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Found 8 results

  1. Hi guys So i think im going to run into an issue and may need some help I currently have a M17xr3-3D with a 580m.. Which died its the 3rd one, which is in need of an upgrade anyway. So i'm planning on buying a 780m which i will need an unlocked bios for. Only problem is i believe i need to access the bios to get the new card working As i've seen this in the sellers info installing their card in a M17x R2 R3 1. Flash bios with (R2) A10 or (R3) A12 , unlocked Bios 2. a) Disable onboard HD audio (/R3 Disable onboard grahpic card <- this don't apply to me as i have the 120hz 3d) Disable IDT GPU in advanced settings //R3 change display model from SG to PDG 3. Install Card 4. Install this driver with the .ini mod (easy): Is there anyway i can get my hand on a bios with those settings preconfigured so i have blind flash? otherwise im just going to keep getting beeps?
  2. Hi! As topic says one of my gtx580m burned (literally flashed and smoked when we tested it with dell technician) so now I am without the primary card. Even though the secondary 580m is still in my bios doesn't see any card besides Intel Sandy Bridge which is obviously integrated IntelHD. Now when i tried to run my system, windows loads, but I can't get to the desktop cause all I get is a white screen. It's the same on safe mode and even when I tried to run Linux from the USB. Is there any option to change integrated graphics as my primary without getting on windows for fn+f7? It's white screen all the time... Any ideas? Thanks, Tycjan.
  3. Hey guys, I had a looooooong drive to my first Alienware - the M17x R2. I upgraded it from CPU to GPU to even better Memory.. and I sold it, what I deeply regret. I'm now at my desktop with i3 and gtx 660.. buyed it just an half year ago but I hate it. It also takes a lot of Space at my desk.. the dust not to mention. ^^ So I'll gotta go for an used Alienware Laptop, but which one? I would have enough place for an M18x, but dont know whetherthepower, guess It's overpowered for me. I even dont know which Revision I should take :/ These new M17/ M18 are pretty awsome, but way too pricey. So, I'm comingfrom an i7 920xm (oc to 3.6ghz) to an i3 3220 with 2 cores @ 3.3ghz. Should I take the Sandy Bridge or the Ivy? 'Cause I dont know if for example you can overclock an i7-2670QM that high as you can overclock an extreme Series processor, I definately would upgrade to an extreme processor. So then, the graphic: I dont play the newest Shooters, I'll play an very exotic FPS called Shootmania Storm, which can handle my gtx 660 easily at 90fps. Just sometimes I'll play games like Assassins Creed Brotherhood (best evaaar), Relevations, Mafia 2, Bioshock Infinite and Grid 2. As I wrote in the beginning, I upgraded my r2 with an 7970m. It was pretty awsome, but I wanted to get an nvidia card for the 2D Lightboost. So a little question here: Is it possible to activate the Lightboost on the integrated Display? For what would you guys prefer for my have? Two gtx 580 in an M18x, one 7970m in an R3/ R4 or an 680m? I'm not really interested to upgrade my graphic card an half year later. So some more questions which really could help me consider which Model I'll get. Are the M17x R3 or 4 made of anodized aluminium or does they have some kind of rubber on top and the sides? I know the M18x R1 does have anodized aluminium, like the M17x R2. And how is the heatabsorbation compared in the R3/ R4 and the M18x R1 ? When you're arrived here, I wanted to say thanks for reading this shit whats now out of my mind to make it more clear Eh, last but not least: What would be an fair price for an M17x R3 with normal i7 quadcore, 580m, 8gb ram, 500gb hdd? And what with 680m? Thanks for the read Iamcurious about your answers. Greets, mav
  4. Special thanks: To Eurocom for providing a discounted price to Tech|Inferno. REVIEW IS OUT: nVidia GTX 680M Performance Review | Tech|Inferno We've managed to snag a 680M from Eurocom and will be testing it in an AW M18x-R1 with 2920xm. The video card will hopefully be here this coming week or two. Eventually we'll purchase another for a full SLi review but for now, we'll be doing a 580M SLi vs 680M (single) comparison. Since the Kepler GPU has a huge gaming advantage over the 580M chip, it should be a pretty interesting match-up and something to think about for M18x-R1 users that are looking to upgrade. So what we need from you, the community is feedback on which games and applications you'd like to see tested (sorry svl7, no furmark ). Here is sample of my current games 1. BF3 2. Crysis 2 3. Mafia II 4. Mass Effect 2/3 5. Skyrim 6. Max Payne 3 7. LA Noire 8. Saints Row 3 9. Just Cause 2 10. COD: MW3 11. Darkness II 12. Serious Sam 3 13. Batman Arkham Asylum & City Application list 1. 3DMark Vantage 2. 3DMark 11 3. Sony Vegas GPU render test 4. Unigine Heaven DX11 Not all the games listed above will be tested due to time constraints. Please pick your favorite app/game and reply to this thread. Thanks. Alright poll is closed, the winners are: 1. BF3 2. Skyrim 3. Crysis 2 4. Batman Arkham City 5. Metro2033 (not in the poll but will be tested). In addition I'll be testing the obligatory synthetics such as Vantage + 3DMark 11. If I have time I'll do a cuda render test but that's not important right now. Oh and a few teaser pics for you guys below.
