9

Enjoy and don't forget to say thanks :)

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I think you don't have to patch for power management, all you have to do is to disable the lock in BIOS. Can't say if this works or not, but I remember I saw that option in my BIOS.

It is called CFG Lock and is related to the MSR 0xE2 register, bit 15. ;)

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