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  1. custom light controller (for 8 color keyboards only!) -What it is: This is a custom backlight controller intended for Clevo models with backlit keyboards. It is a replacement for the standard Clevo keyboard app. By default it works like the original. If you want to take advantage of some of the advanced effects you’ll have to set the app to start with windows (there are all sorts of option in the settings page, top right) -Project status: A first public beta is available for download -Issues/bugs: -Prerequisites: -Hotkey driver MUST be installed and working. -.NET 4.5 is required. Windows 8 have it by default. Other systems need to install it by hand. -Installation: Run the setup and follow the instructions -New effects So far we have 3 new effects: 1) Temperature/Usage lighting. Some of you will probably already know that one. It's using pizzadude223's code. Lights change depending on temperature of CPU/GPU. Dual GPU's supported 2) Audio lighting. Lights change depending on intensity of the music. Keep in mind that lowering the latency will increase CPU usage so try to find the sweet spot on your system 3) Heartbeat. Lights follow a heartbeat pattern that increases in speed according to CPU usage 4)Adaptive color effect This effect works for applications that run in non-exclusive mode. That means windows apps and games running in either windowed or borderless modes only (ie no fullscreen). This mode lets you color the keyboard based on what happens on the screen. You have 2 basic modes, “Aero” which basically colors the keyboard according to the aero color in windows and “Screen Average” which scans the screen to determine what the average color is. When you use Screen Average you have certain extra ways to tweak your color. You can choose whether to use a single color for the whole keyboard or use a different one for each keyboard region. When you use 3 colors, each color is decided based on what happens on the screen part that’s over that region. You can further tweak coloring by specifying what part of the screen will take place in the decision. You can have the whole screen or just the lower or upper half. That’s useful if for example you’re playing a game that most action takes place in only half the screen. For example in a racing game the upper half of the screen is usually just sky. There is an option that will affect the sensitivity to color changes, that’s what the minimum diversion does. Lower will be more sensitive. You can also choose whether you want brightness to vary with colors or not. The minimum brightness makes sure that the brightness will not fall under any circumstances bellow that limit. The update rate is like in other effects the speed by which the effect refreshes. A word of notice on this one, this effect is a very complex operation; it’s not a simple thing. If you overdo it you will get a SEVERE performance hit. I find that 50ms is a good compromise between speed and performance. Keep in mind that this is still a BETA. It means that bugs are normal to be found. We will try to address them in turn but you’ll have to be patient. I’d welcome any comments or bugs you may have to report but in order to make it easier I want you to always post your specs along with a detailed explanation of what you are reporting. Also make sure that the problem is repeatable. -Licenses This is freeware. You may use it freely. I would appreciate distributors interested contacting one us of first if you would like to support our effort: <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> <input name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" type="hidden"> <input name="hosted_button_id" value="DV2X6ELM4Q4SN" type="hidden"> <input src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" border="0" type="image"> </form> -Themes Apart from the default themes (That you can switch via the settings menu) you can create your own too. The app’s theme engine is modular. It means that you can theme only the items you want, without the need to change everything. It is very flexible but it has it’s limits so be careful if you’re a newbie. If your theme crashes the app, just delete it and the functionality will be restored. The themes are each stored in a unique folder located in Hotkey’s installed location (c:\Program Files (x86)\Hotkey\themes). The theme’s name is its folder name. You will see that there is a “template” theme. It’s a guide to help you on your first steps. Be sure to read both the readme.txt as well as the theme.txt placed in there. They describe most of the stuff you’ll need… -Download You can download the app from here or from out site: clevomods | home of the Custom light controller and LightFX library -Changelog 2/11/13 -added effect 'adaptive color'. Mode to drive colors/brightness based on aero color or average screen color -fixed colorwheel bug now showing properly on custom color panel -fixed not resuming after sleep bug -added tray access to effects& profiles 14/10/13 -bugfix with non admin execution of app 14/10/13 -added theme support -fixed colorwheel bug now showing properly on custom color cycle panel -added brightness driven only mode to audio panel 25/9/13 -added new rendering modes to audio panel -added import/export in custom color cycles -added temperature/usage driven brightness in temperature panel -newer hardware monitoring library(better support for Haswell CPUs) -fixed application positioning when taskbar is in a position other than bottom -fixed tray icon bug missing sometimes -beat detection algorithm tweaks -audio panel tweaks -fixed flickering on progressbars 12/9/13 -bugfixes crash during startup on some systems -better exception catching -better SM series compatibility -better tray temperature handling(for those who were experiencing hangs in temperature mode after running the app for some time) -better powersavings behavior -added installer -Also in this version you don't need to close ledkb in order for LightFX to work. When ledkb is running, it detects whether LightFX is in use. If it is, it "pauses" ledkb until LightFX is finished (i.e. you exit the game) and then resumes. 5/9/13 -bugfixes hide from alt-tab when minimized to tray 15/8/13 -bugfixes causing crash on startup 12/8/13 -replaced colorstrip with an animated alienware style colorwheel -added brightness slider in custom color panel 30/7/13 -Added new effect. Custom Color cycle. You can create a user specified sequence of lighting. -Added tray icons for temperatures in Temperature mode. 17/7/13 -Fixed starting with Windows with Administrative rights (You will still need to run the app as Administrator in order to set this option) -Minor fixes in resizing -Fixes in trigger mechanism 13/7/13 -Fixed Haswell CPUs temperature monitoring -Added windowed mode with floating resizable windows 11/7/13 -Custom temperature colors and temperature ranges -Option to disable polling when on battery -Option to disable LightFX library (You still have to install it separately) -GUI is cleaner, most of the options are up top now Backlight Controller with LightFX v0.0.5.6.zip Backlight Controller with LightFX v0.0.5.7.zip Backlight Controller with LightFX v0.0.5.9.zip Backlight Controller with LightFX v0.0.6.0.zip
    1 point
  2. I suddenly feel quite antiqued, having to choose between an ultrabay GPU for SLI or extra HDD caddy when you guys are running both lol. Hmm maybe I should grab one of these adapters, just in case.
    1 point
  3. I'm using a second hdd in the ultrabay's sata port and it works perfectly.
    1 point
  4. Yes, there is sata 2.0 port next to ultrabay connector, you need an extension cable and than you can connect a second hdd with the adapter still in. Another update for my vega would be some oc done. I cant touch the gpu clock as it crashes if i apply any changes to it, but it seems to manage with +50power limit on auto ranging from 1600-1710mhz depending on the game running. However the hbm2 memory is overclocking nicely, i got it from 945mhz to 1150mhz.
    1 point
  5. Hey guys i have idea about full time %100 fan solution. While updating bios the laptop fan is running at max speed like dust removal and it runs full time not in on/off periods. So if you can send the bios flashing data to EC instead of dust removal data the fan will run at max speed without periods. I don't know how u doing this and i don't know what is the EC data for dust removal or bios flash so i can't help in script side but i think it is possible.
    1 point
  6. Yes. I buy a new EXP GDC Beast that was the problem
    1 point

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