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AMD Enduro Fix Incoming?


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Just read an interesting article over at Anandtech:

AnandTech - AMD

Apparently, Jarred Walton has been in direct contact with AMD about the issues with Enduro and the Clevo 7970M under-performing.

Finally, AMD did inform us that the current drivers aren’t fully optimized for performance (particularly with the 7970M), so we should hopefully see some gains with the final driver release—or if not then, the next release. Performance with GCN architecture desktop cards has been a little erratic since the launch, up until the latest Catalyst 12.7 drivers. I believe that the current beta drivers I’m using also predate 12.7 in some aspects (though they're version, so if that’s the case then the official release should clean things up quite a bit.

Also, in the comments he's thrown around some numbers:

Civ5 performance is low (still), but BF3 at 36FPS on 1080p Ultra settings is hardly something to complain about. Really, HD 7970M is more of a competitor to GTX 580M (should be slightly faster) whereas the 680M is the latest and greatest. For our full set of games (and there will be more in the full review), here's what I've got at our Enthusiast (max) settings and 1080p. (Note that NVIDIA 680M numbers are with older 304 series drivers; I'll be updating to 306 series before final review. The 580M are with even older drivers, but I don't have that system so I can't update to the latest drivers--and there's a real chance the latest drivers could drop performance in some titles on Fermi.)

Batman: Arkham City

7970M: 52

680M: 83

580M: 49

Battlefield 3

7970M: 36.1

680M: 42.7

580M: 33.1

Civilization V

7970M: 26.2

680M: 53.4

580M: 41.7

DiRT 3

7970M: 61.1

680M: 68.3

580M: 43.8

Portal 2

7970M: 115.3

680M: 160.5

580M: 104.8


7970M: 47.2

680M: 64.0

580M: 51.8

Total War: Shogun 2 (900p High, as Very High wouldn't run on 7970M)

7970M: 78.6

680M: 120.9

580M: 90.1

Against GTX 680M, right now it's no contest, but that's not really surprising. Against 580M, though, things are close -- and by close, I mean AMD wins by a fairly large margin in some titles like DiRT 3, loses by a large margin in other titles like Civ5, and it's relatively close in the others.

A couple points of interest about Enduro 5.5:

-Redesigned UI with more power options

-Universal reference drivers

I'm excited about the reference driver support the most. Finally, you can go to amd.com and get those damn drivers!

Latest word on a release with 12.7 or 12.8 drivers.

They're saying something via us, if that helps. They're saying, "We're finally going to start updating the drivers." There were no promises of Enduro drive updates prior to this point, so this is a big step. As for the drivers being poor on release, well, that's hardly a shock for a brand new hardware architecture -- all the more reason to not buy anything without the guarantee of driver updates.

The beta drivers exist so there is still hope. I had a HP dv6tqe with 6770m and AMD's BACON was a piece of shit. I hope AMD can get their act together.

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I hope AMD gets their act together too. New cards dont all have driver issues out of the gate. Look at the success of 680m drivers arent a issue and they are newer cards than 7970m. I hope for everyone on the AMD platform that they kick their work into high gear. Thanks for all the info :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loaded the latest beta last night this morning and performance seemed a bit up on this release but my artifacting, freezing etc were still there. It must be my gpus though, i hope the driver shows to be good for you guys though. Gpu underutilization hasnt been fixed but when they ran they seemed better than previous drivers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I switched from the 7970m to the 680m, but I really hope they find the fix for Enduro.

By the way, as far as I know it is an ongoing fix. The patch they released fixed some issues but not all of them as has been reported by numerous users on NBR.

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