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About scribbles311

  • Birthday 02/01/1980

scribbles311's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. I'll let you know about the wires as soon as I install my 6325. Impulse bought a new network card only to have Lenovo tell me it was "unauthorized." This is the last laptop I will ever buy from Lenovo.
  2. I used the default N-2230 as well and nothing but problems, which is weird because the previous laptop (also from lenovo) has a three wire setup and an awesome network card (can't rmemeber off the top of my head). Ironically, though Lenovo prob went with a lower card to save money, it will likely cost them return customers. After I first saw the "Unauthorized wireless card" screen when trying to install a 6235 I resolved never to buy from Lenovo again. Having a locked down BIOS is like being sold a car that you have to go to the dealer to open the hood on.
  3. I had to deal with this too, recently had a power outage and could barely play The Binding of Isaac while I waited for the power crew to arrive. Meanwhile, with battery I have the latest games looking and playing just fine. Laptops aren't really mobile anymore, are they? (unless by mobile you mean I can plug it in somewhere else)
  4. I agree weight (and heat!) are definitely issues. Fortunately most games run just fine without ridiculous graphics cards (um, Titan, anyone?) The tech is really outpacing the programming in this case.
  5. You can definitely run instances of Windows on a Mac, and you can do the opposite as well, running Apple OS on a PC. Just need that partition.
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