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  1. I would like to get a Blu Ray player eventually and I'm wondering how the PS4 and Xbox One compare as a Blu Ray player to a similarly priced dedicated Blu Ray Player. I understand that you're paying for more than just a Blu Ray player when you get a PS4 or Xbox One but how do the game consoles compare to a similarly priced Blu Ray Player? I would bet that a Blu Ray player that costs more than a PS4 or Xbox One plays Blu Ray much better but how would a Blu Ray player that costs $300-$450 compare against the game console that plays Blu Ray discs? Thank you.
  2. Hi there, just a short thread to give you some inspirations. My setup consists of: Macbook Pro Retina 15" Late 2013 OSX + Windows 10 EVGA GeForce GTX 960 Superclocked ACX 2 Akitio Thunder2 PCIe Box Dell-DA2 PSU Dell U2311H Display Samsung TV and Onkyo Receiver Steam Link XBOX One Controller / XBOX 360 Controller Apple Thunderbolt Gigabit-Ethernet Adapter I spend almost 30€ on Adapters and Cables, Crimps etc just to find out that it does not work well and it does not take much to get a sleek and simple design. You just have to be brave enough and willing to cut the Dell PSU The cut Dell-PSU. White is 12V, black GND, blue needs to be shorted against GND, red is not required and can be cut or isolated. I don't know whats that blank is for, so I just cut it. There is some additional cable from 1x 12V and 1x GND to be connected to the Akitio's Power Supply, I don't use the Barrel-Plug anymore. I drilled a hole (about 10mm width) right above the Power Connection. Intelligent people put the cable through the housing first, other (like me) have to force it Cables go under the board, there is about 1 cm of free space. Now it's time to solder the boards power supply. (No pictured) The tiny pins can be bought at Ebay ("PCI-E Pins"/ "PSU Power Connector Pins"). There are also "Wire End Sleeves"with crimp-able necks available which might work as well but I didn't try them. You might give them a try too . Doesn't look good but fits well. I use the lower plastic parts of one PCI-E 8 Pin Power Adapter to make the Pins fit in there, otherwise they would slip out the plug. Holes drilled for better cooling. The front Fan is still connected and blows air into the housing. The GPU Fan presses it out through the selfmade holes. Final and simple Setup, I'am streaming the games over network to my Steam Link. I still need to try if I can connect the TB-Ethernet Adapter to the back of the Akito. best regards kos
  3. Even as Microsoft's newest CEO Satya Nadella tries to steer the company back into relevance by attempting to unify Microsoft notebook, desktop, tablet and smartphone platforms under the "One Microsoft" structure devised by his predecessor Steve Ballmer, most consumers and developers don't seem to care and the company appears destined to fall into obscurity. While it currently dominates the desktop market, it's newest and greatest hope in achieving the "One Microsoft" vision is Windows 10 and at the end of 2015, it barely had climbed to 10% share despite Microsoft's strong marketing push by giving it away for free. In fact, Windows 7 still retains 55% of the desktop OS market with consumers and developers alike perfectly content to stay where they are. According to Forbes, Microsoft is now changing tactics by attempting to scare consumers into upgrading to Windows 10 by telling them Windows 7 has potentially serious security risks and hardware compatibility issues. In speaking to Windows Weekly, Microsoft Marketing chief Chris Capossela said that users who continue on with Windows 7 do so "at your own risk, at your own peril". Forbes Gordon Kelly notes that Microsoft's statements about Windows 7 amount to "complete rubbish" as Windows 7 will be supported until 2020 and with its greater market share vs Windows 10, it is guaranteed to receive more developer attention--which includes security patches and driver updates. Microsoft's motives are fairly transparent as it has a stated goal of one billion devices running Windows 10 within 2-3 years of it's release and with Windows 10 adoption seemingly faltering, they are getting desperate. To make things worse, Vox has an article with a very interesting graph created by Joshua Kunst which illustrates Microsoft losing significant ground among developers since 2008. He made the graph by tracking popular tags on Stack Overflow, a popular forum where many developers hang out and answer programming questions. Looking at this chart, going back to 2008 when Stack Overflow was founded, it becomes