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US economy much worse than reported.


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Check out this article: m.apnews.mobi/ap/db_6776/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=ZGZbDeFX

Fifty percent living in poverty is a staggering number!! These politicians and lobbyists running this country should be tried for treason for having wasted precious resources on wars and nation building while ignoring the disintegration of the economy.

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I have a feeling something significant will happen in the next few years, People are getting upset. I was actually contemplating a military career because its starting to be more dependable than whats available. From my standpoint i have a feeling im going to have trouble when i want to finally move out.

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Unfortunately, ninja is right. There aren't many things our age group have left to do that we know we will be able to continue doing ~20 years from now. Everything is in the air D:

Right now, the best and most stable job i can think of is working with the NYPD. There are so many loopholes to that system.. 2 of my cousins will be working there pretty soon, and they told me within 3 years they will be making $96,000. Also, medical coverage is like $3 a day for them, for life. Not to mention if my cousin jumped on a loophole a little earlier, he could have had a full pension by his lower 40's. Pretty ridiculous. Also, any TD bank and other banks and places like Walmart require an NYPD officer on hand at all times, which means my cousins can work overtime whenever they want and make $30/hr. Meanwhile there are doctors trying to find medical breakthroughs and scientists trying to advance our world's technology struggling to get grants to work on their projects.


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@MMskate - Any City/State/Govt worker makes the assumption that the respective City/State/Govt doesn't go bankrupt or reorganize or change benefits. No money = no benefits. Money = higher Taxes. Broke Citizens don't pay taxes. In the end, if we don't do something about such a huge divide in pay and social status we are doomed.

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True it seems the military or government jobs seem like the only stable careers but like Steven mentioned, when the government budgets contract significantly due to a non-existent middle class, those jobs are the first to be slashed.

As a soon-to-be doctor, my employment is pretty much guaranteed world wide but as a student I've struggled a lot and have a ton of debt so I can very much relate to people that are struggling. I was speaking with my father who's been around since the 60s in the US and he said he's never seen the US in such bad shape his entire life. The worst part is, all I see on the news are the same sleazy politicians sponsored by the same corporations and lobbyists who aren't interested in effecting any real change.

They key to any country prospering is a strong industrial base which we have all but outsourced to China and India. It started with Clinton in the 90s tossing most favored nation to China and allowing state secrets to be sold and then the Republicans pushing for outsourcing the past 10+ years. At the state level, especially California, the Democrats have destroyed a once great state by regulating it to death and choking small businesses.

With these occupy Wallstreet protests and seeing more and more reports of Americans struggling to pay for necessities, it makes me wonder how much longer it'll be before we start seeing mass rioting on the streets. If it wasn't for the safety net of welfare, I think we would have reached that apex long ago but even with it around, its inevitable--that is unless the government keeps finding a new boogieman to distract the citizens.

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it just seems like the government doesn't understand that welfare can't cover all of America.. and unfortunately it looks like at this rate something like that could happen within our lifetimes..

Issues are just being ignored.

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