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Setup 1.30 Discussion

eGPU Enthusiast

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Hi, how i can get DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 for free? why i ask that question because in my country we don't have a credit card yet i'm live in IRAQ .

i bought PE4H+PM3N with ASUS GTX 770 the DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 is only way to install my eGPU with it.:culpability:

Habibi you really need to pay for it, its like a support to Tech Inferno Fan for the greatest of all his efforts and for this community.

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Hey there,

i am able to get the "Echo Express II" via eBay.

Is it possible to build an eGPU solution with it?

Here's the link: http://www.sonnettech.com/product/legacyproducts/echoexpresschassis.html



Yes. See strandmatte's implementation linked at http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/6578-implementations-thunderbolt-expresscard-mpcie-egpus.html#Thunderbolt .

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I checked the spam Folder Too.

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Thank you very much

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hi everyone

i got a problem with the egpu i bought all the parts

but the graphicscard doesnt show up in windows 7

i followed all the instructions from the thread creater but it won´t work

when i´m starting the nvidia graphicscard driver i says that there is no compatible card installed

i need help i need this egpu

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I have actually examined the 3rd option, referring to my earlier question: "Does anyone know why the 4-pin power cable to the thunderbolt card has to be connected when using a powered riser? Lights turn on, but GPU is not detected."

What they've done is pretty much keep the 12V power side going straight where it's needed without intruding on board space.

For the PCIe slot, 12V comes directly from the DC jack to the 12V PCIe slot pins.

For the TB board they've just short circuited across from the DC jack straight to the TB board using the 4-pin yellow/black cable.

Only small voltage signalling goes via the edge connector used to attach the TB board to the PCIe board given the pitch of the wiring is quite small.

If they did provide 12V power via the edge connector instead then give the TB board can supply up to 10W per Thunderbolt port (20W for two) plus say another 10W for the board itself (max), they would have had to use fairly thick power tracks and a beefier edge connector to route up the 30W (max). That would have added additional cost, complexity and use up board realestate.

They made an intelligent choice going the yellow/black cable instead.

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