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DIY: The Tackey Rubber Nebula


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For when that rubber coating on your laptop phase shifts to fly paper...


Here is what I did,


Disassemble M18x:

Well documented by debaucher:

The palm rest section was the biggest offender for me;


>I used a plastic spoon and nail polish remover to remove the rubber coating:

>Obviously remove as many of the various utility boards as possible.

>I left the touch pad in place because this model used thermally fused plastic rivet like pieces to hold the light pipes in place and I found it easier to mask it off.

>"FrogTape Delicate Surface" worked very well for masking off various surfaces


>I used Krylon Plastic Paint as a base coat and 'Jet Black metal flake Automotive Paint;


>With the paint still setting up I dusted various glow powders over the substrate and dusted some additional black paint to achieve some depth to the effect .

>I after the automotive paint set up I use mate clear coat the overcoat the entire surface. I personally believe glossy clear coat would not look as good. 

>Adjust as needed and re-assemble.


>I Used a USB LED clamp light available ebay/amazon $10 to illuminate


Hope you enjoyed the first post...


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