clear that Microsoft backed programming languages and applications have declined: C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL all lost ground, yet competing alternatives such as PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript gained significantly. JavaScript owes part of its rise thanks to Android which uses it as the main language for Android apps. In the gaming market, Xbox One started off with a faulty strategy of attempting to force users into purchasing their Kinect device while their competitor Sony produced a more powerful system that did not have similar bundling restrictions. Microsoft eventually backed off but it seems to be too late as Sony's PS4 now holds a dominant lead over Xbox One despite Microsoft's best efforts. (image credit: Ars Technica) So will Microsoft be able to turn around its misfortunes? Maybe if Windows 10 has a drastic turn around in 2016 with more developers getting on board, it is possible but as of right now, the future doesn't seem too bright. View full article
  4. Hi, this thread will be my "Blog" of the experiences and troubles with my S430 and the eGPU Setup. I am currently collecting the pictures and make videos of how I build my case. Updates will come regularly. Update from 12.06.2013: Hey, I got my PE4L 2.1b mod to work. Sadly I rarely have issues with the connection. I think that a downgrade to Gen1 link speed could fix the issue. Bplus now has a cable for the PE4H 2.4 that will allow me to run Gen2 and lucky as I am I was able to get my hands on a Cheap PE4H 2.4 from ebay. I also purchased the new cable from BPlus already. The plans about my case have also changed, I wanted to make a metal one and already had the plans layed out. But with the announcemend of payable Thunderbolt adapters in (hopefully) early 2014 I decided to just make a "cheap" case for these 6 Months that I'll use it. When the cases that come with the Thunderbolt adapter do not fit my needs I'll use the materials and layouts I gathered/made to make a metal case for the Thunderbolt eGPU solution. I will also make some minor changes to the XBOX 360 PSU. So until my new hardware arrives in approx. two weeks there will be no updates. Sorry. Until then Lets start with my System specs: Lenovo S430 3364-57G Core I7 3520M 2 x 2,9Ghz HT 2x 4GB Hyundai DDR3 1600Mhz Plextor 128GB M5S Travelstar Z7K500 500GB Intel HD4000 Zotac GTX 560 Multiview Windows 7 64bit Professional eGPU Setup Specs: PE4L 2.1b with PM3N XBOX 360 Power Brick 203 Watt ( 12V @ 16,5A = 198W , 5Vsb @ 1A = 5W ) DELOCK HUB USB 2.0 4 Port ext. ZSlimZ Molex wire from an old PC PSU Diagnostic Tools: Imgur album: Lenovo S430 eGPU with GTX560 - Imgur 1.2opt ≈368MiB/s H -> D ( ≈ 385MB/s ≈ 77% of 2.0 x1 ) ≈403MiB/s D -> H ( ≈ 422MB/s ≈ 84,5% of 2.0 x1 ) Benchmarks: 3DMark06 -- 20584 ≈ 80% of 25800 3DMark -- Ice Storm: 86378 ≈76% of 113619 ---- Graphics: 125785 ≈ 82,5% of 152566 ---- Physics: 41201 -- Cloudgate: 9652 ≈ 55% of 17605 ---- Graphics: 20463 ≈ 93% of 21922 ---- Physics: 3388 -- Fire Strike: 2398 ≈ 87,5% of 2738 ---- Graphics: 2638 ≈ 91% of 2886 ---- Physics: 4834 ---- Combined: 984 -- 3DMark11 3706 ≈ 91% of 4060 ---- Graphics: 3645 ---- Physics: 4222 ---- Combined: 3507 Software DSDT Override: Windows 8 DSDT Override: I tried, I read several guides on the topic, because I didn't want to setup a new OS, but I haven't found the solution, I experimented a bit myself, but to no avail. Windows 7 DSDT Override: File: DSDT Override + S430.zip The file contains a guide in german aswell. Die Datei enthält auch eine Deutsche Anleitung. DSDT Override for Lenovo S430 (3364-57G) and other Notebooks ===================================================== There is a short guide for the S430 and a long one for other Notebooks. USE AT OWN RISK. NO WARRANTY! If you have a S430 (3364-57G) and Windows 7 installed: Step 1: Open CMD in Admin Mode. Windowskey -> type "cmd" -> right click on it -> start as admin. Step 2: Navigate to this directory. Step 3: Type "asl /loadtable DSDT-S430.aml" into the commandline. Step 4: Reboot. Check Device Manager -> view -> resource by connection. If you have a "Large Memory" entry now, you're done. ===================================================== ===================================================== If you have no Lenovo S430 you have to go the full way. Step 1: Open your Device Manager and click on view -> ressources by connection. Step 2: Search for the last "PCI bus" entry. It should have a lot of subentries, including "Motherboard resources". Step 3: Write down or memorise the last digits of the second value inside