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Eurocom MXM MSI GTX 1070 P870dm-g Upgrade Help


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Hello Again,


So I decided to ditch the 980m SLI Configuration and take my chances with the GTX 1070 from Eurocom. 

Currently, it is physically installed - but I am having issues getting the drivers installed.

As of now the laptop boots into windows with generic video drivers. 


First, I would like to clear things up.


From what I have gathered so far: GSync is not an option for the time being? I need to use a specific VBios and Bios, as well as specific drivers?

Is this still the case today?


I was getting my information here:




It looks like the person who successfully got this card to work used a programmer to load the Vbios. 


I just need some direction here if anyone can help. I dont see how eurocom can sell these cards specifically for p870dm-g. Looks like I am going to try giving them a call again.

I have a feeling they have some firmware they don't have linked on their website. 



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On 8/9/2017 at 5:26 PM, IAmNotReallyHere86 said:

HA! Ok Eurocom finally responded. Just needed to use their custom drivers they emailed me. And install in test mode. Everything is working as it should now. going to test the badboy out!!!




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Nope no Gsync. I'll lay out the pros and cons....




The card works great. And performs better than my 980m SLI setup ( there are a few exceptions. Some of my SLI benches in the past were pretty close with premas mods. So hopefully prema does some stuff with the 1070).


Power save modes available through nvidia, and overall battery life increased.


VR support now available.


More headroom to OC since I only have a 330 watt power supply. 


4k gaming performance seems better (only tested with fallout 4, witcher 3 thus far).






No Gsync (Because of the issue below).


BIOS doesn't recognize the card. So UEFI is the only way you can use this card.


Cant flash or update my bios (unless there is a way to do it without disabling UEFI).


Overclocking is limited because of the above issues. Afterburner will have to do..



So anywho....


I suppose you could flash the bios if you had a a second compatible card. Which I don't :(.


I would really like to know if using a modded BIOS would solve some of these issues. Or if such a bios exist. 










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