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Everything posted by Acholate

  1. Thank you! Successfully flashed..working smoothly @1100/1400, not want to push any further cause I only play sc2. edit: forgot to mention that I using a11 bios version
  2. I currently using razer lachesis, it's ok but I like my previous diamondback more somehow.
  3. i got my m14x r2 pretty good deal. Brought it during $200 off promotion, and another $100 off from using student card. So in my case I would say absolutely worth buying.
  4. Must be something wrong with your setting because my m14x r2 screen is really bright
  5. Just brought m14x r2 come along with windows 8 In my opinion, the interface look nice and clean but not so user friendly, and most metro program are still sucked.
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