the brackets. e.g. Entry: [00000000BFA00000 - 00000000FEAFFFFF] PCI bus Value to memorise would be "FEAFFFFF". Step 4: Open CMD in Admin Mode. Windowskey -> type "cmd" -> right click on it -> start as admin. Step 5: Navigate to this directory. Step 6: Type "iasl -g" into the command line. You should have some new files in your directory now. One of them should end with ".dsl". Step 7: Open the .dsl file with the editor. Step 8: Press STRG + F and search for the memorised value. Step 10: You will see a bunch of "DWordMemory" Methods, go to the end of that list, put your cursor behind the last "TypeStatic)" ( yes after the bracket ) press Enter and now copy the following at the place: QWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite, 0x0000000000000000, // Granularity 0x0000000C20000000, // Range Minimum, set it to 48.5GB 0x0000000E0FFFFFFF, // Range Maximum, set it to 56.25GB 0x0000000000000000, // Translation Offset 0x00000001F0000000, // Length calculated by Range Max - Range Min. ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic) It should look like this: Now indent if you like for better readability. ( Notice the Method you inserted is a 64bit QWordMemory not DWordMemory ) Step 11: Go to the top of the textfile, you should see two lines that start with "AHCI" delete both and save the file. Step 12: Switch to the command line again. Type "iasl <name of="" the="" file="" you="" got=""><dsl file="" name="">.dsl". Step 13: Check the output, if there are 0 Errors you are fine if not check some DSDT sites like: DIY eGPU experiences - Page 1003 tonymacx86 Don't forget to thank them for their efforts. Step 14: If you got 0 Errors you'll get a "DSDT.aml" file. Type "asl /loadtable DSDT.aml" into the command line. Step 15: Reboot. Check Device Manager -> view -> resource by connection. If you have a "Large Memory" entry now, you're done. Hardware & Case XBOX360 PowerBrick: Q: Won't 198W be too much for a Molex wire to handle? Aren't you afraid of cable fire? A: Yes you are right, 198Watt would be too much for a single Molex wire, but I have a GTX560 that just consumes 150Watt. Molex oficially handles up to 11A per lane, what would make 132W on the 12V lane. I know I am slightly above that and tested the wire heat while my GPU was on maximum Load during a 3DMark benchmark. it got warm, but far from Hot. I would guess that the single 12V cable had about 26°-30°C and I decided that this is okay for me. Edit: I tested the temperature with a device now, the cables surface got 24,3°C warm. So please keep 11A per lane in mind and be careful! Cable fire is very dangerous. Test thoroughly beforehand! Q: Why do 5Vsb and PSU Enable go into the red lane? A: When you plug in the XBOX PSU it will be on standby and only provide 5V on the 5Vsb lane ( Vsb = Volt Standby ), to wake the PSU up there must be a 1,5V to 5V current on the PSU Enable lane. Only then you'll have power on the 12V lane to power your GPU. Q: Why did you seperate the GND lanes? A: I noticed that the 3 lanes get a bit too thick for my shrinking hose, so I split it up. The thinner wires handle up to 8A per lane and my GPU needs 12,5A so I am safe with my GTX560 in this case. The male Molex connector is connected with the female one on the XBOX PSU. The female connectors are for the PCI-E power adapters and the female floppy for the PE4L. I just cut them off from an old ATX PSU. Discontinued attempts PE4L Socket and Plug: I tried to connect the PE4L via a HDMI cable to get more mobility. Sadly it didn't work. I soldered everything right, but it seems that the impedance of 4 soldered bridges and one HDMI connection is too much. Here are some pictures: Photo Album - Imgur Ferrit Cores for the PCI-EMM060B Cable: Short: It didn't work no Gen2 Speeds: to be continued...</dsl></name>
  5. Call of Duty Black Ops is back. Out 11.13.12
  6. Doom 3 BFG Edition, a re-mastered and expanded version of Doom 3, will be released for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this autumn. The new version includes the original Doom and Doom 2, Resurrection of Evil plus The Lost Mission, a never-before-seen single-player story for Doom 3 spread over seven fresh levels. Re-mastered graphics, support for 3D and head-mounted displays, 5.1 surround sound, improved rendering and lighting will also feature. There's also a new checkpoint save system for "smoother progression" through the game, plus an armour-mounted flashlight, allowing players to illuminate dark corners and kill enemies at the same time. Doom 4 is coming? hope so!
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