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Everything posted by svl7

  1. Depends on where you're located, let me PM you.
  2. At least some tiny resistors. No idea how much the board can actually handle though... Define "crash". You got an AW17? The mobo of that machine doesn't seem to have a lot of headroom. Looks as if you hit a wall. No, I'm afraid I can't really follow. The vbios itself is fine, it has been tested on different system. Ever tried running with stock cpu speeds? I have no idea how the R1 mobo behaves.
  3. I have bios chips here if you want to go that route. Needs soldering to be replaced though.
  4. The ssid mismatch doesn't matter, as explained in the flashing tutorial. If your benchmark won't even start then it looks like a software issue. In your other post you said it crashes during the physics test... well, that's not gpu related either. What kind of PSU do you use?
  5. If the method described here doesn't work anymore then that's not really good news. You could try the same method without the usb stick, that might load the defaults but for me it seem that your bios is messed up. Any warranty left?
  6. It still downclocks perfectly fine when idling. See this post for example. Clocks? Settings? Temps? If you wanna solder then there might be a way.
  7. That sounds more like a hardware issue when you say the laptop shut down unexpectedly. Did you try to start it again after that happened? I mean before trying the blind flash. Which BIOS was installed and which one did you try to flash? Also turning off the machine while trying a blind flash is really not a great idea.
  8. Here you go. Please post a screenshot showing the overclocking section of nvidia inspector. Thanks.
  9. For voltage above 1.21V you'll need either a hardmod or use the MSI AB voltage workaround. For everything else, use the attached vbios. Please let me know if all is working fine. Thanks. MSI 780 - 'Twin Frozr' - - 'OC edition' v04.zip
  10. Non-sense, where the hell is there a crack? Then again it's eurocom, they will always mess with you. I don't see anything there at all. Also a lot of cards have slightly discolored die corners after a while, that's totally normal. I would not accept that poor excuse. Though you probably can't really do anything about it. Also - "repair the die". Eurocom, wtf. I'd never deal with them. If the die was actually cracked there would be no way to repair it.
  11. There are just so many cards... I'd recommend trying the ACX version that can be found attached in the first post, should work perfectly fine with the iChiLL cooler. I'll look into that. Actually the older vbios should work fine on the newer cards, but people are not likely to flash that I think, cause it will need a security override to do so.
  12. Have to check the DOS version. There certainly has been no change in the windows version... -6 is there as always and still works perfectly. Yeah, here you go. Trying to catch up on all the mods. I promised that one quite a while ago. Someone please let me know if all is ok. Also if you have different original vbios versions please send me a copy. 80.80.4E.00.01_-_GTX_Titan_Black_'OC_edition'_rev04.zip
  13. A small amount will suffice. The paste is simply there to make sure there's no air between the die and the heatsink since air is a terrible thermal conductor. The "grain of rice" size comparison isn't too bad imo. In the end you just don't want to have no air in there. It really doesn't need a lot of volume, after all there should be no almost no air gap between die and heatsink anyway. If there is, then your heatsink is not planar. You can test it easily with if you have two pieces of glass, e.g. microscope slides or whatever, put some paste on one of it, then press the other on it... then you'll see how far a relatively tiny amount will spread.
  14. Not sure what you exactly mean, but - just clean it all off, then apply fresh paste. Done. Use some rubbing alcohol or similar for cleaning and it's all off in seconds.
  15. Hardware? You can't disable gpu power states from the system bios...
  16. Can you explain this a bit more detailed? What was your original vbios version?
  17. Just came across this post. Is anybody else experiencing this issue? Especially Clevo and AW users? Might be MSI specific...
  18. Thread cleaned up. Refer to post nr. 1 for rules. I don't mind handing out infractions to people who can't read.
  19. Here: Lenovo - Downloads - Tech|Inferno Forums
  20. 800m series Kepler mods added to the second post. Includes 880m, 870m and 860m (GK104).
  21. Nonsense. Will upload the revised mod when I get the chance. Trying to catch up on all the stuff.
  22. Added revised versions of the downsampling optimized vbios. Can be found attached in the first post. Should get rid of stability issues that certain users had with their cards. Thanks @Woklbokl for the feedback. Haven't flashed the Titan from DOS in a while, but should work fine even with older versions. Else just flash from within Windows. Never got that error so far.
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