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Lenovo ThinkPad L440 unlocked BIOS menu / wlan / wi-fi whitelist mod


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  • Bios Modder

In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad L440.

If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread.


For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer  (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip!


Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer  (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link.




CH341A programmer:





SOIC8/SOP8 test clip:






How to use it:


Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.


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  • Bios Modder
26 minutes ago, jpoilux said:

can you share me this L440 unlocked bios please?

Each bios mod prepared individually and based on your personal file backup of bios.
Just read the first post of this tread.

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  • Bios Modder
3 hours ago, yazansparda said:


Can you help me remove Whitelist and unlock Advanced menu for my Lenovo L440?
Thank you  

lenovo dump



Ok. Check PM.

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  • Bios Modder
23 minutes ago, erric said:

Can you help me remove Whitelist battery warning


No, battery whitelist does not present in BIOS, it placed in EC firmware, therefore I can't help you with battery whitelist. 

As I wrote in first post of this thread, I can unlock whitelist for upgrade Wi-Fi card, also I can unlock advanced menu.

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  • Bios Modder
11 hours ago, CriZ93 said:

Hi Klem.

Best Bios Version For L440?



I have not this laptop model, so I don't know which the bios version is the best.

As I described in first post of this thread, I can unlock hidden Advanced menu and unlock whitelist for upgrade Wi-Fi card. For this procedure the bios version doesn't matter.

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  • Bios Modder
7 hours ago, Svizi said:

Hi, Klem. Can you mod my BIOS please?

I want whitelist removal and hidden advanced menu.


Thank you.



Ok. Check PM.

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