  5. Dell has released a new vbios revision for the 580m http://support.dell.com/support/download...eid=478843 *ISO image of GTX580 A01 Vbios 70.24.2B.00.06* *The flash utility will ask for user input to override PCI Subsystem ID. This is normal. Press y whenever prompted to complete the Vbios flash.* *ISO image of production GTX560M Vbios. Burn image to CD and reboot system. Press F12 to choose CD/DVD drive. When promoted, press Y.* OLD vbios version version 70.24.2B.00.04 had 3 entries core:50.5MHz shader:101MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:67.5MHz --------------- core:73.5MHz shader:147MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:162MHz --------------- core:620MHz shader:1240MHz(bumped shader:1289MHz) memory:750MHz New vbios version 70.24.2B.00.06, has 4 entries: new entry is marked in bold core:50.5MHz shader:101MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:67.5MHz --------------- core:73.5MHz shader:147MHz(bumped shader:270MHz) memory:162MHz --------------- core:475MHz shader:950MHz(bumped shader:950MHz) memory:750MHz --------------- core:620MHz shader:1240MHz(bumped shader:1289MHz) memory:750MHz. Thanks to Saltius from notebookreview and Barcode for posting this at Bios-Mods! Barcode is trying to see if this vbios can be manipulated here: DELL M18X A03 BIOS THROTTLE REMOVAL GTX580M SLI
  6. I was reading an article about Nvidia having better image quality than AMD for the same settings. The reason I decided to create this thread though is after reading this review and particularly that specific part and since we have forum members that have tried both cards on their laptops (ie 460M), I was wondering if you noticed the same thing.
  7. First I would like to say ive been roaming this forum for a short time now and it is a wonderful place a great deal better then other forums that shall not be named *cough* NBR *cough*. Never the less I thought I would post this to tell people about Alienware's Warranty. My story begins with a m17x R1 I received it for a gift and like any self respecting gamer I was excited to say the least. The specs on the laptop were a core 2 duo t9600 @ 2.8. 5400 RPM hard drive a Nvidia 260m and a 1920X1200 LCD Screen 4gigs of RAM. Well to save me from typing a whole five pages of info it was giving me problems from the day I received it. Locking up during game play just not a good experience for my first alienware. Luckily I bought a Warranty the day I received it and called Alienware and they sent out a tech to replace the mobo and Video Card and problems still arose. So after reading and rereading my Warranty I found a clause that states that if a tech has been sent to your house more then twice and your PC has been sent to a depot to be fixed and still has issues you are to be issues a replacement (This is not how it was written just in non lawyer speak lol ). As I told alienware this they soon agreed and sent me a replacement A M17x R2 with the specs of a Core I7 920XM @ 2.0 - 3.2 Turbo a 7200 HDD a AMD 5870 HD and a 1920X1200 RGB screen Nebula Red. I thought wow alienware isent so bad they gave me a huge upgrade well three months past with no issues at all and then a BIOS update came along and as I started to flash mid flash my computer powers off. Anyone in tech knows it is not a good thing I tried to turn it back on and not to my surprise the BIOS chip wasn't working properly. Called Dell they sent a Tech with a replacement for everything Mobo, video card, HDD, RAM you name it. After it would not boot up (bad mobo) The tech told me a little secret since Dell and alienware a now one and the same alienware call centers are no more unless you can get the one in Costa Rica. This is the only call center thet "Alienware" has that is purely for Alienware laptops not XPS or any other computer. The tech told me how they will go to the ends of the earth to please you. I did not want to go through another month of not having a laptop like I did with my R1 so I called the number and spoke to the gentlemen the tech told me to, after I told him all the trouble I have gone though there was a pause and then the person said "I am So very Sorry Sir" and then he said you have been though more trouble then most people I know. and said here is what I am going to do for you. After about thirty minutes of talking and most of it was about video gaming a order was placed for a M17x R3 Core I7 2630QM @ 2.0 - 2.8 Turbo a Nvidia 580M a Samsung SSD and 8 gigs of dual Channel Ram along with the WLED 1920X1080 screen. The Manager told me he would upgrade me to a higher CPU but by regulations if they give you a max setting on one thing such as the 580m they can not upgrade anything else. (which I was fine with). After all the talking he told me never to call the 1866 number ever again just to email him and it would get taken care of. Some people might view it has more of a downgrade R2 Vs R3 result but hey the way i see it i have one of the best mobile video cards and a SSD for free thats a good 500 - 800 dollar savings Im good with that. This is my story of how even though some dell reps can be stubborn or just hard headed know your rights as a costumer and always read the warranty.
  8. Oh i know the look on your face when you saw the title your thinking not another whos better! I was thinking about changing the question! Say its a perfect world and both of the video cards were free which would you choice and why? Me personally I would pick Nvidia because I have had very bad experiences with AMD/ATI what about you? Edit: I am referring to the 580m sorry for any confusion!
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